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Greatest minute and a half of guitar ever recorded?

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Hmmm... does anyone else think that 3:45-5:00 on Maggot Brain is the greatest single use of guitar, like... ever?

If anyone here hasn't heard that song... let me know, because it's absolutely mind blowing.


Is this what you're talking about?


I admit I'm not a big fan of the genre or electric in general, I'm not sure if it's original or not as I haven't really listened to a lot of electric guitar music. Nothing really stood out between the parts you listed though. I actually thought it was a bit unpleasant around 4:00 and 4:45. I've heard other electric guitar music I have liked better.


Blaarrgghh.. I listened to all 10 minutes of it but didn't find it at all interesting. To be honest, its a miracle I even listened to it at all after the two first minutes. But yeah, as the guy said on Youtube, this was probably quite something else at its time. Not for me. Never ever.


Maggot Brain's seeing a sudden resurge in popularity lately, isn't it? I remember when a good friend of mine showed me this album last year; I was blown away.

To call anything the "best ever" is rather pretentious, isn't it? However, I personally think that it could be said that the raw emotion in "Maggot Brain" is more or less unparalleled. After a while, you don't even notice if anyone else is playing or not. It's very absorbing. That startling first note, too, really sets the tone. Finally, since he plays it through a wah-wah, at times it sounds as if the words of remorse are trying to escape through his guitar. You can almost hear them sometimes...

It's funny, cause when I saw "greatest guitar ever recorded" this song came to mind. I don't own any other songs that I'd consider above it, at any rate.


Hate be like the only one who thinks so, but that was a pretty boring song for me. Of course this would be making a genre jump from rock to metal, but I recommend the guitars solos of Soilwork, Death, and Nevermore. Creativity is more emotional than just playing a slow bluesy solo when your life is at a particularly low point. Of course all this is just a matter of opinion, but I can still say exactly what solo is my greatest one. It's the second solo in Jealousy by Death. It's played by Andy Laroque. I think he's from Sweden but I'm not really sure. It's a pretty short one, but it's so dang sweet! Harmonizing is where it's at! Check it out if you can.


I've always been impressed by Elliot Easton from the Cars. He has a really unique style and tone.

As far as guitar masterpieces go, I recommend Cliffs of Dover by Eric Johnson.


In response to alot of the comments and songs posted here, I just want to say that real, great guitar is not some guy running up and down scales as fast as possible. It's not just technical skill. I really think that maggot brain, as a whole, is the complete package in terms of guitar. It is 10 minutes of a one take improvised guitar solo that was never practiced before it was performed. The pure emotion of the guitar solo is unrivaled by almost anything in the guitar world. I've heard my fair share of guitar solos, but nothing comes close to maggot brain in terms of being one with the instrument, and doing something amazing.

I think Maggot Brain is the standard to which a real guitar solo should be held, not on the basis of just technical skill, but on the human side too. And I don't think any other song measures up to that.

Course, that's all my opinion xD


I fell in love with this style of playing as soon as I saw this video. Mostly because I figured it out on my own a few months beforehand. I got tired of practicing so I just decided to see all the different things I could do with my guitar. I of course didn't do anything of this caliber, but it made me happy someone else has thought of this and turned it into something great.


I maybe a little late, maybe someone has mention this already, but I think this song would perfectly go in a funeral.

I also think it'd be a nice pick for Guitar Hero 3

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