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Just one thing about this game (until it will be relased in Europe):

I saw in some videos Samus using the left hand to activate various things...but the video text says something like "pull the wii remote"...so...you must use the Wii Remote (right-hand) to move the left arm!?

Please...someone can answer?

considering that samus has a giant freakin arm cannon as her right hand yeah you need to do things with the left.

That was not my question but I think you answered anyway ;)


Areas are very not bland.

Enemies are good. All have that Metroid enemy look to them. The least fun enemies out there are the Space Pirates, which are really good, so that should tell you something.

I prefer the visor switch controls of Prime 3. After I knew what I was doing for a visor switch, it is faster than previous prime games and you can remain moving when you do it. Use of the command visor to use your Ship is pretty cool.

So far, it appears the use of Hyper Mode is well done. With its cost, you don't use it all the time, but it is so powerful and very useful in some situations that it is still worth using. It provides a dynamic for surviving the alien worlds.

I've seen quite a bit of stuff that will require me to return to later with new weaponry for.

Music is good. There are some great use of the classic metroid musical themes throughout, sometimes very faint. For example, on the main menu title screen you get the same theme from the original Metroid theme, but I didn't notice it at first. You can also hear the same "item room" music in a few item room like rooms, but VERY quiet. Super Metroid escape music returns for some of the larger battles, the Space Pirate fight music from Metroid Prime is there too.

Now I have to start this discussion.

Control Scheme: Basic, Standard, or Advanced, and why?

The basic setting is recommended for beginners, because the low sensitivity makes it easier to aim at enemies and move without becoming disoriented, and lock-on works like old lock-on, making shots home in on locked-on targets.

Standard I assume is a bit more sensitive than Basic.

Advanced has much higher sensitivity and Samus will turn with the gun sooner when aiming on the screen, and lock-on free aiming defaults to on, allowing you to shoot anywhere on the screen when locked on to a target.

I read the manual just before playing and I saw it say "Players familiar with first-person games will likely prefer the high sensitivity of the advanced setting. So I set it to that before I even began playing, and have used it all the way through. I am very satisfied with the incredible responsiveness of the Advanced mode and the freedom to both look and aim. The fact that your gun arm moves to aim somewhere on the screen without actually turning your view like typical FPS is a great advantage, as is the simplicity of point and shoot over using a mouse for standard FPS controls. I'm actually a much faster/better shot in MP3 than I am with keyboard+mouse FPS!

I have no idea what it is like without lock-on free aim turned on. For example, on a number of enemies they have a specific point which you should shoot, or smaller enemies or projectiles coming at you which you should shoot, or just hitting another enemy that is close but you aren't locked on to, lock-on free aim is seems very useful. When I'm locked on to a target, I'm locked on to the center, which I would guess make it impossible for me to hit weak points? I'm not sure. Lock-on free aiming can be turned off even in basic mode.

I should point out something that I found rather great with the controls in general. When you turn, you can turn pretty fast, but it isn't instantaneous. This is almost refreshing from most FPS controls, as there was little disadvantage to have something come up behind you because of the rate you could spin. However, turning and aiming isn't nearly as limiting as it felt back in Prime and Prime 2. Secondly, Samus has a realistically limited y-axis rotation for looking, while having a larger but still limited y-axis rotation for her gun arm. No looking directly upwards, yet if you are shooting the top of your helmet HUD will fade away for your targeting reticule.

Lastly, I swapped the A and B button controls just cause I'm a sucker for the trigger-button is your shooting button idea, even if I could probably tap A faster with my thumb and less controller movement. =P

I'm just guessing at this, but maybe the control scheme makes the game play different for some than others. For me, running through a room and just blasting the enemies off the walls without any lock-on is ideal. When locked on, I like to be able to lead my target(second boss when he slides around fast) or shoot a weak spot(first boss, third boss). It may also make it require more work, and doesn't play as easy. I see a few people here say it seems to easy- I agree in one sense, when you get hit you don't take a lot of damage and energy recharges are plentiful. On another, it doesn't seem easy as there are often many targets on the screen and I can miss shots.

Oh wow, if you start a new game over a completed one you keep all of your scans. Definetly better than rescanning every little goddamn thing that pops up.

Holy shit, that's awesome.

Areas are very not bland.Music is good. There are some great use of the classic metroid musical themes throughout, sometimes very faint. For example, on the main menu title screen you get the same theme from the original Metroid theme, but I didn't notice it at first. You can also hear the same "item room" music in a few item room like rooms, but VERY quiet. Super Metroid escape music returns for some of the larger battles, the Space Pirate fight music from Metroid Prime is there too.

i love how most of the music so far is remixed from super metroid, which had awesome freakin music. and yeah the intro had the signature 4 low pitched notes from the original metroid

Now I have to start this discussion.

Control Scheme: Basic, Standard, or Advanced, and why?

The basic setting is recommended for beginners, because the low sensitivity makes it easier to aim at enemies and move without becoming disoriented, and lock-on works like old lock-on, making shots home in on locked-on targets.

Standard I assume is a bit more sensitive than Basic.

Advanced has much higher sensitivity and Samus will turn with the gun sooner when aiming on the screen, and lock-on free aiming defaults to on, allowing you to shoot anywhere on the screen when locked on to a target.

yes lock on/free aim is cool. advanced is good because you can turn quicker, and you get used to the sensitivity. it seems that twitch motions are more accurate with a mouse though imo.

Lastly, I swapped the A and B button controls just cause I'm a sucker for the trigger-button is your shooting button idea, even if I could probably tap A faster with my thumb and less controller movement. =P

it would seem more natural to have jump be on the nunchuk with the morph ball on the wiimote, but then the targeting would be difficult.

I'm just guessing at this, but maybe the control scheme makes the game play different for some than others.

it influences so much because it becomes a part of the gameplay. thats the genius of the wii.


Been playing it for a little over six hours now and I have to say the only let down in the entire game has been slight framerate skips (though that could be my imagination) and the fact that all the characteristics of a previous beam are inherited by the new one when you upgrade. I remember how fun the last boss battle of Metroid Prime 1 was because you HAD to switch the beams in the first half just to do damage.

P.S. This may just be me, but I found it much easier to start the first half of the first level (the part where you're on the ship) on standard sensitivity just to ease in to the controls. Then advanced is much easier and feels better than a mouse/keyboard.

...and the fact that all the characteristics of a previous beam are inherited by the new one when you upgrade.

the beam stacking is the same way for super metroid, only in super metroid you were able to turn different beams on and off. can you do that in mp3?

I remember how fun the last boss battle of Metroid Prime 1 was because you HAD to switch the beams in the first half just to do damage.

eh, i thought that was kinda gimmick-y.


This game's been awesome so far. It's been pretty easy for me though, I probably shoulda just done veteran from the get go.

Anyways I'd like to discuss the first major(Or minor...not sure) boss of Bryyo


Rundas was really really easy for me. I think he only hit me once and that was with one of the ice chunks he tossed. After you rip his armor off, I missiled him to stun him, then went into hyper mode and shot the hell out of him. Doing this twice killed him. The scan said he was able to go hyper too, but never got the chance. I just wanna know, does hyper mode make everything this easy? I'll probably not use it for boss fights if its just some super god mode weapon.


All that said, I'm agreeing with most of what has already been said here, also big kudos to the being able to start a new game with your previous scans.

friendlyHunter, do you have Parkinson's?

Heh, no =p I just find advanced slightly awkward how when I move the cursor just a little, it aims twice as far as I'd expect (since the screen turns that way as well). Perhaps I will switch to advanced later on though - I wish there was an option between standard and advanced. I've already gotten somewhat used to standard though - I can walk and jump through rooms with perilously tiny platforms faster than I could any other console FPS. It may be an easy game now (easy enough that the good control doesn't quite matter so much), but it looks like a low item run will be ridiculously fun =]

Keeping all your scans when you restart? Whoever thought of that is a genious, they should have thought of it before the last two games XD


Today I was looking for a MP3 video on IGN that I saw last week... it turns out they put up a crapload of new videos and SEVERAL OF THE VIDEOS' TITLES AT IGN HAVE (POSSIBLY MAJOR) SPOILERS!!! I don't know how major they are yet, but I know I regret reading them =(

Yes, it's teh troof. And the hardest mode is pretty damn difficult...it's more painful than hard mode in Prime 1 and 2.

I haven't even beaten the first one on hard.

I think it was the blasted Omega Pirate.

Didn't even try Prime 2.

Simply because I didn't beat Prime 1 on hard.

By the way, am I the ONLY person who prefers the "standard" control sensitivity? I tried advanced (or whatever it's called), and I could hardly even play that juggling game.


I tried advanced as well, and I couldn't stand how the screen moved every time I moved the cursor like a pixel to the side.

I think I'll be done with Bryyo soon (but who knows, really). I'm on my way to the second major objective there. The environment is so pretty...


Got the ice missile, noticed the sound Samus made when shooting it in the cutscene, and was like "what the heck? A missile?" Grr. I likes my ice beam. I was sad about it not being in Fusion, too. Until the end, I guess.



I was making my way, thinking, oh, this stuff is pretty straightforward now, I got the hang of all this... run around here, get x item, fight x guy, blah blah.

Then it is like WHAM KA-BIZG different direction! Cool new environments!

The map layout is much more fun than previous prime games.

In the title screen when you make a new game it's called Veteran mode. I assume that if you beat the game on it you unlock a harder mode.

Oh good...i loved the Hard mode in Metroid Prime...


Just beat the third healthbar'd boss (first boss on Bryyo) and all I have to say is wow. This totally trumped my expectations so far, and I can't wait to see the rest of this game. If anyone reading this has a Wii and no Prime 3, they need to fix that. Like, now.

The real boss on Bryyo was kicking my butt. I don't like using corrution mode, but I guess I have to. I'll beat him later.

Same, I was hoping the game would let you chose between corruption or not.


I have to reveal a little white detail, really spoiler free seeing as you see it in the intro part, before the game begins, but I'll keep it on the quiet side out of respect.

During the dream diagnostic at the beginning, one of the lines is "Vous mourrez" which is french for you are dying. It flashes on the screen for about a quarter of a second.


Got the ice missile, noticed the sound Samus made when shooting it in the cutscene, and was like "what the heck? A missile?" Grr. I likes my ice beam. I was sad about it not being in Fusion, too. Until the end, I guess.


SPOILSBURY when you get to the metroids, and see how they changed them, you'll be glad you have a missile instead of having to use a beam SPLUS

also i REALLY love the direction they took with the valhalla. AWESOME atmosphere

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