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First thing that popped to mind was - excuse the comparison - something very Beatles-ish.

A Magical Mystery Tour or Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band era piece, if you will.

Comparisons aside, I'll simply say that I love the song.


One of the more original mixes i've heard in a while (though unfortunately i haven't been able to listen to much of the new stuff). Love the 60/70's sound and the arrangement as well. It would've been cool with some vocal stuff though.

One of the more original mixes i've heard in a while (though unfortunately i haven't been able to listen to much of the new stuff). Love the 60/70's sound and the arrangement as well. It would've been cool with some vocal stuff though.

Hmm... I didn't think it was particularly original.

Infact, it sounded almost exactly like a remix I heard on VGMix years ago...

Hmm... I didn't think it was particularly original.

Infact, it sounded almost exactly like a remix I heard on VGMix years ago...

That's because ilp0 had an older version of the track on VGMix2. In my vote, I referenced playing it on a past radio show that has that information.

That's because ilp0 had an older version of the track on VGMix2. In my vote, I referenced playing it on a past radio show that has that information.

hehe, I was just kidding ;-)

This is a great track though


I love the zany feel from this mix. It's just so much fun. The first half kind of reminded me of Bennie and the Jets. I think it was the percussion. Simple, fun, light, just plain awesome. Keep it up!


Really fun! At first, I wasn't sure where you were going with it, because it felt like this weird Tom Waits/"Circus from Hell" kind of feel, and then as soon as the theme came in, it's like "yeah!"

Someone above wrote about smiling as soon as they heard the melody - I think that this is just one of those tunes that makes you happy and you've done it a great justice! I think that you captured a lot of the fun that's in the melody in your arrangement!

Yeah! Nice work!


I'll admit that when I first saw that title, I figured it was some kind of dramatic orchestra type thing. It's not at all. Of course, that doesn't change the fact that it is amazing. I especially love the part with the backwards sounds. Greatness.


Seargent Mario's Trippy Mushroom World Band? If it were a little more ragtime, I woulda said this might have been good BG music for a silent film ;P The song is goofy for some reason and I have to agree with everyone else. I felt like grinning like a moron listening to this. Personally, I think DJP was a bit harsh in his criticism of the mix when he called it conservative. It is a bit, but there's something about this piece that makes me think it wouldn't work as well if it weren't conservative. I love it as is.


The originality of this mix stems from the sheer multitude and variedness of its instrumentation, not of the amount of original material. Although, there is (as Pixie notes) some ten seconds of quality creativeness – which serves to bridge verses. Also, it increases in complexity as it progresses. Nice xylophones (?!) on the lead at 1:18. Back to its roots (guitar) for the ending.

Good stuff indeed.


I, too, grinned when I listened to this song for the first time. It's a funny little tune, simply a good time.

I love the instruments used for this song; they give it a rather unique feel despite the closeness to the original melody.

Good stuff.

  • 1 year later...

I love ilp0's quirky genius, and this track is no exception. The varied sounds used throughout keep it progressing, and the sound effects and panning hold a lot of great surprises. His guitar playing style is really emotive too, but in a very playfully mechanical way. Like a little wind up toy that has a few dings in it, making it slightly unhinged. The filter on the lead tone helps this out, and ilp0's sonic signature is unmistakable.

Overall this is an exceptionally crafted mix, and nothing else will sound like this.

  • 11 months later...

A crazy and goofy little tune. I'll probably be one of maybe fifty people in the world to say that I always liked the SMB2 overworld theme more than the original Mario theme. That being said, being close to the original source was a plus for me and those instruments made me smile.

  • 6 months later...

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