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The Smash Bros lineup changes a bit every year, but the constants are Midee, Ailsean, Norg, Prozax, and virt. This year, they had ktriton on drums (I think last year was shawnphase?) and then this other guitarist, but I didn't recognize him. They played a bunch of tunes including Zelda 64, FF6 (Phantom Forest), Actraiser & Castlevania, "You Got the Touch", and an original written by Jake.

The whole thing was really great - not just that set, but the whole weekend. SO many cool people.. the only thing I didn't like was that it seemed to end so soon!


Man...sounds like some sweet bunch of songs, zircon. Glad you had fun overall. I take it you guys enjoyed promoting OCR and the new Radical Dreamers remix album over at the panel...hopefully there were a couple of RD fans there since the game is so niche.

Anyway, pictures, video, audio...whatever...I want some MAGfest stuff in this thread. lol. I guess Jill will handle the photos as usual.


Back from Magfest, and it's lonely already! This year's group was so enormous that I wish I could have had more time to spend with people in smaller crowds. Mannnn... Anyway, I didn't go too crazy with the picture taking because there were plenty of others with cameras. Here's what I gots.

Just a modest chunk of the overall OCR crew. Clockwise from top left: Fusion2004, Moguta, q-pa, BGC, Escariot, CHz, Anime Freak, Salty, Mustin, Dale North, gncmastwe16 (now revelation orange), Xerol, Starla, Larry, Rama, pixietricks, Kroze, Bluefox, zircon, Shael Riley, Suzumebachi, Geoffrey Taucer, DjSammyG, and bustatunez


People congratulating bustatunez after the LucasArts announcement


BGC coming out of the closet!


SOC, Mewtation, Vilecat, and aureus (my brother) at TGIFriday's


The Smash Bros lineup changes a bit every year, but the constants are Midee, Ailsean, Norg, Prozax, and virt. This year, they had ktriton on drums (I think last year was shawnphase?) and then this other guitarist, but I didn't recognize him. They played a bunch of tunes including Zelda 64, FF6 (Phantom Forest), Actraiser & Castlevania, "You Got the Touch", and an original written by Jake.

Yeah, Kroze and I were shouting along at the top of our lungs (I <3 cheesy 80s pop). Those glitchy NES backdrops were the best as well; who made those again?.

I take it you guys enjoyed promoting OCR and the new Radical Dreamers remix album over at the panel...hopefully there were a couple of RD fans there since the game is so niche.

What? There was a Radical Dreamers project?? ;-)

None of us except those who posted it got to hear the full work there AFAIK, since the Internet was so terrible. I'm downloading it now.

But yeah, thanks for a great time all!


Just a modest chunk of the overall OCR crew. Clockwise from top left: Fusion2004, Moguta, q-pa, BGC, Escariot, CHz, Anime Freak, Salty, Mustin, Dale North, gncmastwe16 (now revelation orange), Xerol, Starla, Larry, Rama, pixietricks, Kroze, Bluefox, zircon, Shael Riley, Suzumebachi, Geoffrey Taucer, DjSammyG, and bustatunez


People congratulating bustatunez after the LucasArts announcement


When did these happen? I think I'm perhaps the only person missing from the top shot. Oh, and Dave, but he was barely there.


Holyshit Escariotisheretodrivemeearly KTHXBYE!! :dstrbd:

What the hell? My car was still running, you jerk! You took the time to post when my car was running? For FIFTEEN MINUTES?!?!

ZOMG!!1 It's Busta!! <3

nice pic :D

Hey, I'm in there, too...

i'd say that the best part for me was the twenty minutes or so that virt, norg, escariot and i spent singing tags. videos to come, hopefully, but next year there is totally going to be an acapella rockout concert of us singing manchoir stuff, i hope.

Hells yes, my friend. There were 3 or 4 people that had video cameras, and I asked norg and virt to get those to me as soon as they get them. Although, I'm not sure if the Dorsai enjoyed it as much as we did.

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