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OCRA-0009 - Final Fantasy VII: Voices of the Lifestream

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The scope of the project cannot be negated by the opinion of a person.

Its a huge project, huge scope, and it does include a good number of tracks, but I can understand Meiguoren's point of view. Nothing of what was offered really stood out except maybe one or two tracks. It's his point of view, and it is "contrarian." It does not contradict his admitting of the scope, there is just a massive project which he does not enjoy as much as others do.


This album just blows me away. It feels like I'm back on my old Window's 95 playing the Comp. version all over again in my mind. All this nostalgia just keeps me listening and I just love it. I plan on making CD Cases and a DVD box with the art work for Show and Tell and I'll Deffinately give pics/a vid when I'm finished.

Thanks for the Music!


(Small size to diminish this tangent!)

Radical Dreamer, you're not getting it. Read again please. Scope doesn't just mean sheer track count.

Might want to re-read his/her "review" as well. Statements like "I don't know why this project feels so lackluster, so soulless," "perhaps that's my problem" (emphasis mine), "every track sound the same," "it's just not what it should have been," "there are better versions of many of these same tracks" etc. are empty, subjective comments. No discussion of what makes it "soulless" or what makes those other tracks "better." And with such close-mindedness it doesn't really encourage a dialogue with others, which is kinda, you know, the point of forums. Basically, he/she doesn't know why, but they just don't like it, and he/she felt the need to write a huge post to attempt to say so. Sometimes people see huge posts like that and mistakenly think that because they say so much, it must be well-considered. In this case it's not.

But yes, all the praise the project has been getting is more than enough to drown out the inevitable whining and inarticulate scorn from the peanut gallery. :P

Anyway, Imasock's song art is rad, I think I will do a few pieces for my favorite tracks T-T-T-T-T-T-T-TOO.


Meigouren is far from being "the peanut gallery" and I think most people here would respect his opinion. The fact is, what he said was simply this:

"I respect the project for its scope, but it does not appeal to me."

If you understood anything else than that, or if you take offense to that comment, then you are the whiner from the peanut gallery.

And frankly, I am still shocked at someone calling Ace! "the peanut gallery." The man is a legend here.



I think everyone has a very personal idea of what "good music" is to them. In my opinion, pretty much every track on this project outshines most of the FF7 remixes already posted to OCR. But maybe that's because I like music that is very interpretative, different, and professionally produced. If I were in it for the nostalgia factor alone, I might prefer something that sticks closer to the originals.

On the contrary, I am far more impressed with the new heights these artists have reached through their unique arrangements. To each his own. :>


Yeah, but just as everyone who posted praise here did not get their opinions discussed and "tentatively refuted", Ace!'s comments should be taken face value.

He did not dismiss the project as bad.

He did not claim the music was bad.

All he did was say that in his opinion, the project felt soulless. Nothing more.

(also, he's in China right now, so he may not be able to respond quickly.)


Do you think that Nobuo Uematsu could get his hands on this album? Would you send him a copy? Do you think it has been too long since he has heard his music? Do you think he will recognize his own music in the mixes? Or will he just sue us?

I think last.fm finally broke. A ton of the project songs can't be searched for, yet they exist in the database when you browse by tags. And the number of plays is definitely broken. Scenes from a Memory has 410, but Black Wing Metamorphosis only has 2? That surely can't be right.

Black Wing Metamorphosis has a lot of different artist attached to it. A single change to any character and it becomes a new artist. So in all likelihood, BWM has a bunch of people changing parts of their tags and having it under a different artist than the OCR labeling.


I have lurked at OCRemix since 2000 and registered purely to beg someone to throw together sheet music for Schnabubula's Stone Eyes. Schnabubula, or somebody with an ear for transcriptions--please. Help a brother out.

Stone Eyes is the finest piano remix I have heard come out of this site, which I feel is a strong statement when you consider The Trial, zohar's stuff, Sugar Water Purple, 600 AD, Cutman, etc. His previous stuff is Big Idea Stuff, totally fresh, experimental, technically impressive, but this track hits the CHILL button and just flows beautifully. Crushed the track, just crushed it.

I think the instrumentals dominate this project too, and I like electronica just fine. I wonder if there's something to be said for adding some humanity to FF7's heavy synth sound and dark themes. Pot Hocket's two tracks are phenomenal, Bladiator's finale is great. Club Corel, Short Skirts, Scenes From a Memory, Dhsu's track, and OWA are my other short-list tracks.

Now if only this much enthusiasm and talent had been thrown into a game with better source material... :razz:


Very nice indeed! I'll keep it in my seed rotation for quite a long time, because it will not be leaving my computer for an indefinite amount of time.


Thanks for all the kind words (as well as the not-so-kind ones), everyone. I was a little nervous about the release at first, but it's a big relief to finally be able to get my track out in the open and see the feedback. I'm glad people like it so far.

In other news, if anyone has actually gone through the whole process of creating a physical DVD or CD using the custom CD and case art, and is willing to go through it again and mail a copy to me, I'd be willing to compensate them for their efforts. Just throwing that out there for any takers.

Yeah, but just as everyone who posted praise here did not get their opinions discussed and "tentatively refuted", Ace!'s comments should be taken face value.

He did not dismiss the project as bad.

He did not claim the music was bad.

All he did was say that in his opinion, the project felt soulless. Nothing more.

(also, he's in China right now, so he may not be able to respond quickly.)

Say thankee. Also, thank you for respecting my opinion, pixietricks. Now then. Moving along.

Not gonna argue, bro, but what's the point of writing a long post about how you basically don't like electronica?

Not to be an ass, but what's the point of writing a long post about how you basically like it?

I'll tell you what the point is... to express your opinion. And the ability to do just that, is part of what this thread (and site) is about. The concept behind making comments and writing reviews on OCR, is to share what you felt was good and bad about a given track (or set of tracks). It's not about only allowing positive feedback here, it's about saying how you really feel towards what you just listened to... and Ace! did exactly that.

Some will like this project, others won't. But regardless of where they stand, they're welcome to voice their thoughts :-)


Collision reminded me of the Metroid Prime soundtrack, sort of, even though I haven't played that game in ages. Didn't someone already make that comparison? Whatever, it's true. Especially that intro. "WEEEEEEEeooooooooooo, wooooooooo eeeeee EEEE".

Edit: Man, I've started like fifty pages in this thread.

Thanks for all the kind words (as well as the not-so-kind ones), everyone. I was a little nervous about the release at first, but it's a big relief to finally be able to get my track out in the open and see the feedback. I'm glad people like it so far.

In other news, if anyone has actually gone through the whole process of creating a physical DVD or CD using the custom CD and case art, and is willing to go through it again and mail a copy to me, I'd be willing to compensate them for their efforts. Just throwing that out there for any takers.

Dhsu, all mixers will receive a copy.

Do you think that Nobuo Uematsu could get his hands on this album? Would you send him a copy? Do you think it has been too long since he has heard his music? Do you think he will recognize his own music in the mixes? Or will he just sue us?

http://www.square-enix-usa.com/uematsu/q&a/index.html and if you're feeling bold; info@smileplease.co.jp

I'm not sure that you could get in touch with Nobuo with the latter, and probably not with the first one either but you could try nobuo@smileplease.co.jp or uematsu@smilplease.co.jp

Just maybe it would be worth a shot to try to give Uematsu a poke about this. But well, merely providing you with possible options.

Just make sure you give me a shout if someone gets a reply from the man.


I must say, takes a strong body and a disciplined mind to resist the aural sensuality that is Larry's voice. He is, in fact, the Barry White of the video game music and remix industry. While I am saddened that you have expressed a degree of disdain for his cameo, I fully respect and am immensely impressed by your ability to bat down his seductive vocal vibrations and resist the call of uncontrollably senseless elation :nicework:

(just joking with you, bro.:-) that's cool if it's not your thing. I am glad you liked the Opening remix though, Meiguoren. And I appreciate your kind remarks.)

To everyone else, Be sure to drink your Ovaltine! 8)

Also, Leah, your album art is super sexy. I hope to see more o' dat.

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