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Yup, that's right.

I submitted a proposal to llocal CIUT 89.5FM broadcasting to Toronto and Buffulo.

They like the show idea, which has me playing OC Remix tunes each week.

This stations ratings are also on the rise

With a broadcast audience of millions this'll definately be a breakthrough.

I'm open to ideas and comments.

If you got a song you want played or anything like that, leave it here.

The show will likely start over the next couple months.

I'll update the show time when I get it.

Yup, that's right.

I submitted a proposal to llocal CIUT 89.5FM broadcasting to Toronto and Buffulo.

They like the show idea, which has me playing OC Remix tunes each week.

This stations ratings are also on the rise

With a broadcast audience of millions this'll definately be a breakthrough.

I'm open to ideas and comments.

If you got a song you want played or anything like that, leave it here.

The show will likely start over the next couple months.

I'll update the show time when I get it.

Where are you located? I'm from Buffalo.

And while OC has lots of a great tunes, feel free to throw in a few tunes that may not be on the site. You're just limiting yourself.


Several things:

1) Play all my stuff very frequently ;D (especially lover reef; of the mixes I've worked on, that's the one most likely to be well-recieved by a mainstream audience, imo)

2) Talk to Larry, I'm sure he'll be able to give you good advice, since he used to host an OCR radio show himself (albeit internet radio)

3) Is it limited to OCR stuff or game music in general? Seems to be like it would be a good idea to also bring in some DoD, VGmix (if it ever comes back up), Remix: ThaSauce, and so on.


Does the station have some online streaming feature or anything like that? I'd actually love to hear some OCremixes through the radio, but obviously I'm not going to be able to pick up a local U.S. station here in the Netherlands. =P

Anyway, if my mix that's currently in the judging process gets accepted, I'll post it here, feel free to use it how you like.


First off, you can listen live @ www.ciut.fm

There's a listen live button on the right hand side.

The station is in Toronto, Canada, and the broadcast radius reaches buffulo or any of the south shore of Lake Ontario on the Buffulo side (on a good day).

And Geoffrey Taucer, I love your stuff so it will be played from day one, and every show after that. Chrono Trigger Town Life is still my personal favorite. A joint project, yes, but the riff and singing is soooo good.

About other sites, I don't know about them. -_-

So, any lists of sites to check out for material is much appreciated.

As for DJP and Liontamer.

I'd tell em but I don't know the contacts.

So if anyone has em... thanks.


there's a few main remixing sites, or hubs i guess you could say, and there's also a shit ton of smaller sites (especially if you know moonspeak).

the main sites:

OverClocked ReMix - http://www.ocremix.org/ - Obviously

VGMix - http://www.vgmix.com/ - Currently down. There's a thread on the forums there with links to a bunch of the older songs, so you can dig around if you want.

ReMix:ThaSauce - http://remix.thasauce.net/ - Hosted by Ramaniscence and myself. Not updated as often as OCR, but there's some good stuff here.

Remix.Kwed.org (RKO) - http://remix.kwed.org/ - A very large site dedicated solely to remixes from Commodore 64 games.

OverLooked ReMiX - http://olremix.org/ - Joke remixes. Some are funny. Some are awful. Some will make you want to punch baby jesus out of existence.

other stuff:

Dwelling of Duels (DoD) - http://dod.vgmix.com/ - A monthly live instrument (generally guitar) remixing competition. There's some great stuff here. Srsly.

OneUp Studios - http://www.oneupstudios.com/ - OneUp Studios is home of The OneUps, and a few commercial arrangement albums. They don't make commercial albums anymore, however they do release free EPs every once in a while. I'd talk to Mustin first before playing any of their stuff on the radio though.

That's all I've got for now. I'd start you off on the doujin scene, but I'd better let dhsu or someone who knows what the hell they're talking about do that. Also, keep in mind there's tons upon tons of commercial arrangement albums out there as well if your radio station has no problem with that.

As for DJP and Liontamer.

I'd tell em but I don't know the contacts.

So if anyone has em... thanks.

You can PM either one of them.

Here's DJP's profile, complete with a link to PM him. It also has his AIM screen name (you could also sign on to IRC and send him a message there)

Here's Larry's (liontamer's) profile. Again, you can PM him or try to catch him on AIM (though he doesn't seem to be on very often, and I rarely see him on IRC either)


I'm sure you don't need the help, but I live about 20 mins away from the broadcast station and would get involved if you ever needed some extra hands/ears. I think it's a cool idea and would love to hear VG tunes get some love in Toronto.


Well, as CIUT is a Canadian broadcaster, there's a minimum requirement for Canadian content of 35% or 10% for international music, which this certainly might be.

Does anyone know the names of the Canadian composers on this site, or any other for that matter. I can and will look through the hompages of the artists I plan to play, but if anyone knows who the Canadians are, that would save me a lot of effort.

I'm sure you don't need the help, but I live about 20 mins away from the broadcast station and would get involved if you ever needed some extra hands/ears. I think it's a cool idea and would love to hear VG tunes get some love in Toronto.

Sure, I'd love to have you onboard. There may be certain proceedures you need to go through before they'll let you in the studio. I don't think I can just say, this guys gonna help me out with the show. But definately contact me so we can talk about it more. I'll probably want to meet you before I push to get you in on the show with me. Maybe drop by the station and fill out a Volunteer application form. These things take a month to process and it'll be October or later before this show gets running. So nows a good time.

My e-mail is absolutelylucid@yahoo.ca

My MSN is redakerston@hotmail.com

My home phone is 905-844-6995 real name Chris, but call me red if you want.


Not to take anything away from whats going on here, but if it isn't institutionalized radio, and they have commercial/advert breaks, is that technically allowed? Wouldn't you have to pay royalties to all the game companies who actually own the song?

I have no idea, just wondering. Like could you make an instrumental remix of a Pink Floyd song and play it on regular radio?

Does anyone know the names of the Canadian composers on this site, or any other for that matter. I can and will look through the hompages of the artists I plan to play, but if anyone knows who the Canadians are, that would save me a lot of effort.

Aetherius, Aurora, Brad Smith, Christian Pacaud, deim0s, Disturbed, Double A-Ron, E-Bison, EgM, Fairlight, Gman, MAG, Norrin_Radd, Paul Levasseur, Prasa_U., PriZm, Random Hero, Rayza, Skrypnyk, Spekkosaurus, Trance-Canada

Probably missed 1 or 2, but that's the best list you're going to find.

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