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lol thanks sorry bout postin in the other thread didnt know there was a newbie thread

Don't worry about it. We all make rookie mistakes.

Just clean up that spelling and grammar like Silens (or WingsOfTime, whatever his name is now) said and you'll do alright.


Hello there. I used to post on these these forums many.. many moons ago. Not often, but now and then.

It's been so long since my last visit (pleasantly surprised my account it still here), that I thought I'd better re-introduce myself: I live in New Zealand; Christchurch to be specific. I've been visiting OverClocked since back in the Webcomic days, enjoying the music on offer.

I look forward to once again participating in threads, and as a matter of fact I'm off now to post a technical question.

See you! :wink:

note: I know it says I joined in 2002, but I was here earlier... something about a forum change I think. Really!



I'm the one and only,Multi-dollar rap super star known by so very few as Butterball.I signed up for this back in the day but never posted because i smoke too much and forgot my info.But that won't happen this time.I'm here for good (or until I run my mouth to the point where I am no longer making sence).

I also hope to be submiting a remix soon.I'm around 90% done with the beast so it wont be long hopefully.

I hope that I may one day become a valued member of this community.

Peace out!

(btw:Aladdin Rocks!)


I'm the one and only,Multi-dollar rap super star known by so very few as Butterball.I signed up for this back in the day but never posted because i smoke too much and forgot my info.But that won't happen this time.I'm here for good (or until I run my mouth to the point where I am no longer making sence).

I also hope to be submiting a remix soon.I'm around 90% done with the beast so it wont be long hopefully.

I hope that I may one day become a valued member of this community.

Peace out!

(btw:Aladdin Rocks!)

Awesome. Another rapper. Can't wait to hear your flow, man.



I never really payed attention to the technical assistance table, but I'll need this area! I am pretty good with technical paraphernalia, but a playa' needs help sometimes, you see. :)



I never really payed attention to the technical assistance table, but I'll need this area! I am pretty good with technical paraphernalia, but a playa' needs help sometimes, you see. :lol:

Beatings to all the new people.

Save that for UnMod. :wink:

Naw, UnMod's not so bad, as long as you keep in mind the ever prevalent sarcasm and don't take things too seriously, it'll be alright.

But still, it's recommended to lurk more to get a feel for things.


Hello there and greetings from Germany.

I know this site for about two years now, but I've always been too lazy to register. :P

What else can I say? - I had a lot of fun here already and hope this will continue.

So, see you all.



Good day/evening to you all. :3 I sort of found my way onto this site by a friend who let me read a few of the threads and posts here. This community seems like a good place to share ideas. :3

First off I'd like to say hello to everyone. *Waves* I'm more of a instant messaging person myself and I've never really tried a message board before. I've been reading the "How to's" and "Facts" threads and they're very useful. I'm still getting used to the idea of threads, posts, and all that jazz.

I'm a big fan of video games and I usually spend my time in the dark cavern of my room being the little hermit I am. I spend hours of my day speed running through my platformers and leveling up to 100 in various RPGs. I also play Table Top Role Playing games and currently I'm storytelling for a group at my school. I love to expand on my imagination and try new things. Art is an expression of a deep rooted dream in our hearts... Or so I'd like to think. ^.^; I'm not a huge fan of card base gaimming, but I know it's a huge thing these days. I've played my share of munchkin, Pokemon ((Yes, and I admit they are d*** cute)), Neopets ((Again, the cute got to me)), and the like, but I'm still not addicted -Yet-

I'm working on getting a degree in Computer Graphics Design so I can move up to video game creation. I'm going to specialize in terrain design and the map matrix. I want to be the one making the backgrounds that go 'Boom' Hopfully, one day a company will find me and ask if I can create for them a new universe ((Or at the very least a world)) Odd World Inhabitants and Insomniac are my two rolemodel game companies for sheer origionality of their universes in both the Mudokin relms and the Ratchet universe. ((After that is Naughty Dog)):3

I suppose that's all the important and interesting things about me... *Waves once more* How do you all do? ^.^;


Well, it would seem this is the place for self-introductions, so here I go: Hello everyone, primarily those who bother to read this thread, I'm SpacePirateCaine, just another aspiring composer who's finally worked up the courage to join up here and see if he's good enough to get a ReMix or two on OCR. I'll admit, the level of quality is a bit intimidating.

Nevertheless, here I am. Ideally, I'll be around for a while. A little bit about me; I'm actually more of an artist than a musician (which is to say, I draw more often than fiddle with Reason), and work on amateur game design quite a bit (Primarily Adventures along the bent of the old Sierra/Lucasarts games).

So... Pleased to meetcha, for what it's worth.

Well, hello to the smart ones who posted here instead of posting a thread in GenDisc first. Welcome to OCR!

Or even worse, UnMod. Those poor souls are rarely ever heard from again. Now let us bow our heads, for a moment of silence and remember what's his face, that one guy, and self-pic chick.

Seriously though, UnMod can be fun, if you lurk around a bit and get an understanding of how things work down there. Believe me, it's totally different from any other part of the forum. Some quotes that'll help explain what I mean:

Think of Unmod as a bar full of hard-ass bikers. There's stuff going on there that wouldn't fly in other places, but if you bust in through the door yelling something stupid, you're going to get your ass handed to you.

And a more harsh one:

Here in UnMod, you are fucktarded until proven otherwise.

So welcome, new people, and remember it's all about fun.


somehow I missed this forum...

oh well...


I'm new here. Well, to the forums anyway. I've used OC ReMix for a while now, mostly to download DOOM tracks (speaking of which I downloaded The Dark Side of Phobos today, and wow...amazing).

So, I hope the forums are as cool as the Remixes!

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