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Problem is Retro ain't working on the series anymore. They are done with Metroid and Samus and probably for the better. What holds for the next Metroid title no one knows. Probably that damned Metroid Dread thats been rumored for years now. And honestly I don't trust anyone, even Nintendo remaking the old 2D Metroids in 3D. It just won't work cause those games weren't made for 3D. A lot of the things you said, Space Jump like the 2D ones, etc only work in 2D. Once you transition to 3D it breaks.

seriously nothing is happening

i got the ship grapple thing i think

and i go out there and theres some gears and stuff and theres those evil bat things

and nothing

and i can't make the screw attack jump across

So, that would mean you're coming back in the other direction, right? The space pirates should destroy the gears when you get back to that room, and then you should be able to screw attack straight across to the other door. Are you timing the jumps so that they last as long as possible?

That makes a lot of sense.

But if you just had a guess, what would go on after Fusion?

I can only tell you what I'd do. I didn't care for some of the events laid out in Fusion, namely Samus decked out in the butt ugly Fusion Suit, so that would just go by the wayside right there. Things I'd allude to would be the consequences of the final events in Fusion. Due to her actions in Fusion, I'd see Samus as out of favor with some of the Powers in the Federation. That scenario could be played out in a lot of ways.

So, that would mean you're coming back in the other direction, right? The space pirates should destroy the gears when you get back to that room, and then you should be able to screw attack straight across to the other door. Are you timing the jumps so that they last as long as possible?

Yeah, the problem could be with your timing for jumps. You can get a lot of distance out of the Screw Attack.


I honestly don't see Nintendo bringing out another Metroid ever. I think the Metroid franchise is over. Now I really hate to think this way but there are so many things that just point to the end of Metroid. Metroid is my most favorite of Nintendo's franchises but I just don't it see coming back anytime soon if ever. Here are a few reasons why I believe this.

1. Retro is done with Metroid. Basically another company would have to take over.

2. Its hard for Metroid to convert to 3D. This is a problem for a console Metroid because lets face it, how many Consoles have 2D action adventure games anymore. It would seem a little primative if Metroid were to stay 2D on a console. But there is hope for handheld right.

3. The last handheld metroid we saw didn't really do the series justice. Also the fact that Nintendo denied the development of a 2D Metroid and the fact that Dread was never really ever confirmed in the first place makes it very unlikely that we will see a new 2D Metroid on the DS.

4. Fusion's ending in my opinion seemed very much like a permanent ending. The Metroids are extinct. The X is extinct. Zebes and SR388 are gone. And, most importantly, Samus's relationship with the Galatic Federation(who sent her on all of her previous missions) seems to have ended.

5. Finally the most important reason, Metroid isn't making the $cash$. Lets face it, Metroid has always been the least popular and least successful of Nintendo's big franchises. The series never did that well sales wise. I think Super Metroid and Metroid Prime are the only ones that became player's choices. Basically, there is no real incentive for Nintendo to continue the franchise. Unless Corruption sells millions of units, I don't see this changing.

I always tend to see the worst in things so its very likely I'm just overthinking the whole situation. Hopefully I'm wrong and we will see a new Metroid game somewhere down the road. I would hate for this to be the end of the franchise.

I honestly don't see Nintendo bringing out another Metroid ever. I think the Metroid franchise is over. Now I really hate to think this way but there are so many things that just point to the end of Metroid. Metroid is my most favorite of Nintendo's franchises but I just don't it see coming back anytime soon if ever. Here are a few reasons why I believe this.

1. Retro is done with Metroid. Basically another company would have to take over.

2. Its hard for Metroid to convert to 3D. This is a problem for a console Metroid because lets face it, how many Consoles have 2D action adventure games anymore. It would seem a little primative if Metroid were to stay 2D on a console. But there is hope for handheld right.

3. The last handheld metroid we saw didn't really do the series justice. Also the fact that Nintendo denied the development of a 2D Metroid and the fact that Dread was never really ever confirmed in the first place makes it very unlikely that we will see a new 2D Metroid on the DS.

4. Fusion's ending in my opinion seemed very much like a permanent ending. The Metroids are extinct. The X is extinct. Zebes and SR388 are gone. And, most importantly, Samus's relationship with the Galatic Federation(who sent her on all of her previous missions) seems to have ended.

5. Finally the most important reason, Metroid isn't making the $cash$. Lets face it, Metroid has always been the least popular and least successful of Nintendo's big franchises. The series never did that well sales wise. I think Super Metroid and Metroid Prime are the only ones that became player's choices. Basically, there is no real incentive for Nintendo to continue the franchise. Unless Corruption sells millions of units, I don't see this changing.

I always tend to see the worst in things so its very likely I'm just overthinking the whole situation. Hopefully I'm wrong and we will see a new Metroid game somewhere down the road. I would hate for this to be the end of the franchise.

It's Nintendo. How often do they honestly kill a franchise off?


There's still the space pirates, the end of Prime suggested some sort of post-prime continuation, and MP3 sold over 200 thousand units in 3 days, without more than a lick of advertising from Nintendo.

So, there's probably one -last- game in the series, yet to come. A full and proper Metroid 5.

Hell.. given the whole Ridley affair from Fusion, I wouldn't be too surprised if Samus had to fight against a full clone of herself, who doesn't realize just what's going on, and who thinks that YOU are some sort of space pirate clone of her.


Well, after Super Metroid, I thought that it would be impossible to have another game taking place after it. The Metroids seemed extinct, the Pirates were stopped, and Zebes was gone. Fusion proved me wrong, and in a very good way.

I think it is fair to expect the possibility of being proven wrong again.

I honestly don't see Nintendo bringing out another Metroid ever. I think the Metroid franchise is over. Now I really hate to think this way but there are so many things that just point to the end of Metroid. Metroid is my most favorite of Nintendo's franchises but I just don't it see coming back anytime soon if ever. Here are a few reasons why I believe this.

1. Retro is done with Metroid. Basically another company would have to take over.

2. Its hard for Metroid to convert to 3D. This is a problem for a console Metroid because lets face it, how many Consoles have 2D action adventure games anymore. It would seem a little primative if Metroid were to stay 2D on a console. But there is hope for handheld right.

3. The last handheld metroid we saw didn't really do the series justice. Also the fact that Nintendo denied the development of a 2D Metroid and the fact that Dread was never really ever confirmed in the first place makes it very unlikely that we will see a new 2D Metroid on the DS.

4. Fusion's ending in my opinion seemed very much like a permanent ending. The Metroids are extinct. The X is extinct. Zebes and SR388 are gone. And, most importantly, Samus's relationship with the Galatic Federation(who sent her on all of her previous missions) seems to have ended.

5. Finally the most important reason, Metroid isn't making the $cash$. Lets face it, Metroid has always been the least popular and least successful of Nintendo's big franchises. The series never did that well sales wise. I think Super Metroid and Metroid Prime are the only ones that became player's choices. Basically, there is no real incentive for Nintendo to continue the franchise. Unless Corruption sells millions of units, I don't see this changing.

I always tend to see the worst in things so its very likely I'm just overthinking the whole situation. Hopefully I'm wrong and we will see a new Metroid game somewhere down the road. I would hate for this to be the end of the franchise.

Haha, oh wow. Nintendo, give up a money-making franchise? Please.

Problem is Retro ain't working on the series anymore. They are done with Metroid and Samus and probably for the better. What holds for the next Metroid title no one knows. Probably that damned Metroid Dread thats been rumored for years now. And honestly I don't trust anyone, even Nintendo remaking the old 2D Metroids in 3D. It just won't work cause those games weren't made for 3D. A lot of the things you said, Space Jump like the 2D ones, etc only work in 2D. Once you transition to 3D it breaks.

Thank you for catching this. Retro's done with Metroid for at least several years I'd say (I pray they got the thumbs up from Nintendo to do an IP - I'd love to see what they can do given no franchise constraints), but you can bet someone will be making a 2D Metroid before long. I wouldn't be surprised if they're working on it now and just delaying it until 2008, what with all the good games coming out this year.


I didn't read this whole thread, so I don't know if someone commented on it. I finished Corruption in 5 days so this may be spoilers for some:

Is any body else upset over the lack of Kraid in any Prime game?

I didn't read this whole thread, so I don't know if someone commented on it. I finished Corruption in 5 days so this may be spoilers for some:

Is any body else upset over the lack of Kraid in any Prime game?

No. Kraid was a Zebes entity. The reappearance of Kraid at least has to make sense. It wouldn't have in the Prime games.

No. Kraid was a Zebes entity. The reappearance of Kraid at least has to make sense. It wouldn't have in the Prime games.

False - it would have been incredibly simple to write a pirate data log explaining that they simply had taken a Kraid-esque creature from Zebes for Phazon testing or something along those lines. I'm going to side with Brak and admit that I, too, was disappointed with the lack of Kraid.


I'm pretty sure Retro is going to move on to other games. They've ended their Prime series, so there's nothing left. Remaking a previous Metroid title to 3D would be stupid IMO.

Nintendo said they weren't making a new Metroid title, so that doesn't mean that another company could be making it.

The ending of Fusion says those famous words:


So I'm going to take their word for it.


I think it is fair to expect the possibility of being proven wrong again.

I am very much hoping I'm proven wrong. Believe me the last thing I want is for the series to end.

False - it would have been incredibly simple to write a pirate data log explaining that they simply had taken a Kraid-esque creature from Zebes for Phazon testing or something along those lines. I'm going to side with Brak and admit that I, too, was disappointed with the lack of Kraid.

Maybe it's possible there -was- a Kraid-like creature, as one of the unidentified, failed experiments that litters the homeworld?


ok about the ending:

i get to the end of valhalla in the room where you get the code. there's this big thing in there with a code module dealie. i thought i'd return to it later, but i didn't. what does it do, and what is the code?

also, some ship at the end who's is it

ok about the ending:

i get to the end of valhalla in the room where you get the code. there's this big thing in there with a code module dealie. i thought i'd return to it later, but i didn't. what does it do, and what is the code?

also, some ship at the end who's is it

Edit: Oh, you beat the game.

I think the code might give you access to a GF lore thing in the same room or a message from the ship's Aurora unit. I can't remember for sure.

Also: Nobody knows for sure, but some people are suggesting it's Nexus from Hunters because of the ship's shape. Although it wouldn't really make much sense.

Overall, though, I'm pretty pleased with the game. Also, did anyone else catch the two GF Technicians talking on the Olympus about that rebellion? I forget what they called it, but I certainly smell prequel off that piece. Frankly, that would be fuggin fantastic.

I remember that now! I thought they said the Horus Heresy. Like, from Warhammer 40k? Maybe they didn't, but if they did, it's a funny reference.

I remember that now! I thought they said the Horus Heresy. Like, from Warhammer 40k? Maybe they didn't, but if they did, it's a funny reference.

I think they said "Horus Rebellion". Also, speaking of mysteries, was there anything to that mysterious communication that you hear twice in Bryyo Ice?

I think they said "Horus Rebellion". Also, speaking of mysteries, was there anything to that mysterious communication that you hear twice in Bryyo Ice?

It's just the Aurora trying to contact you. It can't because of your location.

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