Kupi Posted July 10, 2007 Posted July 10, 2007 I'm gonna say... Medusa, was it? From Kid Icarus. It could have been difficult (and quite likely could have knocked me out several times over) if not for the fact that there was a spot where you were completely out of range of all of its attacks. Drop down, shoot in the eye, rise up, repeat. TEH EDN Quote
HershDawg Posted July 10, 2007 Posted July 10, 2007 even though he is not exactly a final boss. I raped sephiroth on KH 2 pretty hard. Simply trinity limit then berserk charge. A little healing and he doesn't pose much of a challenge. Now the final boss well not being hard he is annoying as hell. Xenmas was a fun fight. Quote
AbyssWyrm Posted July 10, 2007 Posted July 10, 2007 Whatever his name is from Crystalis: I played this for the GB. I found this thing called the wizard ring which gave me beams from my sword regardless of health, and the final was a matter of simply repeatedly pressing B from farther away than he could do much effective. Xenosaga II: They just fucked this up so bad. (The entire game, but the final boss was a special fuck up). The "real" final boss had no dramatic music, no final form, no exotic dancing girls, etc. So when you thought you reached the final boss, even with time in between to save, it was a storyline battle. Storyline battles require proper timing or anticipation: For example, FFVII yay, FFX boo. XSII OMGWTF. Xenosaga III: Meh, by the end of the game I had strategy figured out pretty easily, so there wasn't really any effort required for the bosses in the final dungeon. There was this item called "Seven Moons," available at normal shops in the early part of the game, that revived + fully restored HP/EP. So the best method of healing was to let your characters die one at a time, which wasn't hard to do. Quote
I-n-j-i-n Posted July 10, 2007 Posted July 10, 2007 RPGs don't really count, as most bosses can be made hellish or easy simply by leveling too little or too much. Though there have been a fair number of recent exceptions. I don't think that is the point of pointing them out though. It's just that an RPG builds the villains up and it can be a good finish or bad finish. I thought most villains from FF1 through FF7 were great because you finish the fight that you started from the first few hours of the game. FF8, you fight some crazy monster that popped out of nowhere. FF9 was the same thing, FF10 was the same (monster was alluded to, but too vaguely. Seymour should have rightly been the final boss), FF12 had a villain who basically had no plot twists or real influence in the story. Quote
DuskyFerret Posted July 10, 2007 Posted July 10, 2007 RPGs don't really count, as most bosses can be made hellish or easy simply by leveling too little or too much. Though there have been a fair number of recent exceptions. ...One being the Final boss of FF Mystic Quest. I found out using cure on him takes over 15000 damage. Use 3 and he's dead. Felt kinda dissatisfying by the end of it... Quote
Nick Hyral Posted July 10, 2007 Posted July 10, 2007 RPGs don't really count, as most bosses can be made hellish or easy simply by leveling too little or too much. Though there have been a fair number of recent exceptions. Need I mention super powered Indalecio in Star Ocean 2? *cough* Or any of the latter bosses in Valkyrie Profile 2. =P A few other huge disappointments though.. like Zenon from Disgaea 2. The end boss of Quest 64.. he was a joke... I beat him with the pimp cane your character has. Honestly any Resident Evil boss has been underwhelming... and mostly downright annoying. Tyrant? *yawn* Mr. X going Tyrant.. *double yawn* Nemesis.. overly annoying as he just kept coming back and he never was much of a challenge.. We went over Saddler. The Mana Beast in Secret of Mana was also underwhelming.. I figured there would be something far more nefarious than a mana beast as a boss if it was sapping all the mana from the world. On the note of Necron.. Yeah.. he got on my nerves.. it kinda killed FFIX for me.. You go through all that for some random guy to show up.. "Woe mortals! I'm here to ruin your shit! Ya'll okay with that?" My jaw dropped... I just shook my head and put the control down for a moment. @Injin You made me think on that one.. So true.. though in FFI I wouldn't wholely agree. I thought the whole concept of Chaos being Gariland was kinda mediocre.. and FFIV.. well.. Zeromus was.. eh.. dunno how to put that one.. But yeah, in the other games atleast you get a little something out of your villans. I mean Kefka was on your ass most of FFVI, as was Exdeath in FFV.. I have no clue what is up with Square and all these endbosses who are like old man Oz behind the curtain. Ultimacia.. Yu Yevon.. Necron.. *cough* Oh! Now I want a "Most disappointing ending in a game" thread.. I'd vote Breath of Fire III if you give up your powers. Quote
Fishy Posted July 10, 2007 Posted July 10, 2007 FF8, you fight some crazy monster that popped out of nowhere. FF9 was the same thing, FF10 was the same (monster was alluded to, but too vaguely. Seymour should have rightly been the final boss), FF12 had a villain who basically had no plot twists or real influence in the story. Well, FF8 he was alluded to in a way. FF9 was a bit ridiculous, you just have a nice chat with him to clear things up first. FF12 was half awesome, and half WTF this is ridiculous. I mean ok, nethicite makes you superman, but they may have overdone the muscles somewhat. Cid didn't exactly turn into the hulk. I definately wouldn't call the final boss underwhelming. I thought I had a pretty strong team, I beat both Gilgemesh fights and he was still pretty tough when he had his buffs on. Quote
BleuVII Posted July 10, 2007 Posted July 10, 2007 Well, since this thread is called underwhelming last bosses, and not easy last bosses, that disqualifies a lot of games I would like to bring up (like FFVII, X, and XII, LoZ, and any Mario game). I think Xenosaga I was the most underwhelming. WTF? That's the end of the story? A Gnosis fused with the reactor core of a space lab? I just beat the last boss? No way! Quote
Effector Posted July 10, 2007 Posted July 10, 2007 Still, at the very least they could have had you fight him in his "human" form first, before going all anti-clamatic. I would've loved to fight him in his human form, where he has the ability to make Leon spontaneously cringe in pain, making him temporarily unable to aim. And he'd have all his crazy insane moves, and you'd have to riddle him with bullets until he's one giant bullet hole. THAT would've been epic. But the real final boss.... even the way he dies is completely underwhelming. And why'd you have to keep slashing him with a knife if you're just gonna blow him up anyway? And you barely get to aim the special rocket at him.... lame. Play Separate Ways if you can get your hands on the PS2 or Wii version. Saddler as a human... pretty awesome. Too bad Ada didn't really get a final boss - just another silly timed sequence. Quote
Warmech Posted July 10, 2007 Posted July 10, 2007 Or any of the latter bosses in Valkyrie Profile 2. =P Truth on that. Especially the last boss. Yay for three consecutive battles! Quote
labnumbersix Posted July 10, 2007 Posted July 10, 2007 I submit that Silent Hill 4: The Room has the lamest, most insultingly underwhelming boss battle ever. I adore Silent Hill 4 as one of my most favorite games of all time, and I understand that it's not about the action, it's about the gorgeously told epic story...but it /is/ a game at heart, and that final boss battle was the easiest and most frightfully dull climactic battles I've ever played. Legend of the Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon for the N64 is a close second, with the back-to-back Impact battles being the weakest enemies in the game, with the strategy being mindless repetitive maneuvering. Third runner up goes to Ganon in Ocarina of Time. Hardly epic. Quote
Critical Hit Posted July 10, 2007 Posted July 10, 2007 Play Separate Ways if you can get your hands on the PS2 or Wii version. Saddler as a human... pretty awesome. Too bad Ada didn't really get a final boss - just another silly timed sequence. Heh, I just got to chapter 3 on that last night, I guess I'll finish it up now to do that, sounds fun . Quote
ifirit Posted July 11, 2007 Posted July 11, 2007 I submit that Silent Hill 4: The Room has the lamest, most insultingly underwhelming boss battle ever. I adore Silent Hill 4 as one of my most favorite games of all time, and I understand that it's not about the action, it's about the gorgeously told epic story...but it /is/ a game at heart, and that final boss battle was the easiest and most frightfully dull climactic battles I've ever played. That really depends on the way that you played the game. *SPOILER* Eileen with mega-cursed will practically throw herself into the pool. Plus, with the numerous camera shifts to her, it can be easy to lose track of where you are. Took me a few times to beat Walter the first time through. Now if you want to talk about an underwhelming final boss fight, take it from . Quote
Cyanide cr MK Posted July 11, 2007 Posted July 11, 2007 Well, since this thread is called underwhelming last bosses, and not easy last bosses, that disqualifies a lot of games I would like to bring up (like FFVII, X, and XII, LoZ, and any Mario game). Tomato, tomato. Yeah, the boss was easy. And because of that, it was a huge letdown. Underwhelming, even. Quote
Scufo Posted July 11, 2007 Posted July 11, 2007 [TP spoilers] I'd say all the final bosses in Legend of Zelda: TP were pretty underwhelming, or at least, they were as far as difficulty goes. Zelda, in particular, was way too easy. If I'm not mistaken, this was the first time you had to fight an enemy with 2 parts of the Triforce, yet she was no problem to take down. Also, the "Chance" command that you get in the dual with Ganondorf was fucking lame. Let's revert to the "stand there until it tells you to press A" combat strategy from WW. Nice going, guys. [/TP spoilers] Quote
labnumbersix Posted July 11, 2007 Posted July 11, 2007 True, there are several factors to the ease of the battle, but I guess my expectations were so high because of how amazingly the game kept building and building...everything leading up to that finale was just utterly perfect in my opinion. Which is why I'm going back and playing Silent Hills 1-3...after my foray into 4, which is the first I've ever played, I collected the rest and am delving into them so I'll keep that little nugget about SH2 in mind. Quote
friendlyHunter Posted July 11, 2007 Posted July 11, 2007 I don't think any of TP's bosses were about difficulty.... there are only a few I'd call "underwhelming" though - most had a rather epic feel, despite the complete lack of danger. Spoiler: The Temple of Time boss (if my memory serves correctly, it was some kind of spider... maybe?) was underwhelming in every way. Though it did have the uncanny ability to *gasp* block light, thus casting a shadow! But alas, its unprecedented power of opacity was ultimately its downfall. I think you hit it with giant hammers or something, which involved, if I recall correctly, standing in a large general area and waving a stick? Just for fun I made Link get hit with the hammers - it takes away ONE HEART?!?!? Some kid can get mashed with a gigantic hammer 15 times and still function perfectly normally, but the boss takes, what, 3 hits? But oh, oh, here comes the next part! Cue the evil music, it's splitting up into eyeballs or something! A classic Zelda boss at last! I'll just shoot bomb arrows at it until - .... ........ IT TAKES ONE HIT...... WHAT ON EARTH WERE THEY THINKING?!??!?! That was the most underwhelming boss ever! They probably spent 3 weeks porting that boss from Majora's Mask, and it takes ONE HIT.... is it a bug? Am I insane? Was my mastery of the nunchuck control stick akin to Robin Hood's legendary aim? Did I inadvertently buy the "6 and under" version? Will I shut up already? Anyone ever played this Atari game? http://cosmos.bcst.yahoo.com/up/player/popup/?rn=1475790&cl=2970679 I dunno, if that guy destroys the gond... it can't possibly be as challenging as it's made out to be in the commercial, can it? [Edit] [TP spoilers]I'd say all the final bosses in Legend of Zelda: TP were pretty underwhelming, or at least, they were as far as difficulty goes. Zelda, in particular, was way too easy. If I'm not mistaken, this was the first time you had to fight an enemy with 2 parts of the Triforce, yet she was no problem to take down. Also, the "Chance" command that you get in the dual with Ganondorf was fucking lame. Let's revert to the "stand there until it tells you to press A" combat strategy from WW. Nice going, guys. [/TP spoilers] SPOILERS: That's because she/he had no courage. Nor any sense of timing, speed, strength, and seemingly no power or wisdom either. I suppose the two triforces canceled each other out, and his complete lack of courage gave him low self esteem. "Oh, I'm never gonna beat this guy, I've never beaten a kid wearing green before in my life. I might as well just give up now... and I'm too fat. I'm a giant boar compared to all those other princesses. I might as well turn into a giant boar, and then run around the room teleporting... sigh....." Quote
I-n-j-i-n Posted July 11, 2007 Posted July 11, 2007 TP was just disappointingly easy. It'd be funny if the next Zelda game is just as easy if not even easier. I won't mind if the next Zelda game is Ninja Gaiden-difficult. Well, maybe a little. Quote
friendlyHunter Posted July 11, 2007 Posted July 11, 2007 The thing that bugs me about TP is it's as if they've never heard of multiple skill levels - "arrr, the game must be easy enough for EVERYONE to beat!! NOBODY shall miss out on the pretty cutscenes!" ... or maybe they just thought the weak combat system wasn't worthy of being in a challenging game.... ah well. Quote
Scufo Posted July 11, 2007 Posted July 11, 2007 To be fair, TP was definitely a step in the right direction in terms of difficulty. Both the puzzles and enemies were much harder than in WW (by the way, don't get me wrong, WW is one of my favorite games). Plus Zelda bosses have never been particularly difficult, which I don't have a huge problem with. The final bosses, though, were just too damn easy. Wind Waker's were harder, which is really saying something. Quote
Nick Hyral Posted July 11, 2007 Posted July 11, 2007 Well to be fair most of my gripes aren't really all about the "difficulty" Here are some comparisons on what I classify as underwhelming. The battle with Lezard Valeth in Valkyrie Profile 2. He can be made tough or easy depending on how you abuse the system.. But it was by all means epic. He was pissed, you were serious.. It was game on. His power was immense.. his special moves left me in awe of his power.. just as he did in the original Valkyrie Profile.. That.. was a fantastic boss. Twilight Princess.. my gripe.. is it just doesn't feel strong enough.. the whole struggle of "Good and Evil" just hasn't been portrayed with enough power.. In the cut scene where Gannondorf gets ahold of the triforce of power and rips that light sword out of his chest and goes into his murderous rage.. That was fantastic... The hatred and insanity inside him.. You don't see it when he fights Link at the end. The very light he abhors so much stands before him and he just thinks it will be a breeze so he doesn't sweat it. A wild beast? Gannon was too calm to be the "wild boar" his transformation implies. And for crying out loud.. Gannondorf was a king of deadly assassins.. A trained, skilled killer.. a ruthless warrior.. I see no skill in his fighting.. He fights so wreckless for a cold , cruel, tactical master.. I mean just watch the way he fights.. he swings a sword.. he blocks.. he punches you.. runs in like an idiot.. I could step out of the way and trip him like they do in the cartoons and laugh as he falls on his face.. Everything that builds up this character for a raw.. epic battle.. It falls through.. Where is that insanity? That hatred for the light? Where is that cold, calculating, ruthless killer? I mean just look at any other Zelda game.. Majora's Mask.. that's my biggest problem.. The Mask of Majora.. Posessed by an evil entity that brings the destruction down upon themselves and those around them.. Such unimaginable evil and power in that mask.. such darkness.. It moon walks around the room when you fight him.. it dances.. it screams like a six year old girl at a Hanson concert.. Anything about the entity that pumped you up for that epic battle went out the window. This is a boss who knows the meaning of hatred.. the meaning of insanity.. This is the attitude of an epic boss who doesn't disappoint. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z50feD9SPi0&mode=related&search= Quote
Oddllama Posted July 11, 2007 Posted July 11, 2007 I just finished up RE4 Wii Edition on professional mode the other day, and I've gotta say Saddler was pretty disappointing, especially in comparison to other chapter 5 bosses. Just bust his kneecaps and stab him...rinse and repeat, maybe toss in a grenade here and there. Sort of a let down after such a consistently awesome game. Oh well. I saved my rocket for him... And he hardly even took that hit. I was sad. Doublt QFT'ing FFX... soooo easy. Quote
Antipode Posted July 11, 2007 Posted July 11, 2007 The thing that bugs me about TP is it's as if they've never heard of multiple skill levels - "arrr, the game must be easy enough for EVERYONE to beat!! NOBODY shall miss out on the pretty cutscenes!" ... or maybe they just thought the weak combat system wasn't worthy of being in a challenging game.... ah well. Be that as it may, the fight with Zant was just pure gold. I loved everything about that fight, especially the way the music kept building on itself. That was probably my favorite boss fight in any Zelda game. Quote
Broadcast Bowsette Posted July 11, 2007 Posted July 11, 2007 Be that as it may, the fight with Zant was just pure gold. I loved everything about that fight, especially the way the music kept building on itself. That was probably my favorite boss fight in any Zelda game. I love Zant. Love that music. Zant = win. Quote
Conan-the-3rd Posted July 11, 2007 Posted July 11, 2007 Gruntilda in Banjo-Kazooie can be the hardest thing in B-K or the Easyst thing in B-K depending upon if you item grinded or not (and by that I meen if you got all the Notes, I belive it was 1000 Notes to open the infinate Gold Feather Door) and hence if you ignore that bloody last Golden Piece from the Harbor (the one with the roter blades and the timed switch, now THAT is an epic last boss). Anyway, yeah, you have all the infanite items and Gruntilda becomes a total joke. Quote
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