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OK... final set...


Larry crashes at ThaSauce panel Sunday morning


DJP is ordering at Popeye's...

with Moguta, mewtation, Vilecat, Escariot and Liontamer


And finally, Vilecat's little doodle as we were packing up JamSpace.

Also, as a special bonus this is an unused "intro" live mash-up I made Wednesday night 1/02. SOS団 vs. Beastie Boys.

"Haruhi Shakes her Rump"

From what I understand the difference in price didn't even make it an option, in order to afford the other weekend there'd need to be both a badge price bump and a significant increase in attendance.

The "other" weekend? Last time I checked, there are 51 "other" weekends in a year.







Let me talk about how bad my luck is.

Every year, assignments for working on the year's holidays are determined and handed out. This year, several weeks ago, some morons in charge decided to do it Secret-Santa style, allowing everyone to pick two dates out of a plastic bag thinking it's a fair solution; you're stuck with them. I was extremely busy with my own work that day, so after I got impatient waiting for my turn, I said, "this is ridiculous, why don't you just give me Christmas and New Year's already so I can head back to work?" Do I call 'em or what? No need to guess which two holidays I end up with.

"Cost consideration" is fast becoming the dirtiest phrase in the English language. Bad enough the event was always too close to New Year's. Seems the people who benefit most from a cheap hotel in the area of Virginia on New Year's Day weekend are the people who live so close they probably won't need a hotel anyway. Californy-ites who are gamers - and who actually have a life outside of video gaming - will find true pain after celebrating all night, waking up at 11AM with a hangover, and killing themselves trying to catch a flight all the way east.

M6 just ended, and I'm already almost guaranteed not to come to the next one. </rant>


My wife and I made this suggestion once before and heard some opposition, but I still haven't heard a solid reason yet why magfest can't be moved closer west, specifically to Las Vegas (the convention capitol of the nation, right?), because the trip would likely be less expensive (including flights, hotels, food, etc.) for most anyone attending, plus the event would be more centralized.

My wife and I made this suggestion once before and heard some opposition, but I still haven't heard a solid reason yet why magfest can't be moved closer west, specifically to Las Vegas (the convention capitol of the nation, right?), because the trip would likely be less expensive (including flights, hotels, food, etc.) for most anyone attending, plus the event would be more centralized.

If it wasn't on the east coast, a lot of people probably would have a hard time getting there - it'd put a major dent in my wallet at least because flights are not cheap, especially compared to a $35 roundtrip bus ticket.


I see your point. No matter where it's held, somebody somewhere is gonna feel screwed and will likely complain about it. I know I certainly took a hit, paying upwards of $1000 for the entire trip, though I was prepared for it. Knowing that I will likely have to spend the same amount next year, I have to start saving up now. That's just the way it goes, right? I admit it was worth it though. It was a much needed experience. I just wish I knew how to keep my expenses down a bit more, without making too many sacrifices.






Let me talk about how bad my luck is.

Every year, assignments for working on the year's holidays are determined and handed out. This year, several weeks ago, some morons in charge decided to do it Secret-Santa style, allowing everyone to pick two dates out of a plastic bag thinking it's a fair solution; you're stuck with them. I was extremely busy with my own work that day, so after I got impatient waiting for my turn, I said, "this is ridiculous, why don't you just give me Christmas and New Year's already so I can head back to work?" Do I call 'em or what? No need to guess which two holidays I end up with.

"Cost consideration" is fast becoming the dirtiest phrase in the English language. Bad enough the event was always too close to New Year's. Seems the people who benefit most from a cheap hotel in the area of Virginia on New Year's Day weekend are the people who live so close they probably won't need a hotel anyway. Californy-ites who are gamers - and who actually have a life outside of video gaming - will find true pain after celebrating all night, waking up at 11AM with a hangover, and killing themselves trying to catch a flight all the way east.

M6 just ended, and I'm already almost guaranteed not to come to the next one. </rant>

I'm gonna back my boy Jose on this. Lots of people that work retail will be totally screwed on that. Everyone knows that pretty much anything from Xmas to a week after New Years is blackout time, and that actually getting approved for time off is like, trying to beat a video game using one hand. I suppose it can be done, but it's highly unlikely.

I officially oppose M7 on New Years '09.


Well, now that I've calmed down and returned from work, I'll hold out hope. I may be able to find someone who'll switch holidays with me (I do have plenty of co-workers pissed off about their own holiday assignments). I'm a person who can't stand planning for something so far in advance, but I'm forced to do that where I work: everyone's jockeying for most of the same days, so first come, first serve (I do have seniority on my side), and I'll put in my request the minute we get a definite set of days. I'm not wasting time concerning Otakon, either. I had to register at the MAG site, to share my thoughts and to ask, since I didn't make it this time, about transferring the cost of my M6 registration to that for M7.

I'll post some highlights now.


Garian's #2, and [somebody]'s #3.


Geoffrey Taucer, Shnabubula, and somebody else play at JamSpace.

Garian is PLAYER #2, Paul (One of the top guys of MAG) is STAFF #3.

That someone else is Shael Riley


Shnabubula, Escaript and Drew back at JamSpace after the Saturday night concerts

Also shawnphase


Those 2 "jailbait" girls try out the Pacman machine

You took a picture of the prosti-tots.

Garian is PLAYER #2, Paul (One of the top guys of MAG) is STAFF #3.

That someone else is Shael Riley

Also shawnphase

You took a picture of the prosti-tots.

Yeah, sorry about all that. I'm terrible with names and faces...

Also, thanks for the audio, Kroze. As I said during the set, Shael Riley is a regular Scatman :smile:


It is my hope that they do not hold M7 a day after New Year's 09. Sorry, but I, and a lot of others so far, seem to agree that it's a bad idea. Truthfully, if it were the week, or two weeks after, or better yet, at the end of January after everyone has had at least a little chance for regaining their money spent on christmas, I think it would work out a lot better.

But that's an opinion. I loved going to MAGFest for the first time, and I really want to go next year, but I won't if it's right after New Year's.

It is my hope that they do not hold M7 a day after New Year's 09. Sorry, but I, and a lot of others so far, seem to agree that it's a bad idea.

If you check the MAGFest forums, and read what Brendan said, it pretty much comes down to either having it Jan 1-4, or not having it at all.

Truthfully, if it were the week, or two weeks after, or better yet, at the end of January after everyone has had at least a little chance for regaining their money spent on christmas, I think it would work out a lot better.

But then you're asking everyone that attends school or college (a good bit of the people that are MAG attendees), to skip school / classes (Wednesday,) Thursday and Friday.


Guess that means I either don't go, or...I make the acception. I'm going to look at the calender, and see what the deal is. Also, I wasn't trying to come off sounding like a jerk or anything.

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