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Alright, sometimes when I load up a MIDI file, it'll play it back in FL, and sometimes it won't play it back. How do I fix this?


Ok...I'm new to Fruity Loops, and I've managed to solve my own problems up till now...

Here's my dilemma. I am rendering what I've got so far and I keep having some sound quality problems. It sounds perfect when played in FruityLoops, but once I render it, ouch. I use the highest bitrate, and the highest possible quality on all settings. Still, I can't fix it.

I tested multiple settings on and off, checked my channels...everything that I can think of.

The sound problems seem to center around only a few instruments,(though I could be wrong), because some instruments come through crystal clear and perfect, but others start to crack and squeel a bit too. What's got me, is that the instruments that do it, are the ones that are around medium volume. My highest volume ones are perfect...

One wierd thing, at least to me, is that the piano I put in, only plays a few notes. It seems to be random on the notes it chooses, though it's never two notes together, always spread out. This seems to be only a piano problem. I checked the polyphony, though I did disable the maximum anyway before render. Besides, its only one note on the piano at a time anyway...

Am I missing something here? Maybe you guys could shed some light on what it could be, based on the above. Thanks in advance.

Didn't work... :roll: No difference at all.

Thanks though! I appreciate the quick response.

Seriously? Ok, well, the best thing I can think of is:

Export as .wav. Then just get an encoder like RazorLAME (my favorite) and encode to .mp3. LAME can make VBR files, as well.

Ok...I'm new to Fruity Loops, and I've managed to solve my own problems up till now...

Here's my dilemma. I am rendering what I've got so far and I keep having some sound quality problems. It sounds perfect when played in FruityLoops, but once I render it, ouch. I use the highest bitrate, and the highest possible quality on all settings. Still, I can't fix it.

I tested multiple settings on and off, checked my channels...everything that I can think of.

The sound problems seem to center around only a few instruments,(though I could be wrong), because some instruments come through crystal clear and perfect, but others start to crack and squeel a bit too. What's got me, is that the instruments that do it, are the ones that are around medium volume. My highest volume ones are perfect...

One wierd thing, at least to me, is that the piano I put in, only plays a few notes. It seems to be random on the notes it chooses, though it's never two notes together, always spread out. This seems to be only a piano problem. I checked the polyphony, though I did disable the maximum anyway before render. Besides, its only one note on the piano at a time anyway...

Am I missing something here? Maybe you guys could shed some light on what it could be, based on the above. Thanks in advance.

If you send me your .flp file maybe I can check around the settings and see what may be bugging you.


Unfortunately, I doubt having him send you the FLP file would do any good.

You see, he said that he doesn't have any sound quality problems during playback, yet they're there when he renders. This most likely means that it's either a problem with his soundcard, or a problem with his settings in FL. You can analyze neither of these through an FLP.

I personally believe it's your soundcard, but I couldn't tell you anything more than that.


Ok, tried the WAV...sounds even worse. Pretty much just more static throughout the whole thing.

Beat Drop, I have a good feeling you right about the settings. There are hundreds of things I could have changed so far, and I'm currently going through and checking everything.

I'm usuing soundfonts, could that have anything to do with it? Like, could it be the individual soundfont?


Ive tried rendering about 50 times, and no luck. The Piano playing only a few of it's notes has me baffled, and I just recently noticed that some of my percussion is missing as well... :roll: Only me...

Also, I'd like to thank jbnewberry for his help as well, I don't know how to send private messages, so I can't reply... I am in the midst of trying what you suggested though.

Thanks for the help so far everyone.

UPDATE: Well thanks everyone for your help! It ended up being a mixture of things I guess... I eventually flipped off alot of options.( for instance I found that every channel had the CUT GROUP enabled and set at different numbers. I also switched off High Quality Rendering in all my soundfonts.)

I had also tried the advice of changing the quality to 6 point Hermite intead of the higher syncs. Well that hadn't done anything at first, but after messing with all those options, it finally worked. The entire mix suddenly flowed perfectly... I don't understand why this happened, but I'll always keep a copy of this mix to compare settings to in the future. :wink:

Thanks again for your help everyone. And I even got a fun new plugin outta the deal..


If you export your mp3 with "tiny slices" checked, uncheck it and you may get some of your notes back (i never used tiny slices then recently i did and ended up with missing notes) Also, it could be the soundfont you are using. Some soundfonts only register notes "up to" and "down to" certain points. Like most drumkits will not have anything underneath the 3rd octave (the 3 on the left side of the piano roll) this also goes for most fonts of any kind. ALso a lot will not go above 8.

Also, for the bad sounds, if you have anything in the piano roll that is at full volume (not the channel, the individual notes) you should probably lower its volume because from what ive noticed putting things at their max velocity even at normal volumes on the channel can have weird effects. Also, make sure the notes that do play well (if any) make sure you dont go too high in volume past that.

You said its nly a few instruments that sound bad after the export so i figured its not your soundcard or fruity or anything like that.

When i first started mixing, i remember this happening to me (even happened recently and made me feel horrible the whole day because it sounded just so bad... i was like "How could i do that?") and when i was mixing it would sound fine, but then the mo3 sucks. My winamp always has the bass up a little and the treble up a little so it boosts those frequncies and if they are already too loud it will make it worse. So your eq settings could be making things "worse" but theres obviously a problem prior to export.

You should not need your bitrate higher than 160, rarely for high quality stuff that needs it, 190, but i never have exported anything over 160 and seem to do fine.

I hope i helped some and please those who know how to explain this shit better, dont get mad if i said something wrong, im just trying to help where i can.


I did not see that last post... but new people to fruity could use this info.


Actually, I don't think I've ever rendered a project with "Tiny Slices" unchecked. What this affects is how well your computer interpolates between note data and event data. It sucks up more CPU and renders slower when you have this activated, but I do not know of any drawbacks. I suppose it's possible for it to be missing notes because of this, but that doesn't make much sense... This also goes for the Sinc Depth options. You should ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS render your final project at Sinc Depth 256. Believe me when I say this. This should not cause ANY audio anomalies. If it does, there's something screwed up with your copy of FL.


Hmmm, I rendered in point 6 hermite, and it sounds wonderful. Not a bit of quality loss at all. I mean, the Mp3 is fine, and I've never heard of Mp3s sounding any different from one computer to the next. So, what I hear now should be what everyone else will hear, correct?

From what I've played around with, boosting it to Sync 256 seems to screw up some instruments, like speed them up to the point where they sound like beeps and fuzz. Some instruments aren't affected by this though.

Well, I dunno, but either way, I can render flawlessly now, so I'm happy.

Still odd though..

Actually, I don't think I've ever rendered a project with "Tiny Slices" unchecked. What this affects is how well your computer interpolates between note data and event data. It sucks up more CPU and renders slower when you have this activated, but I do not know of any drawbacks. I suppose it's possible for it to be missing notes because of this, but that doesn't make much sense... This also goes for the Sinc Depth options. You should ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS render your final project at Sinc Depth 256. Believe me when I say this. This should not cause ANY audio anomalies. If it does, there's something screwed up with your copy of FL.

I actually exported the song that lost notes from the tiny slices both checked and unchecked. The unchecked one was fine.

Dont know why it would do this... and to be honest i like the one with the missing notes better, lol. Made it have a sort of edge.


I'm looking for a way to have different tempos of individual channels. when in the piano roll, I try to change them and but they return back to the original after a few notes

Ok. (First off, know that I am a remixing noob) I've got a keyboard that has midi in's and out's, and I have an adapter/cord thet lets me plug it into my PC though the controler port. The problem is, I can't get FL to recognize that I have it connected. What do I do?

Ok... What do I need to do in FL to get it to see my keyboard?


Try to make sure you don't have any drivers from your keyboard installed; that'll mess it up. The soundcard drivers work fine.

If anyone has a SB Live! sound card like me, then you'll probably be having (or know how to fix) the same problem I'm having.

Apparently, the factory settings do not, in the beginning, allow forthe sound card to record MIDI signals from a keyboard, only to output to a keyboard. How would one go about making the SoundCard recognize the Keyboard's signals coming in? I'm pretty sure it has something to do with "interrupts" (I think, IRQ) but I'm not really too clear on the specifics.

Anyway, thanks.

And does TS404 really have a use? It seems like it could be good if I could work it right... it's got the kind of plucky, short sound I need, but I'm just wondering if anyone has found a good use for this yet. I know that 3xOsc is good for pads, and also good for when you just want something simple to use for gating and stuff.

Want to hear the TS-404 in action when in the right hands?


The lead synths in that song were TS-404...

Here's another :twisted: evil song. The lead is 3xosc and one or two of the other synths are as well. The pads and the bells are good old ts404.


saving target as is alot of fun btw. If for some reason you don't have SZ you might need it to listen to this.


Not sure if this is Fruityloops 101 material per se, but I suppose someone here will be able to help...

Does anyone have any ideas on how to create a "modem synth"? You know, that sound a dial-up makes when it's connecting to the internet. I've been messing around with 3xOsc, but I haven't come up with anything that sounds just right yet.

Not sure if this is Fruityloops 101 material per se, but I suppose someone here will be able to help...

Does anyone have any ideas on how to create a "modem synth"? You know, that sound a dial-up makes when it's connecting to the internet. I've been messing around with 3xOsc, but I haven't come up with anything that sounds just right yet.

Actually, WASP can create a sound like that. Try fooling around with the LFO or something.

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