djpretzel Posted September 14, 2007 Posted September 14, 2007 I suppose I'll give it another shot. Another way you can really help out is by helping promote the album - tell your friends, ask them to tell their friends, and make sure you digg it at: Quote
Skummel Maske Posted September 14, 2007 Posted September 14, 2007 I'm looking forward to listening to this, though the download is turtling along at 10kb/s right now. One question: Why the wav files? Quote
OverCoat Posted September 14, 2007 Posted September 14, 2007 Oh dear, here they come already. Benefit of the Boomerang's version is bettar Quote
herograw Posted September 14, 2007 Posted September 14, 2007 hahahahahahahahahaha, attention much? Also, I seriously expected "one mo time fo tha bass!" to come up somewhere in mustin's mix. haven't listened to everything yet because it's still thursday in my world. Great job, guys. Quote
DoubleD Posted September 14, 2007 Posted September 14, 2007 Okay, so Im new to the forums but I've been listening to OC for about 2 years now, and I gotta say much <3 to all the artists making the music, keep it up!!! Okay, now to my point....I saw the post of whoever saying that One Winged Angel was so profoundly ruined needs to be pimp slapped, and pimp slapped hard..I skipped forward to the song just to hear what all the fuss was about...I really liked the opening, started getting stronger then BOOM!!! I got to 0:44s and the song proceded to melt my face off! The song rocks balls and so far the rest of the album(s) are just as great! Thanks again all who toiled and slaved <3<3<3 Quote
Fishy Posted September 14, 2007 Posted September 14, 2007 Okay, so Im new to the forums but I've been listening to OC for about 2 years now, and I gotta say much <3 to all the artists making the music, keep it up!!! Okay, now to my point....I saw the post of whoever saying that One Winged Angel was so profoundly ruined needs to be pimped slap, and pimp slapped hard..I skipped forward to the song just to hear what all the fuss was about...I really liked the opening, started getting stronger then BOOM!!! I got to 0:44s and the song proceded to melt my face off! The song rocks balls and so far the rest of the album(s) are just as great! Thanks again all who toiled and slaved <3<3<3 Woo, people like it. The only thing that bugs me about OWA is that its not 10 times longer, but hey, its a ridiculous source to work with. Quote
Jogilius Posted September 14, 2007 Posted September 14, 2007 Just started listening to the tracks. But what does "dirge" actually mean? Quote
Inimitable Posted September 14, 2007 Posted September 14, 2007 Main Entry: dirge Pronunciation: 'd&rj Function: noun Etymology: Middle English dirige, the Office of the Dead, from the first word of a Late Latin antiphon, from Latin, imperative of dirigere to direct -- more at DRESS 1 : a song or hymn of grief or lamentation; especially : one intended to accompany funeral or memorial rites 2 : a slow, solemn, and mournful piece of music 3 : something (as a poem) that has the qualities of a dirge Also, there are way too many hit-and-runs goin on here. I started downloading really recently and finished just 10 ago. SEED, people! Quote
DoubleD Posted September 14, 2007 Posted September 14, 2007 Just started listening to the tracks. But what does "dirge" actually mean? Wikipedia has this to say "A dirge is a somber song expressing mourning or grief, such as would be appropriate for performance at a funeral. The English word "dirge" is derived from the Latin Dirige, Domine, Deus meus, in conspectu tuo viam meam ("Direct my way in your sight, O Lord my God") , the first words of the first antiphon in the Matins of the Office for the Dead. The original meaning of "dirge" in English referred to this office." Quote
Torzelan Posted September 14, 2007 Posted September 14, 2007 This is better than any of my recent christmas- and birthdays. So pumped that I'd finally get to hear the rest of that redxii.mp3 sample and I'm... at... loss for words. As some one said earlier; I feel like I should be giving you money. I curse the cruel fate of not owning a printer or CD labeling kit, but sooner or later... So far only heard two other tracks in full (am actually trying to hold back until I get home from work and can listen to it all in one go but couldn't wait to hear these three in particular) and I have not enjoyed any music this much for a long time, no exaggerating. I am thoroughly thankful that nobody saw me when I fired up Lunatic Moon and the guitars kicked in. Am pimping this to everyone I know and my upload will run this torrent exclusively for a good while. Thank you, thank you, thank you. It's not the only thing that makes this one of the best Fridays I've ever experienced, but it's a damn perfect soundtrack to accompany. Oh and by the way, I'm quite fond of those little 350x19(?) image signatures that a lot of people have; it would be awesome if there was an official one for this so that I can have the project page linked in other forums. If there are no plans to do this I'll do one later myself. Quote
SwordBreaker Posted September 14, 2007 Posted September 14, 2007 I'm a huge fan of Uematsu, Final Fantasy VII, and videogame music. Even though FF7's soundtrack isn't Uematsu's best work, I still have a special place in my heart for some of its tracks. With that being said, I've been excited about this project ever since I heard of it on VGDJ (a video recording of one of the panels). I'm downloading the torrent now. Once I give it a good listen, expect a detailed review from me. Quote
prophetik music Posted September 14, 2007 Posted September 14, 2007 [01:19] captain0cd: 45 Tracks.[01:19] captain0cd: That's like. [01:19] captain0cd: If music was sex. [01:19] captain0cd: This would be an orgy. [01:19] Friend: that should be the cd title [01:19] Friend: 'Orgy- A FFVII Compilation' This is too much. I don't even know what to say. I feel like I should be giving you people money. Thank you. this entire project is incredible. thanks for making it so damned good. Quote
Duo Posted September 14, 2007 Posted September 14, 2007 This has altered the entire course of my month. I am currently in a financial low point and did not know what I was going to do for fresh music. I check OCR once a day in hopes for a new track... And I get 45 tracks across 4 CD's of one of my favorite soundtracks of all time. OWA is definitely different from what I'm used to, but having heard the other versions so much, it's great to get a fresh take on it, and it really is cool. Everything sounds great thus far. This is just so awesome I cannot believe it. I wasn't even aware of this project. It was a complete surprise to me. I can't sleep now. Yes. Yes. YES. Quote
Skummel Maske Posted September 14, 2007 Posted September 14, 2007 Some tracks do seem to stray alot from the originals, though that's not necessarily a bad thing. Considering my relationship to the game, I do visualize the scenarios when listening to the tracks, and I've realized that the tracks don't always fit very good in that aspect. On the other hand, the musical value of this is very high. The vocals on the Heart of Anxiety remix were wonderful! The tracks I've heard this far have all impressed me alot, even though I usually dislike trance-ish music. The robot voice, though? Meh Quote
duelace Posted September 14, 2007 Posted September 14, 2007 This is just so awesome I cannot believe it. I wasn't even aware of this project. It was a complete surprise to me. I can't sleep now. Yes. Yes. YES. ditto man, i didnt know about it eighter so i felt kinda like this little guy at first lol and i feel you on the sleep part, found this out at around midnight while i was falling asleep, now its 4am an dim wide awake listening to music, gonna grab a couple blank CD's tomorrow so i can have something new to listen to in the car for the next couple of month's Quote
Barnsalot Posted September 14, 2007 Posted September 14, 2007 I've listened to a few tracks (torrenting the rest of them). I haven't been disappointed yet. It was a pleasant surprise to see that even obscure tracks like the submarine theme had been mixed. Also, we need more diggs in case you guys haven't checked the front page of this topic: Quote
Fishy Posted September 14, 2007 Posted September 14, 2007 Whenever I get a new CD or a new Album, I always listen to the whole thing, in one go just to feel it. I've done this with more or less every album I aquire, and let me tell you. Voices Of The Lifestream just fucking killed eveything in my collection. This is without a doubt the best album I've ever listened to. I know professional albums might have better production, or well known people, but none of them have the incredible variance and blend of styles and genres. Some of my favourites: Anything by Steffan Andrews, amazing orchestration on all three tracks Blinds Birth Of A God BGC's Opening Shnabubula, Bladiator and Dshu's piano tracks AS's revamped chocobo thing Argh there's too many to list. I do want to say that my favourite of all is without a doubt Zirc and pixie's Deliverance of the Heart. My favourite VG tune, remixed perfectly. A huge thanks to everyone who took part, and a huge thanks to zircon for letting me be a part of it . Quote
Doulifée Posted September 14, 2007 Posted September 14, 2007 Nice work so far. I didn't listen to everything ( a 45 project track is big ) so i took a quick tour of theme i know. kudos to the two or three remixers who's name didn't ring a bell to me. i'll add more later when i'll listen more of it. Quote
Bummer Posted September 14, 2007 Posted September 14, 2007 I'll seed as well when the download is complete. Nonetheless, 2.32 GB sure takes time. Quote
Skummel Maske Posted September 14, 2007 Posted September 14, 2007 I didn't see any info about this on the site, so I'll ask here: Will it be possible to order this on CDs? All the artwork is wonderful, and it'd look great in my CD collection^^ Quote
DeepChild Posted September 14, 2007 Posted September 14, 2007 Congrats on the massive release! The DL was ultra smooth, so well done on that front as well. I've been shaking with anticipation for this release for a while now, and hearing pixietricks do her thing on the first track just confirmed for me that this is going to be a freaking awesome day. Checking the credits I can already tell this album is going to bring down the house (or office building in this case). Thanks to all for the huge effort. *bows humbly before the collective talent* EDIT: Ok, I'm halfway through my second listen now, and I wanted to tell you all how utterly impressed I am. I've completely enjoyed each and every track; Not one has made me want to skip over it to find out what awaits me after. For an album that features such a wide variety of styles and sounds, that's really saying something. A few tracks stand out in my memory at the moment, and I wanted to make special mention of them. Lunatic Moon just lent new meaning to the word badass. Fading Entity totally blew me away, and made me stop working for minutes just so I could take it all in. I have to prevent myself from playing this song too often in the near future so I don't wear out the splendor I feel when hearing it. Deliverance of the Heart is a spectacular opener, and Son of Chaos is a fantastic take on the Shinra Theme (one of my favorites from the OST). Oh, and Darangen's Collision kicks it as well (a great mix of the North Cave track, another of my favorites). I hope that my highlighting these particular pieces doesn't detract from my earlier praise for each of the tracks on this album, as they are all excellent. Heartfelt thanks and congratuations to the artists for the effort and talent they poured into this project. EDIT 2: I would be remiss if I did not also give praise specifically to sephfire and sgx for No Such Thing as the Promised Land. It has grown on my trememdously, as I expect each of the tracks will do in days to come. Quote
Didaji Posted September 14, 2007 Posted September 14, 2007 Album downloaded and all tracks listened through, awesome album, i know for sure that im going to listen alot on this one. Thanks to all involved that made it possible for us to listen to this masterpiece. Quote
Jenga Posted September 14, 2007 Posted September 14, 2007 Big Meh. This just made me wish Disco Dan was around. Quote
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