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Thanks yo 8-)

Of course. ^^ Definitely keep remixing, I adore the electro feel you gave the track, it could just as easily be dancable or chillout. 8D It reminded me a little of the vibe I get from 'Sirens of the Sea'.



I'm Hiteryan, and amongst many other things, I'm a music composer. Solo, for my progressive metal band, and currently composing the soundtrack for MMORPG Pokémon Universe. I have been a constant lurker at OCRemix ever since as early as 2004, during my SNES gaming spree.

Yesterday I tried to login and I became shocked when I realised I have no account lol. So here I am! Hopefully will be able to make some arrangements every once in a while, and participate in projects.

Thank you, the community, for all the wonderful work you have here :)



Hello, all. I'm DarkDruid7, or simply DD7, and I'm new to the forums. I joined for three reasons: I like video games, I enjoy making music, and I was looking for a good place to get help with mastering compositions.

I've been making music for about 3 years, off and on, using FL Studio 9 and Sibelius 5. My main focus is video game music, and that's what I want a job in, eventually. All of my musical ideas are mostly played first on my MIDI keyboard, where I then transfer notes by hand to either of my sequencers. (I can't use MIDI interface now that the USB ports on my computer don't work. :/)

As far as my music education goes, I know intermediate theory and I'm going to be majoring in composition starting my next year of college. Though, to be honest, I don't want to delve into theory that much, it leads to too much perfectionism when music really isn't perfect. I like when my ideas flow on paper and when I use theory to organize my ideas, not confine them to theory.

I'm not much of a musician as I used to be, though I do play some instruments just enough to get me by: keyboard and electric guitar. In high school I played trombone and euphonium (I was actually good with the former).

I have some notable influences in my music. First and for most, Motoi Sakuraba! I love everything he makes from Golden Sun to Valkyrie Profile. I also like other video game composers such as Yuka Tsujiyoko (Fire Emblem), Michiru Yamane (Castlevania), Jun Senoue (Sonic), Koji Kondo (Mario and Zelda), Nobuo Uematsu (FF), and Hajime Wakai (F-zero).

Other influences include progressive rock (U.K. and Pink Floyd), metal, jazz, classical, 80's hard rock, and electronic music.

Well that's rambling about music; I'm a gamer too! My favorite genre is Japanese SRPGs (Fire Emblem and Disgaea), but I also like games such as Golden Sun, the Tales series, Valkyrie Profile, Castlevania, Zelda, Advance Wars, and Minecraft.

Anyway, I think I've said enough. Glad to be here.

Posted (edited)


I'm michinoku - I just joined as I have only recently finished any VGM-related music projects, although I have been composing and recording music for nearly 6 years. There are several bands and projects I'm involved in ranging from songwriter-style stuff to more formal new music/classical compositions to ambient/electronic inspired stuff. I am gigging a fair amount with various of these projects but as I don't make my primary income from music I'm able to be picky about the projects I get involved with, and do things for the love from time to time.

I sing, play keyboards, accordion, and clarinets and mess around alot with various synths and miscellaneous instruments. I also utilize Logic Studio for sound production and manipulation as well as as a platform for recording. Many of my VGM-related material is done under the name of my ambient/electro-acoustic project G. Zarapanecko.

I feel like I owe a lot of my current interest in music to video game soundtracks, especially those of RPGs. Spending hours with that music running in the background really allowed it to sync in and for me to notice the details of what made it work - AND also gave me a good awareness of what NOT to do in these contexts as a composer and as an arranger/remixer.

I listen to a lot of "extreme" metal (black/doom/avantgarde), a lot of experimental classical music (especially chamber music but also orchestral) and a lot of new jazz-oriented creative music. I could also listen to Dark Ambient and Dark-Jazz all day if necessary. I have spent a lot of time exploring prog and industrial music too.

Happy to be a part of this thing!

Edited by michinoku

I guess introducing myself doesn't hurt....

I have next to no music experience and next to no budget, but I'm not ready to let that stop me from trying! I can sing but not play any instruments, I have crappy headphones, and I'm using Rosegarden, Fluid 3, TiMIDIty, and LAME on Linux as my production tools.

My first attempt is in the WiP forum... we'll see how this goes....

  • 2 weeks later...

My name is Claire and I hail from the land of hope and glory - England! (whoop)

I actually discovered OCR about 10 years ago, when I was still at high school. I was obsessed with video game music, particularly the 'pretty' arrangements, and used to make CDs for my best friend. It was like we had our own little club where we listened to music that no one else really appreciated, haha! Through downloading this 'pretty' music, I came across OCR. I seem to remember it being greener, though...

I never joined the site cos I'm not a remixer, but since I've heard you guys might want singers for your arrangements, well... here I am! I've done a few video game covers - Isn't It Beautiful, Kiss Me Goodbye, Song of Memory and Melodies Of Life are all on Youtube (why yes, I do like Final Fantasy!!) so have a listen if you're interested...

Isn't It Beautiful:

Kiss Me Goodbye:

Song of Memory:

Melodies of Life:

And I've entered the Assassin's Creed contest, which you can listen to here:


(you also get to hear my lovely accent, haha!)

More recently I have got into games like Mass Effect and Dragon Age, which I find I'm enjoying a bit more than FF, but since I am a teacher I don't get much time to play games. This upsets me :( But I always, always find time for my singing.

So yeah... hi :D

My name is Claire and I hail from the land of hope and glory - England! (whoop)

I actually discovered OCR about 10 years ago, when I was still at high school. I was obsessed with video game music, particularly the 'pretty' arrangements, and used to make CDs for my best friend. It was like we had our own little club where we listened to music that no one else really appreciated, haha! Through downloading this 'pretty' music, I came across OCR. I seem to remember it being greener, though...

I never joined the site cos I'm not a remixer, but since I've heard you guys might want singers for your arrangements, well... here I am! I've done a few video game covers - Isn't It Beautiful, Kiss Me Goodbye, Song of Memory and Melodies Of Life are all on Youtube (why yes, I do like Final Fantasy!!) so have a listen if you're interested...

Isn't It Beautiful:

Kiss Me Goodbye:

Song of Memory:

Melodies of Life:

And I've entered the Assassin's Creed contest, which you can listen to here:


(you also get to hear my lovely accent, haha!)

More recently I have got into games like Mass Effect and Dragon Age, which I find I'm enjoying a bit more than FF, but since I am a teacher I don't get much time to play games. This upsets me :( But I always, always find time for my singing.

So yeah... hi :D


Your thread has been merged with the newbie intro thread.

Posted (edited)

Hey all,

I'm Mister Riff (or Mario irl) and I'm from Belgium.

I discovered OC Remix thx to the Mega Man 9: Back in Blue cd ... When I heard "The Skull Fortress" by Sixto Sounds I immediatly searched to find this site, found out that it was filled with awesome remixers and signed up :-)

I'm a guitarist and started playing guitar about 6 years ago but never was that much into recording and didn't really practise all that hard ... 6 months ago I purchased an Eleven Rack (http://www.avid.com/US/products/Eleven-Rack) and my interest for music has flared up and I now play at least 3 hours of guitar each day and most of the time a LOT more ... Thx to the Eleven Rack I've found what I was "missing" from guitarplaying and I now look forward everyday to when I come home and can play the guitar 8-)

I joined OC Remix because I've always liked video games music and would LOVE to learn how to remix songs and make music in the likes of Sixto Sounds and the other talented musicians on here ... I know that I won't become a remixer overnight but I'm willing to put in the time and hard work! You can check out a song I'm kinda proud of on my soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/mister_riff/dbz-challengers-theme-cover-by (It's just a cover though and I've gotten better at mixing and stuff since doing it!)

Looking forward to learning from you guys (I already did while looking through the forums!) and hope that in the future I'll have a remix of my own on here :-D

I'l end my post with my favorite OST of all time (that isn't an OC Remix): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5q6erXxeDw ... This entire cd is BADASS

Edited by Mister_Riff

Hey all.

First off, thank you to all the remixes here that have improved the quality of my life with your brilliant musical skills.

I came to this site when I was looking through old music on my family's desktop, and I saw a folder of Ocremixes that my brother had downloaded. Upon listening to 'Kefka Goes Carnival' by NoppZ, I decided to venture into the world of remixed video game music, and, well, suffice to say that that was a good decision. =D I'm up to about 200 mixes and climbing thus far, and it is SO good.

'bout me: I'm young, only 15 and still in high school. But I love this organization and due to all this wonderful music floating about my head, I am here. I have several remix ideas circulating through my brain, and I'd like to give it a shot and see if I'm any good at it....But that's still several months in the future. My schedule is currently rather busy, and I'm still figuring out how the music composition software works.


Hey there!

I've been listening the stuff from OCremix for several years and now that I'm trying to concentrate properly on music production I decided to participate this happy little community. I'm very interested in vg music and I constantly try to compose stuff that could work for games and casual listening.

Recently I've been experimenting on the topic of "how much distortion it takes to make your everyday orchestrations actually sound cool" and the rest of the time I've been mixing and mastering my very own debut album (which comes out as soon as I get the artwork for it).

But yeah, I hope my musical doodles are worth your time and that I could be somehow useful here. :smile:




hey there, im aaron, or if doing music MCEP. im from canada (eh?) and i am glad to be on this forum. :smile:

i do some remixing but its not really that great but i do enjoy it, but i am decent at playing saxophone and working on some arragnments for a saxophone trio with tunes from earthbound atm.


Hi there, name's Marina but peeps call me Raz. Decided to join the forum in support of the artists who collaborate on these cool remixes (as a fan of the Voices of the Lifestream remix) :). Great to meet you guys and thanks for the awesome work you guys do. ^_^

~ Raz


As most people would probably (hopefully) be able to tell from the name above this post, I'm Ragnarock, which is an allusion to the Norse mythological... nevermind... and, yes, I know it's misspelled, I did that on purpose.8) Anyway, I'm not new to the site, just the community. At some point, I'd like to actually do some mixing, but the first step in the journey of a thousand miles has not yet been taken, if you know what I mean... and on that note, ciao!


Hi guys, I'm Ryan. I've been into music production for the past couple of years but am really wanting to get serious about it rather than just a hobby. I work the standard 9-5 and in my spare time work on music. I have finished only two original tracks in the style of ambient / downtempo / chillout over the past year, but have a couple hundred unfinished ideas and loops just begging to be finished (don't we all?). I am really passionate about music and love how it affects us and what emotions it can bring forward, and I also love video game music (Jeremy Soule being one of my fav composers). I would love one day if I could produce or score music for video games, so I continue to work on this dream of mine in my spare time. Anyway, that's a little bit about me.

I stumbled upon this site I think from watching a tutorial video on youtube for pad creation, and I am glad I made it here! The ReMixes are amazing and definitely I am inspired and want to make some of my own. I feel if you suffer from writers block with your own original creations, why not work on a remix of something to help perfect your craft as you create, experiment, mix and master your own remix?

Funny enough I actually recreated one of my favourite Sonic tunes not more than a week before stumbling upon this site - I think I'll have to post it on the appropriate forum page.

Anyway this is probably one of the longest intros ever - I look forward to getting to know the community and to learn from and share experiences and knowledge with all of you great musicians! Greetings from Canada! :)

~Syllix (Ryan)



I go by Alestance on the interwebs. I've been writing music for a very short time, and have no real professional music training. I've come here because the style I've developed while learning seems to be influenced from classic music from the 8 and 16 bit era console games, with a bit of 80s pop and rock.

I write at least one song every day, usually experimenting, not always top quality work, but I strive to improve with each song. Granted I am incapable of remixing all that well, or playing instruments.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey there, this is David from germany. After many years of browsing through the tons of remixes here I finally decided to take a look into the forum and join.

I'm not a remixer myself and when it comes to "creativity" am more into the field of graphics (esp. 80s-style Logo designs, hehe) but hope this is ok :smile:

Besides music and graphics I'm very much into all eighties related and still living to some degree in my childhood days full of cartoons, videogames, action toys etc. (GI Joe and MotU mainly).

Ok, guess that's all for now. See/Read you later...



My name is Marcos, but I prefer to be called ShadTK. I'm from Brazil, São Paulo.

I've met ocremix a long time ago, subscribing on the youtube channel. I don't remember when I subscribed, but I like most of the musics you guys do.

Speaking of music, I've aways been a video game music enthusiast. There's no better feeling in the world then listening to a track while watching a fitting situation, and god does videogames know how to bring this feeling up.

Overall, I love earthbound, sonic, touhou, metroid, zelda, patapon, as well as many other series, and the biggest reason for me to love most of them is their soundtracks. For me, if I'm forced to play a game without it's original soudtracks(both music and SFX), i'd rather not play it at all.

I'm still in need of playing chrono trigger tough. The game have amazing soundtracks, but I never got enough time to play it.

Unfortunatly, this is both my pride and my sine, as I tend to stay a LOT of time listening to VGM and tend to ignore more "popular" music. I find myself ignoring many important pieces, from classic works of bethoven to "popular" band works of these days such as metallica, because of my preference to the VGM's. It's pretty obivous that I have some trouble on general music conversations, as I can't keep up with anything that haven't been introduced to me by videogames.

Speaking of bands, favorite here is Crush 40.

I play piano/keyboard since I have 5 years old, but I stopped at the age of 9. After almost 10 years, I picked up an old keyboard, and here I am playing it again. I'm learning how to play a trumpet for my main "air-based" instrument, and I'm thinking of getting a cello as main chord instrument. And i'm wondering if I should be taking some basic drum classes just to get the hang of drum patterns, as well as some singing classes, but nothing really serious.

I don't have a clue on how can I compose using the bread'n butter softwares (guitar pro, cubase, flstudio), and to make the matter worse, my keyboard have no midi output (it's THAT old), so I gotta learn at the hard-mouse way. Currently, I'm experimentating with FL studio, but as I said, I'm clueless on how to use the program.

Sound mixing and mastering sounds fun, but as I said, I have absolutely 0 knowedge on this area. So basically, I'm all kinds of new.

Hope I can contribute with the forums, learn a lot, and make great stuff. As well as help someone when I'm able to.

That said, hello everybody!

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