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Hey DJP! I don't really know you, other than that you started this whole thing :) I hope you are having a rockin' b-day!

Thanks a lot for starting this site, and really helping to get video game music heard! Back in the days of dial-up internet (thankfully I have broadband now) I used to spend hours waiting for new remixes to download, and to this day I always enjoy downloading the latest mixes. Without this site there would be no good way for people to hear all this awesome music!

I'm sure it is a lot of work to run this place! The site looks great and I look forward to all future features and remixes :)

Happy Birthday!!!


:-olong time user (at least long enough in my eyes.) the best site on the internet. Thanks to all who made it happen especialy you!.

oh and congrats on the marrage!.

so all in all "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"


Happy Birthday, djp!

There is a horde of quiet listeners out there enjoying OCR and the incredible effort you put in it. Thank you, and keep up the good work!

Have a propser, happy and long life! We wouldn't want OCR to go down just cause you couldn't work on it, do we ;-)

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