Argitoth Posted August 11, 2007 Posted August 11, 2007 I'm sure a lot of you share the same yearning as I do for game ideas that haven't been realized yet. Post your awesome ideas for games that haven't yet come out. Genre: FPS/Survival Sandbox Title: Zombies vs Humans Description: First of all, this game is usually played online. Maps are randomly generated so you have a different experience each time. You and your friends begin in a savable (recallable state) sandbox with a goal to get out of the zombie infested land. You start in a large area of forest and urban zones. Rain and fog can hamper vision. Zombies can't see very well at night, but you'll probably want to travel during the day too. What you have is limited. There's all sorts of zombie-killing supplies scattered across the land such as crowbars, guns, explosives, home-made flamethrowers, etc. There are many ways out, but you never know what you're gonna run into. You could meet dead ends, broken bridges, or zombie mobs. The vehicles you find may need repair so you'll have to find supplies. Bridges may need repairing too. Sometimes vehicles will be beyond repair, other times they'll be ready to go. Edit: Oh yes, and it's supposed to be extremely scary and zombies will pop out at you and you'll need a flashlight sometimes. (not like doom, don't worry, but your battery might run out) Quote
zircon Posted August 11, 2007 Posted August 11, 2007 This sounds a lot like Dead Rising, the only difference being D.R. is within a large mall environment, not procedurally generated... at this point, if someone did your idea they would just said it's ripping off existing games. I'd play it though. Quote
Argitoth Posted August 11, 2007 Author Posted August 11, 2007 lol, stop trying to buy my game and create your own! I want to hear your idearz. Quote
psycosulu Posted August 11, 2007 Posted August 11, 2007 A multiplayer Starfox game where you join squadrons on either Fox's side or Andross's side. You could upgrade your Arwings (and whatever Andross's side would have) by completing missions or by being the top fragger in massive space battle against your counterparts. Just a thought.... Quote
Fritz the Cat Posted August 11, 2007 Posted August 11, 2007 'Fuckable game systems' Systems nowadays are so costly, it would be nice if you could screw them back. Quote
The Instrumental Light Posted August 11, 2007 Posted August 11, 2007 I'm not sure what the game would be about or how it would be designed, but I have rough idea of how you would play the game. I would make a game for the Wii that you would have to do everything yourself in rather than pressing buttons or swinging your remote (as most Wii games generally make you do). For example, if you wanted to do pushups in a game or run you would actually have to do the actions yourself (to an extent, afterall, you can't run into the tv, well you could, but it would be very stupid). Although, I don't know how you would make it determine whether you're just swinging the remote or actually doing the action. Anyway, it would be something in a step toward a virtual reality game. Feel free to ponder and trash my ideas. Quote
Azul v2 Posted August 11, 2007 Posted August 11, 2007 A post nuclear- mmorpg world with cool guns and weapons and bombs, different sects to belong to, able to build your own completely customizable base as a sect which could be visited or attacked at any time like in the real world, with custom cars and aircraft.... Ah yes, a mmorpg of Fallout 3. Quote
Fritz the Cat Posted August 11, 2007 Posted August 11, 2007 MMORPGs are self-defeating. Once you allow strangers in, the first thing they're going to do is find a way to cheat. The second thing they're going to do is make playing absolute hell for anyone else. Simply because they can. Quote
Wintermute Posted August 11, 2007 Posted August 11, 2007 How about an MMO that doesn't suck? Seriously though, our MMOs are lightyears behind other game genres in many ways. It would seem that the MMO would be the ultimate playground for developers experimenting with cutting edge design like truly persistant worlds, robust NPC interaction, etc... but they're being largely ignored in favor of a design decision that I can only refer to as "Retard Roleplaying" in which not only do you have no effect on the world, you have almost no choice in character design. *smacks forehead* I mean, seriously, RPGs were supposed to be about creating a custom character and experiencing stories in a different world, right? Not being exactly the same as every thousand other players that selected your class, differentiated only be equipment, and grinding mobs or doing raids to get gear? Editing this post in response to the comment above which was not there when I started typing.. It doesn't help that there's nothing better to do in an MMO than that, either. MMO designers should follow a few rules when designing their games, I think... first of all, the client is evil, never put anything of importance on the client, my god the client is enemy numero uno protect the game from anything that isn't serverside like right now. Second of all, try to make your game fun. Fun? What is this blasphemy? I thought grinding boars was fun! Quote
zircon Posted August 11, 2007 Posted August 11, 2007 Therein lies the problem. Give players the ability to have real impact on the MMO world, and your world will break down because usually, the best, most resourceful players are also dicks and try to screw other people over for fun. Quote
Effector Posted August 11, 2007 Posted August 11, 2007 It just dawned on me! Take a MMORPG but take out all the assholes... but since there's no way to screen, I guess we'd have to just make it single player. I guess that eliminates the "multiplayer"... And it's not longer "massive". Guess there's no reason for "online" then either. Ah, yes, that leaves us with something called an "RPG". Someone should make a game like that. It sounds rather neat. EDIT: As for games I wish were made? One of my favorite games of all time was Homeworld. I wish someone would make a space-sim/RPG thing in that universe. Like a good Freelancer. Or a non-MMORPG EVE. Or a modern Elite. etc. I think you get the picture. Maybe a ship designer like GalCiv2. That'd be really nifty. Quote
Wintermute Posted August 11, 2007 Posted August 11, 2007 Well, real impact on the world doesn't necessarily mean real impact on other players. Even having the ability to have any impact whatsoever on your own character has been denied to MMO players. Quote
Nec5 Posted August 11, 2007 Posted August 11, 2007 I remember checking out a Weekly Reader in elementary school in the eighties. I distinctly recall a firm prediction that we'd have flying cars by 2003. Instead, we have corn being used for fuel and driving up food prices. Quote
Archetype of Sagacity Posted August 11, 2007 Posted August 11, 2007 They need to finish creating Dawn already. If they actually finish it (which seems very doubtful) and they don't completely screw it up, it has the potential to be incredibly awesome. Quote
Argitoth Posted August 11, 2007 Author Posted August 11, 2007 EDIT: As for games I wish were made? One of my favorite games of all time was Homeworld. I wish someone would make a space-sim/RPG thing in that universe. Like a good Freelancer. Or a non-MMORPG EVE. Or a modern Elite. etc. I think you get the picture. Maybe a ship designer like GalCiv2. That'd be really nifty. I totally absolutely second that. Actually your game has been realized a few times now, but unsuccessfuly. I know one is called Jumpgate. Basically it's a really old, not-very-fun game IMO. If I am following you correctly, you're looking for a FIRST PERSON PERSISTENT world where you control ships like EVE except you actually fly the damn thing and aim and shoot. You could do this in Jumpgate. It was extremely fun (yes sometimes) because of the fact it was extremely hard to fly and shoot things. It took me a week to kill one enemy. I gave up after that. Quote
Moseph Posted August 11, 2007 Posted August 11, 2007 Therein lies the problem. Give players the ability to have real impact on the MMO world, and your world will break down because usually, the best, most resourceful players are also dicks and try to screw other people over for fun. I had a sudden vision of a forest in WoW where someone had cut down all the trees. Every single one. Just because he could. Quote
Argitoth Posted August 11, 2007 Author Posted August 11, 2007 Many fans of Battlezone II have been waiting for a similar game to be made with the standards of todays games. If you find their forum, you'll see. Battlezone was a first person shooter/strategy, the only one of its kind. You have a few games out there that are under that title, but do not really compete with the concept behind Battlezone. This is because in Battlezone you get a mix of Human players and NPC players. As a commander you build and assign units (NPCs) to your officers (PCs). You can control units as a commander too, in first person, and in overhead view (after you build a command sattelite). At any time you can enter any vehicle or stay out of a vehicle completely. This style of game has been realized in a few different fashions, but I don't like any of em. Quote
Argitoth Posted August 11, 2007 Author Posted August 11, 2007 They need to finish creating Dawn already.If they actually finish it (which seems very doubtful) and they don't completely screw it up, it has the potential to be incredibly awesome. definitely looks interesting. And it reminds me of Utumno. A dead no-name game that no one knows about. Because you can die permanently. Also, there's ideas in Utumno that have not been truely realized which is the indentification system of magic items. Basically if you have a magic weapon you can use it without knowing its magical properties, but the effect is still there. You never know if you have a sword of clumsyness until either your character notices something strange when he uses it or casts an identification spell. Same things go with rings and such. You could wear a cursed ring without knowing it. Also potions and scrolls and stalves and such. You have to try em out before you know what they are. But after, for example, you drink a "green bubbling potion" all "green bubbling potions" will now show up as "potion of strenght" or "potion of poison" or whatever the potion might be. But each time you start a new game, potion descriptions are randomly generated. Quote
Outshined Posted August 11, 2007 Posted August 11, 2007 "Why haven't these games been realized?" ...Because some poor bastard like me is going to have to paint all the artwork for it, that's why =P. My game idea is below. By reading it, you legally agree not to steal the idea for your own use or sell the idea to a major game development company =P. Kidding aside, I would like to make a game like this someday. It'd be an MMO Wargame. I was going to call it Supreme Commander, but the sons of guns stole my name! (I kid) Players are evenly divided between a number of nations at the beginning of the game, with new players being added to the least populous nation as they join. At the outset of the game, players use an integrated poll to offer suggestions for the name of their respective nation, and then it is voted on. Popular vote establishes the name of the player nations. Technology begins at the level of archaic, mechanical-driven technology (think WWI-II) and continues over the course of the game's years to evolve past the technological singularity, where the nations develop radically advanced technologies, like time, gravity, and biological control. The players essentially research the technologies, which are based on templates the game designers provide, but the players can modify elements of these blueprints by the popular vote method. For example: Player Einstein the Scientist invents the "Plasma Cannon, Mark I". But it is generally decided that this name is boring, so in that nation, it is decided it should be commonly known as the "Dragonmaw DX". Based on popular feedback, researchers also decide to modify it to have a higher rate of fire, but less damage (item attributes can be moved around via a point buy system, with more techonologically advanced items having a larger pool and thus better stats). Classes include the aforementioned Researcher, Commanders, and Combatants. Commanders are essentially proven players that have a lot of victories (wether it be good strategic thinking, pvp skills, etc). They are chosen by popular vote to have Officer power. Commanders are much like guild leaders, in that they can invite other players to join their "Company" and organize units into Platoons. In addition to getting a nice stat boost, they can also execute "tactical options". Essentially, a tactical option is a large glowing indicator, placed over the terrain, that directs nearby players to execute a certain action, and buffs them if they do it. For example, commander "The Major" executes "Blitzkrieg", an all-out assault strategy, which places a large blue arrow pointing directly at the enemy forces over your battlefield. Your forces can see the tactic, while your opponents can not. If the player runs into the tactic's area of effect and rushes across the field, guns blazing, he gains a "strategy buff" and runs faster, while dealing more damage. Commanders also provide different passive bonuses and can develop unique strategies. Essentially, this is established by the "character" the Commander takes on. For example, some Commanders will choose to become an "Air Ace" and would then specialize in aerial combat, increasing the overall power of their flying units, like jets, and gaining tactics unique to aerial combat (do a barrel roll!). Researchers or Civilians are essentially the backbone of the player economy. They research weapon blueprints, develop new materials to contruct things out of, mine resources, and run the home front. Some players may handle morale. Essentially, these are players that paint "propaganda" or record "radio messages" that are displayed around the player nation's cities and factories. Essentially, players can send in pictures or audio clips that, after the game developer's review, can be put into the game as relics of that player nation's pride. Think Uncle Sam's "I want you!" or wierd governmental ramblings over the megaphones. These player inputs grant passive buffs to all players nearby. Other civilians develop new materials, which are required for new research blueprints, can upgrade armor, etc. Iron, Steel, Kevlar, Teflon, Aircraft Aluminum, Adamantine, Ceramic, and so on. Still other civilians mine ore or produce energy. And the researchers basically put it all together, inventing new weapons and armor. Finally, logistics experts transport the weapons and arms to the nation's military installations. (These guys get ambushed all the time =P). Finally, you have the combatants. These are the meat and potatoes FPS guys, shooting away on the front lines. They attack other nation's militaries, destroy factories, steal researcher's work, bomb cities, capture workers, and so on. War is fought at sea, in the air, and on land, across any kind of terrain imaginable. Jet fighters dogfight, a column of tanks with infantry support rolls across the wartorn desert into a city, sparking intense, urban guerilla warfare. May the most glorious digital nation win. Quote
maestermatt Posted August 11, 2007 Posted August 11, 2007 A multiplayer Starfox game where you join squadrons on either Fox's side or Andross's side. You could upgrade your Arwings (and whatever Andross's side would have) by completing missions or by being the top fragger in massive space battle against your counterparts. Just a thought.... that would be such a kick ass starfox game. Quote
Sil Posted August 11, 2007 Posted August 11, 2007 An RPG opera where all the dialogue is sung a la Wagner's Ring Cycle! Huge orchestra, huge chorus, dozens of pro opera singers... Why? Every talking RPG I've seen makes me realize how silly the dialogue in these games is and I refuse to believe it's just bad voice acting in 100% of cases. Whenever I think about it I could imagine the design and interplay of music and action, along with story and artwork, become a staple of the video game era that surpasses film. Heck, turn Wagner's Ring Cycle or any Shakespeare play into an RPG and you'd might even find these games in schools. Remember tomorrow's homework, kids: level grind until Siegfried has enough skill to forge the Nothung and defeat the dragon Fafner. Where do you think FF got the idea of summoning Norse gods anyway? Quote
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