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OCR01599 - Super Mario Bros. "Mario Likes Thorazine"


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Very nicely done, you took a lot of liberty with the arrangement and I like that. You also got a lot of colour out of the chamber string ensemble - a difficult task, but well-executed :)

It had a very 20th-century feel (at least in Western music) where there is a lot of playing with rhythm and time and it gives it a very fun and jovial, if ambiguous, feel... especially where everything comes together at the end. If you expanded into a chamber orchestra involving some winds of something, I think that you really could've brought out a lot more colour, especially with your rhythmically-complex writing.

Awesome production and (if the players aren't real) really fantastic samples. I love how your strings get a really nice attack and a really strong bow sound, but still get a really nice middle-of-the-note - really, really nice!

I dig!

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Amazing remix... I loved it when I first heard it - the string samples are from Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra with the XP Pro expansion pack. I believe it's the Gold edition. Sam did some really crazy editing stuff, eg. taking some interval samples (fifths/octaves) and manipulating MIDI CC11 (expression) to fade between them to get that really amazing legato sound.

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I tell ya, Shnab never fails to expand my mind with his arrangements. They're out there, but not so much to alienate my ears. To think this stays right on the source tune without making me think too much about the source tune. Those are my favorite kind of vg-arrangements. The panning is a little disorienting though. I would have brought the instruments closer together, but I understand they're in their own worlds and need to be heard as such. Still, fun and interesting all around. Nice sounds, sampled or not. They sound performed, as they should. Love it!

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Yeah! I've been a big Shnabubula fan for a long time too. I dig his chip tune stuff. As for this song. Aside from the extremely realistic sounding strings and complexity of the composition, I really like the way that he could make such an original sounding remix of Super Mario Brothers and still keep the whole thing sounding really Mario-ish. It could totally be used for a level in a Super Mario Brothers game!

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Yeah I'm surprised this didn't appear earlier. I thought it had already been submitted.

Technically mesmerising as always; the meticulousness of it is something else, something I dare say is rarely seen on this site, though that is quite redundant since that's the case with all your mixes. Also this is one of those seldom occasions where you cover something that's mainstream and well-recognised. Yet it's obviously taken in a direction that no-one else would touch upon. So it still feels unfamiliar - familiar source taken into very new territory.

I actually don't like it that much though! I prefer other mixes of yours more than this by quite a long way. I have to disagree with the review and say that this is what I feel is your least accessible track. While people can naturally get into it because of similar source material, I think it's more harmonically and tonally daring than most of your other remixes, if not all of them. So yeah, I am wow-ed by it technically, but it's not something I would listen to out of choice (like say Duelling Consoles.)

Glad to see you back on your feet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Very interesting take on a theme that has basically been remixed to death and back. Shnabubula takes this very familiar source tune and makes it into something no-one would expect. Nice work.

That being said, why is the remix so incredibly quiet? Compared to other songs, I have to pump up the volume considerably when listening to this one.

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because it may not be Mastered. Check my thread in the community forum. I offer free mastering to any remixers' songs to be submitted. Just for OCRemixers though. Otherwise I charge actually money. Like the kind that they accept at Taco Bell or Del Taco.

I hope by "mastering" you don't mean compressing.

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