Thin Crust Posted June 28, 2007 Posted June 28, 2007 That reminds me, has any one try beatng it with just four white mages..? I just have one thing to say about that. And also, watch this. It was funny, and pretty cool. You most likely wouldn't get the drink part unless you saw this Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted June 29, 2007 Posted June 29, 2007 double postlolI blogged about how terrible quest 64 is on my myspace if you care to read I've been told it's kind of funny It is funny lol. Alot of what ya said had merit, but I'm surprised you left out the atrocious battle system Q64 had. Good god... Huge ring marking the field, both the enemy and you had a particular set area to "move"; be it moving closer or running. More often then not the monsters/enemies had a bigger distance to reach you unless they were stationary types. Yeah you had powerups that allowed to move more but they didn't last for long. There was this sorceress named Shilf at one point that seem to attack with wind based Doughnuts of Doom at you randomly along with homing arrows; which oddly enough are much more easier to dodge than her donuts. Nonetheless despite that along many other issues that were mentioned in your blog, I still managed to enjoy it and actually finish the game. I also have Goldeneye with all the exra stuff accessable too back to FF1 though, though actually FF2... What the hell does a guy have to do to get or find a "good" remix of "Castle Pandemonium" from FF2 damn it? In before "post n requestsn section" Quote
The Mutericator Posted June 29, 2007 Posted June 29, 2007 That reminds me, has any one try beatng it with just four white mages..? Four white mages? That'll never work! xD I've already been on the quest to play through FF's 1-6, ever since I realized they were releasing them for the GBA and DS. So far I'm most of the way complete - I enjoyed 1, although after beating the final hidden dungeon I had so many secret swords of awesome that I simply had to give the Masamune to my black mage. 2, surprisingly, I liked a lot. Maybe I'm a masochist, but once you got above a certain point early on in 2, it actually wasn't that bad. That and having changing party members was cool too. I never got through the extra stuff in it, though - made it into Castle Pandemonium in Hell on the "Cave of Souls" expansion thingy (the one where you play all the fallen guys from your party), but then accidentally erased the file... whoops. 3 I'm going to borrow from a friend. It sounds like my kind of game, too - difficult unless you level up, and I'm a chronic overleveler. 4 was the one I couldn't stand. I made it up to the final dungeon then put it down and couldn't touch it again. It took everything I had just to play it that far... I have no idea what put me so far off it, but I honestly couldn't stand it, and just kept thinking "I'm almost done I'm almost done I'm almost done..." over and over. 5 is my favorite. The class system is absolute tops, and I've owned the crap out of everything in that game to the point where I have one character who is invincible to everything except Flare (and Giga and Mega). Seriously. Butz has Undead, the Force Shield, a Ribbon, and the Ultima Weapon. He's immune to elemental magic, physical attacks, and status effects. The only thing I haven't beaten is the Cloister of the Dead, and that's because I recently picked up... 6 should be my favorite. It's the first I played, it's the one where I like the characters the most (Cyan and Sabin LOL), it's got one of the best systems, it rewards grinding... but I can't get myself to beat it. On my ROMs I made it into the World of Ruin and gathered my characters again... now, on the GBA, I'm about to go to the Sealed Gate and I'm grinding for gold to get one more Magicite from the Auction House before I go on... and I can't get myself to play it. Hell, I'm not even as averse to Locke as I once was (it wasn't him, it was how often the game forced him into your party), and I'm actually considerably more adept at playing all the characters in the party than I was. I just can't keep coming back to it. Maybe once I make it into the World of Ruin I'll do better, but... 7 I only played for a while, and I wasn't terribly impressed. Maybe I just missed the hype train way back when it first came out, but... it was bleh. Only three characters out at once, and I'm sure it got a lot deeper later on (yes I made it out of Midgard), but for what I saw... I didn't have any reason to play further. 8 and 9 I never played. I want to play 9, but I've never gotten around to it. 10 I hated for the linearity. Sure you get an airship later on, but being forced from place to place just talking to people and doing planned fights got boring fast. 11 I haven't touched, I'm not an MMO person. 12 I enjoyed, a lot. I only got to put about 20 hours in, up through the Tomb of Wraithwall (yes, I know it takes way less time than that to get there. I told you I'm a chronic leveler - I completely and totally RAPED the boss of the Tomb of Wraithwall). Overall? First six are pretty good, twelve is awesome (obviously controversial, but hey, to each their own), ten sucks (also controversial), need some inspiration to finish 6. Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted June 29, 2007 Posted June 29, 2007 ...need some inspiration to finish 6... How about beating the shit out of the only villian to ever successfully go through with plans of global destruction/domination. Giving closure to all the characters at the end. Just being able to say you've beaten FFVI Quote
BardicKnowledge Posted June 29, 2007 Posted June 29, 2007 FF1 was great -- the new releases that fix the bugs are even better (which is why the GBA port is good). For FF2 I wouldn't consider anything but the GBA version (well, I haven't seen the new PSP game yet) -- the original speed of leveling is crazy. NES FF3 all the way though. I got a copy of it (and FF2, and Earthbound Zero) burned onto NES carts for me: Quote
Warmech Posted June 30, 2007 Posted June 30, 2007 Holy hotness. I have a copy of Earthbound Zero, but it's Famicom only. Might be doin' me some orderin'. Quote
zircon Posted June 30, 2007 Posted June 30, 2007 FF1 was pretty hard for NES, imo. The PSX re-release and the GBA version are both sickeningly easy though. Quote
Johnny B Posted June 30, 2007 Posted June 30, 2007 Yes.My first playthrough I had a fighter, black belt, red mage, black mage, but I had a friend who swore by 4 black belts. You start out pretty weak, but once you upgrade the job classes, you can demolish anything. I played through the game with four black belts earlier this year. Your guys actually don't gain anything except a dumber-looking sprite when they class change to master. This was a pretty big disappointment to me. Once they get to level ten, though, they start hitting twice or four times or something pretty cool, so, yeah, they're hard to stop. The upsides to four BBs is that you pretty much never miss your opponents, and you get a lot stronger from level ups. The downsides are the lack of variety, not being able to do much of anything with weapons or armor (except heal helmets, which you have to use about ten times per battle), and having to buy a bajillion healing potions. I enjoyed it, but then again, I enjoy my pancakes without syrup. I remember reading an article for Quest 64 saying it as being worse than being given a root canal from a dentist. I would have enjoyed Quest 64 a lot more if my brothers hadn’t told me how stupid it was. They must have seen that same article, because they kept telling me I was playing "Trip to the Dentist." I played through it anyway. Quote
Tsuribachi Posted July 1, 2007 Posted July 1, 2007 Without a guide, it is a ridiculous game. I'm talking about the original NES version, as the playstation one has probably been made much easier. (easy mode, lol)You HAVE to level grind, or at the very least spend ages trying to earn money for the stuff you need to just survive. If it weren't for those 3 squares with the hard battles to the east, it would have bored the crap out of me. I think FF1 is how all the Final Fantasy games should have been. It stopped being a challenge after FFIV I think, and I feel that if I'm not being challenged in a game, I might as well not play it. Quote
Fishy Posted July 1, 2007 Posted July 1, 2007 I think FF1 is how all the Final Fantasy games should have been. It stopped being a challenge after FFIV I think, and I feel that if I'm not being challenged in a game, I might as well not play it. I like a challenge too, but having the patiance to train up isn't a challenge. Figuring out hard puzzles or trying to beat MGS2 on european extreme is a challenge; level grinding is a chore :S. I personally play FF games because I enjoy them. I enjoy the feel, the look, the music and getting through the story; I've never played them for the challenge. I mean sure, throw in the odd hard boss to throw the casual player off gaurd, but I think they're getting the idea now. Save the really hard to beat stuff for OPTIONAL bosses and side-quests. Quote
Tsuribachi Posted July 2, 2007 Posted July 2, 2007 I believe level grinding shows dedication, and I love to do it. It shows that you can put some time into a game and make your characters great. I think that more RPG's need to emphasize leveling up your character. Quote
friendlyHunter Posted July 2, 2007 Posted July 2, 2007 I believe level grinding shows dedication, and I love to do it. It shows that you can put some time into a game and make your characters great. I think that more RPG's need to emphasize leveling up your character. I just randomly looked at a thread, and I found this gem! Ha ha, hahaha!! Nice! But seriously, when it comes to RPGs, I LOVE challenge, and I hate "grinding", yet I obsessively figure out which items are the best to equip on whom (I found that to be quite fun in Golden Sun and Earthbound, and even Paper Mario 2). And, I often find myself being very stingy with the game's currency... never know when I'll need to go to a store and buy 8 of everything! And then when the game ends: "Aww, that was WAY too easy!" Yet only I am to blame! But I've never played FF1. I'll, um, be leaving this thread now... >_> Quote
Arrow Posted July 2, 2007 Posted July 2, 2007 Haven't played 3 or 12 yet (nor most of 10). On topic, I loved Final Fantasy 1 to death when I finally played it. Far too easy on GBA, but still fun as hell. FF2, on the other hand, is still giving me issues. When the final dungeon continuously puts you up against nine Lamias and the game has no Ribbons, something's wrong. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted July 2, 2007 Posted July 2, 2007 I could never bring myself to get that far in either of the first two games, however now that I have the third one for the DS(which I love, btw), I'll be able to say that I've at least beaten one classic Final Fantasy... As soon as I finish up FFXII. Just have to finish up the last dungeon and that'll be that. Also, I'm friggin' ecstatic about the FFIV remake coming to the DS. Easily my favorite game above ever other game I've ever played. Quote
dannyboy00001111 Posted July 8, 2007 Posted July 8, 2007 FF:DoS and FF:Origins both had FF1, but their versions were so much easier than the original(though I beat the NES version when I was 7 years old, and it wasn't too hard back then - except for those goddamn warmechs!). I thought they were cheap remakes. In fact in the water palace that you need oxyale to get into, in the original version, your underwater in the palace which is why you need Oxyale(I mean whats the frickin point of Oxyale if you aren't actually submerged in water!), but in the the afore mentioned versions, your not actually underwater! If you've played them through you'll see that your on platforms in air pockets but not actually underwater! The shark monsters attack you on land! Not only that, but they changed all the names around! I don't want monks, I want black belts! And what ever happened to the ice sword? Its now the Ice Brand(that stupid name thats been used in every new Final Fantasy game!). If anything, the remakes should have been way harder. I guess Square has.... Oh wait, its Square-Enix now. I guess they had to put Enix on there because they altogether put about 10 minutes of extra code in the game. I think both new versions were S-E's way of making some extra money off an old idea. I mean, since the success of ff7, any idiot will buy anything with the FF name on it(like that shitty FFTA that they tried to pawn off as having some sort of relation with the great FFT). Anyways, if you want the real shit, get a Nintendo emulator and grab of a copy of ff1. Because the remakes just suck. Quote
atmuh Posted July 8, 2007 Posted July 8, 2007 (like that shitty FFTA that they tried to pawn off as having some sort of relation with the great FFT) get out and stop swearing like a retard Quote
dannyboy00001111 Posted July 8, 2007 Posted July 8, 2007 get outand stop swearing like a retard What, you liked FFTA? Quote
Bahamut Posted July 8, 2007 Posted July 8, 2007 Funny how people praise the original FF1, I thought that game kinda sucked. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted July 8, 2007 Posted July 8, 2007 Funny how people praise the original FF1, I thought that game kinda sucked. Ditto. The only FF game they've ever "remade" so far is FFIII(until FFIV comes out. You'll know it's out when I start making ungodly amounts of FFIV threads). FFI is pretty lame as far as lame goes. Quote
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