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I was all set to watch Raw but this came on...


I met him at an autograph signing a few months ago, and can't believe that something could happen to someone like him. His whole family was apparently found dead in their new home. I hope foul play wasn't involved, but if it was, it just goes to show that something can happen to anyone...


I didn't think anyone else here liked wrestling but that doesn't seem to be the case. I will miss Benoit. He was one of if not the best Wrestler I have ever seen in my life. Very talented. I really hope this doesn't turn out to be a murder-suicide. And about the whole McMahon death storyline, from what I heard, they are completely dropping it. McMahon also made an appearance on tonights RAW, showing he was alive and well. It would seem silly to continue it after that.


The tribute show for Benoit was just as emotional for me as the tribute show for Eddie a few months ago. I was teary eyed throughout the show but the WMXX match towards the end where both Benoit and Eddie hug and celebrate in joy made me loose my composure.

And now all this news regarding how the whole affair is a case of double murder suicide (from WWE website) is quite disturbing and confusing. Most of the wrestlers did mention how Benoit was such a private man. I really hope it's not true that Benoit murdered his wife and seven year old son.

And now all this news regarding how the whole affair is a case of double murder suicide (from WWE website) is quite disturbing and confusing. Most of the wrestlers did mention how Benoit was such a private man. I really hope it's not true that Benoit murdered his wife and seven year old son.

Dunno... didn't he excuse himself from the PPV event he was scheduled to show up in due to "personal reasons"?... Sounds fishy, but in any case no person deserves to go that young, except for those who truly deserve it (rapists, murderers, etc.) If anything if it was allegedly a suicide his wife and definitely his son didnt deserve to die, im sure thats not in question here. Anyways, im definitely sad to see all the wrestlers I grew up with pass away in such tragic ways =(


I was really hoping that it wasn't something like this:

"WAGA, a FOX-owned and operated television station in Atlanta, reported that investigators believe Benoit killed his wife and 7-year-old son over the weekend, then himself on Monday."

- from WWE.com

Hopefully, if this is true, it was some kind of accident...


Since this would be about the fourth time I type something like this out, I simply can't bring myself to do it again, so here's a copypasta from a different thread:

The more information that comes out about this, the harder it is to take. Apparently reports are saying that Benoit killed his wife and kid over the weekend, then killed himself sometime Monday.

That's a statement I never in my life thought I would make. I can't understand it at all. I'm losing sleep over this. How does someone who showed so much love for his family and respect for all around him end up doing something so sinister? I have a wife and kid, and I just can't picture any scenario in which this sort of thing could ever happen. I keep running through different scenarios in my head, trying to figure it out. He killed his wife on Saturday, apparently, then his son on Sunday. However it played out, it's tragic. This is hitting me harder than the death of Owen Hart did. Why did his son have to be involved? That's the part that gets me. He spent a full day alone with his son, how did they spend it? Was his son terrified in his final moments of the man he looked up to his whole life? His son was 7 years old for christs sake. Old enough to know what was going on. Old enough to understand what his dad did. As a father, it kills me to think about that. I could never do anything intentionally that would tarnish my sons view about me, I couldn't live with myself.

They say the results of the autopsies may take up to a couple of weeks, depending on the circumstances. WWE also apparently knows more about the case, although they were asked not to divulge any more information yet. No one knows yet what the "instruments of death" are, either. With information as vague as this, it's hard to get it out of my head. Hell, I can't bring myself to hate him. What are the circumstances which pushed him to the breaking point?

Also, the earliest autopsy results should be in at about 10:00 am. Hopefully we'll know more then, but in any case I hope that clears up the "whodunnit" for now. Benoit is a murderer. That's a hard pill to swallow.


It's interesting that yesterday evening on WWE website they had a picture of Benoit smiling with the news that Benoit had passed away. But as more information was revealed that this was a double murder suicide case, they changed his picture to Benoit frowning and looking all intense and angry.


As far as this goes, I've been a big fan of Benoit for a long time. I'm gonna withhold any sort of judgment until all the facts come out. Right now everything is just early speculation. I'm just as anxious to find out what happened as much as everyone else is.

But I've gone to several other places and they've already passed judgment on him w/o knowing anything, and that pisses me off.

So to the Benoit Family, I will offer my condolences to them.


My brother came into my room last night and told me about the murder-suicide update. I was in bed asleep, but I replied to him, apparently. When I woke up this morning, I had to check wwe.com because I wasn't sure if his words were real or just some horrible dream. How could a man so dedicated to his family do something like this? Part of me is still refusing to believe it.

RedTigrr: I hear you, it's like that all over Facebook already. I'm sure if those people knew Benoit personally, they wouldn't be talking like that.


Right now, the investigation is only being treated as a possible murder suicide, nothing is confirmed. Also my father, who has some very extensive knowledge in law, says police departments and investigators tend only to give one side of the picture to the public to keep them from speculating. It is possible that they are investigating other possible causes.

Also, the thing that bothers me the most was the fact that Benoit texted his friends (wasn't clear which ones) to come to his house because something was wrong. It seems like something else may have been going on. This can be found at the WWE press release which many have already posted a link to.

I also don't see any motive for Benoit murdering his family. Lets say his wife cheated on him or something like that, why kill Daniel. Also this seems like it was planed which doesn't make sense to me as Benoit was actually doing fine in WWE at the moment and he was about to win the ECW title. I just don't see why he would do that.

Right now I don't think its safe to pass judgement. We need some more concerte info.


there's some crazy stuff going... yeah, has to be the roids.

The news is saying he killed his wife by strangling her to death, waited a couple hours then apparently decided that it would be a good idea to smother his 7 year old kid to death. Then after staying inside a house for a few hours with two dead bodies, he hung himself on his weight equipment. Then the investigator's said they found bibles placed next to both the victims' bodies. Crazy stuff.

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