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Hey, hey, guys. I am Zacheriah Neoson. I more of a writer than I am a musician, but most of my inspiration comes from a lot of the remixes here. Long time fan of all, I might be pulling off some stories reviews here or there as I review not on the technical stuff, but how the music moves me in writing. Hopefully, it wont be too annoying :oops:


Hi, Ouguiya, hi zneoson. Welcome to ocr. :D

We've had our fair share of dumb, ill considered, already answered newbie-questions. You'd have to try hard to outdumb them. Music making questions goes in Workshop, site questions here, and just about any other question belongs here.

We remixers love hearing about how our works move ppl, most of us probably like it more than we like to hear how technically competent we are. ;)

We remixers love hearing about how our works move ppl, most of us probably like it more than we like to hear how technically competent we are. ;)
Then I shall give it my best

Hello everyone, my name is Moisei "Sei" Frolov my nationality is Russian. I've been downloading OC Remixes ever since its inception but never was part of the forums. I do appreciate the site very much though, some amazing music and talent here.

My whole life i wanted to be involved with music, but my family was never one to be open to musical ideology, so i never really got around to getting my studio until now. Now that i have finally set up my studio for the most part, one of the first things I wanted to do is remix a song for OC Remix, and learn everything I can from the feedback to better myself.

I have already submitted my first entry, I don't know if it ill make it through, but ill post a mink here just in case you guys and gals want to give me some advice or pointers. Keep in mind though that i just recently set up my studio so I am quite new at this, but I hope some of my remixes will help and entertain others as much as the previous remixes on OC Remix have me.

I will try and contribute as much as I can. Heres a link to my first attempt at an OC Remix, I hope you guys like it lol.


The way i like mixing is that i believe simplicity comes first, sorta like David Guetta and his minimalistic approach to music. Less is more I say.

And I know my mixes are not the greatest in the world, but my plan is to make them the greatest in the world ;) with time and practice of course.

I use Ableton Suite 8 along with a host of VSTi's and VST's. If you guys or gals have any questions just e-mail me at vodkaproductions@gmail.com .

Also im in the process of starting my company Vodka Studios, doing everything from recording bands to making my own music. But I love video games and I love video game music, so I definitely want to contribute here a lot :wink: .


Hello, my name is Moisei "Sei" Frolov, I've been downloading OC's since the sites inception, but was never able to begin remixing because my family is not too musically inclined and consequently i never bought studio gear 'til a couple months back. Anyway my nationality is Russian, and I also submitted my first song, I have no idea if it will be accepted but I like it.

My style is fairly simple, kinda like David Guetta, less is more I say. I love video games and I love video game music, and I absolutely love remixing and making it. I look forward to getting to know all you in the forum, since before I never really came here before. I am starting a production company called Vodka Studios soon as well. I'll be doing everything from recording bands to making my own stuff to everything I can basically.

If anyone has any questions just ask ;):wink:


Missed this thread somehow.

Hey all, don't judge me by my capitalization, or lack thereof. I'm UWBW, also known as Kaviar101 on youtube. I have a thread of my youtube stuff down in "Post your Originals" if you care to check it out. I do a lot of stuff on piano, and Pixel's ORG maker.

My instruments:


Pixel's ORG maker



Flutes (assorted)

Jew's harp



Yeah, I'm kinda musical. Anyhow, nice to meet all of you!


UNDERWATER BASKETWEAVING, though your name is long and in all-caps, I firmly believe that it's so amazing that it must be written out in all it's bold, loud glory.

That's a diverse list of instruments.. welcome. just by chance, do you happen to know how to make woven baskets?



My name is Chris Geehan, I'm a music student for another week, before I finish my Honours Degree in Music and am set free into the world of self-employment. Good times! I hope.

I'm one half of a music composing team called HyperDuck Music Studios (http://hyperduck.co.uk), the other half being Dan Byrne-McCullough. We wrote music for a game called Iji, we have since decided to learn how to produce, compose, mix, record, etc, whatever we do, and have managed to be the sound & music, behind last years Dream Build Play grand prize winner ($40,000 and a XBLA publishing deal), Dust: An Elysian Tail (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tR7vE6l1MN0). We are also the music and sound behind this years Dream Build Play first prize winner ($20,000 and a XBLA publishing deal), A.R.E.S (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9XiG61lqpw old trailer).

We're involved in lots of other fun projects with Indie Game Developers, so a fair bit of it can be tracked on our website. I have always wanted to join the community properly and get stuck in with trying remixes and learning from you lovely bunch about your own techniques and what not. Also just to have a bit of banter and good craic about the boards, since it seems lively from the outside :). Anyway, I'm done lurking as of next week when I do my final exam, so I just wanted to drop a line and say i'll be staying for the long haul.

Nice to be here!



My name is Chris Geehan, I'm a music student for another week, before I finish my Honours Degree in Music and am set free into the world of self-employment. Good times! I hope.

I'm one half of a music composing team called HyperDuck Music Studios (http://hyperduck.co.uk), the other half being Dan Byrne-McCullough. We wrote music for a game called Iji, we have since decided to learn how to produce, compose, mix, record, etc, whatever we do, and have managed to be the sound & music, behind last years Dream Build Play grand prize winner ($40,000 and a XBLA publishing deal), Dust: An Elysian Tail (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tR7vE6l1MN0). We are also the music and sound behind this years Dream Build Play first prize winner ($20,000 and a XBLA publishing deal), A.R.E.S (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9XiG61lqpw old trailer).

We're involved in lots of other fun projects with Indie Game Developers, so a fair bit of it can be tracked on our website. I have always wanted to join the community properly and get stuck in with trying remixes and learning from you lovely bunch about your own techniques and what not. Also just to have a bit of banter and good craic about the boards, since it seems lively from the outside :). Anyway, I'm done lurking as of next week when I do my final exam, so I just wanted to drop a line and say i'll be staying for the long haul.

Nice to be here!


Welcome on board, HyperDuck. :-) Good luck with your finals, and we'll be anxiously awaiting your return!



My name is MrAspirin. I've been coming here for quite a while, but am only just now starting to become interested in remixing game music myself. Figured since this is pretty much the best place on the subject, so I joined until-now-completely-unvisited forums like the total newblet that I am.

Quick question, though: anyone know how to send $5 to Mahaboo?

  • 2 weeks later...


I'm halfway migrating from Game Music Affiliates, as a transcriber / arranger. I use Finale '09 as my primary software, and I expect to get Cubase if it turns out I really like remixing. I've played the piano for almost 4 years now, and I really enjoy playing just about anything.

I've got a pretty critical mind when it comes to music theory and what game music should sound like, but I'll be fair when evaluating others work here, and I won't mind taking advice and criticisms when I start submitting.

Thanks in advance!

Oh and my website is here (I haven't updated recently): http://sites.google.com/site/wazkatango2/


Hello. OCR. I've been around the OCR Community in the shadows for quite sometime. DJpretzel...was and still is a huge inspiration for my own goals in life. I admire him a great deal.

I'm not very talented in music, but perhaps one day...with some practice, I'd make a decent remixer. I have followed this site, since...OCR had a blue background...must have been...2001-2002 ish. DJ Pretzel has impressed me with his work on this site over the years. As well as his talent, devotion and success.

About myself, well...I have quite a bit of experience testing games...debugging them, suggesting improvements...I went to college for this...I was never good at developing games from the ground up.

I'm the webmaster of http://www.inspiredclan.com a Priston Tale 1 (MMORPG hosted by subagames) on Valento Server. I lead a very successful clan there (imo) complete with Vent and forums. If anyone is interested or wants more info, please pm me here on these forums or simply message me in game there.

DJPretzel was one of my inspirations for creating my own site...its about a month old, but everything is a work in progress.

Thanks for reading.

Hello. OCR. I've been around the OCR Community in the shadows for quite sometime. DJpretzel...was and still is a huge inspiration for my own goals in life. I admire him a great deal.

I'm not very talented in music, but perhaps one day...with some practice, I'd make a decent remixer. I have followed this site, since...OCR had a blue background...must have been...2001-2002 ish. DJ Pretzel has impressed me with his work on this site over the years. As well as his talent, devotion and success.

About myself, well...I have quite a bit of experience testing games...debugging them, suggesting improvements...I went to college for this...I was never good at developing games from the ground up.

I'm the webmaster of http://www.inspiredclan.com a Priston Tale 1 (MMORPG hosted by subagames) on Valento Server. I lead a very successful clan there (imo) complete with Vent and forums. If anyone is interested or wants more info, please pm me here on these forums or simply message me in game there.

DJPretzel was one of my inspirations for creating my own site...its about a month old, but everything is a work in progress.

Thanks for reading.

This is essentially a "Hi, I'm new post!" so I've merged it into the appropriate thread.

If you'd like please go ahead and make a general thread about the game Priston Tale, but please refrain from only recruiting for your own clan.

Welcome to OCR forums. Please leave reviews for remixes. :350:

Posted (edited)

ooh snap. Someone moved my post! :350:

Well. Anyone is welcome. Just pm me let me know if you're interested. Or need help getting started. Oh Wikipedia can explain the game for me :smile:


Ok here are some random images to help explain the action...

Bless Castle btw its a PvP type area...pandaline, that's actually another clan on valento server shown in the pics.


And DarkeSword...lol I'm not some noobie here at OCR lol I even recognize you. Sorry that was not meant to sound elitist I just meant I recognize your name from your various remixes over the years.

Edited by Zantrix

Well...haha that's what my site is about. So I actually don't look like some no-name idiot.

Anyone is welcome to try Priston Tale btw...essentially its a 3D-MMORPG hmmm....let's let pictures do the talking...

Random Pics btw...



Pandaline is a clan on valento btw lol...Bless Castle, its like a PVP arena..



Hey what's up! I was doing some googling and ended up here. I'm a metal musician guy who's done a few Genesis music remixes. Looks like there's a lot to this place so I decided to register, take some peeking around, and hopefully end up being one of my main hang outs. *waves*


Hello people nakamura here, real name is Martin. I have been a long time fan of this site and have many tracks from it's members.

I haven't downloaded anything from the site for almost 2 years since becoming a father, life is rather hectic but I accidently stumbled across an artist called Willrock and was reminded of the quality of the music here.

I am a producer myself, I will pop my tunes up in the right forum. I am no musician mind, it is all just for fun and I have never done a remix of a game. Maybe I will try sometime.



Hi. Our username is Gravenspine.

My name is Ceddy Pop, and Gravenspine is a duo with my friend Philippe Connor.

We mostly make metal remixes of songs from video games. We are from Montreal, Quebec.

We will submit our crazy work soon. Even the judges can't say no to us.

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