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Mega Man 3 'Blue Reflection'

Holy crap, this is gooooood. It may not be everyone's cup of tea, but you should download it now just to try it. One of the most professional sounding remixes on the site.

Actually, though, I did have one minor gripe - the vocals are mixed in just a bit to quietly. I can hear starla's (wonderful) voice, but I can't really make out the lyrics... but that aside, this gets a "What the hell are you waiting for?" from me!


This is like... very cool! I love it!

My only gripe is when Starla's going for those low notes, well, they get sorta forced out. Doesen't sound that good. Overall though, this is great singing and mixing. This will no doubt be the ending song on my new OCR CD.


I love this song. A change from all the fast breakbeat, hip-hop and techno remixes I listen to. This would make a great slow song at a high school dance. The saxophone solo's awesome at the beginning, and the piano fits in very nicely. Starla, you're vocals have very much improved since the 8-Bit Eighties Mario Remix. I can see that in this and 8-Bit, you've have Madonna as one of your influences for vocals and other compositions.

The only two things that could make it better, louder vocals and a minimal drum-line. At least a bassdrum and a snare to keep the beat are good combinations.

All in all, guys, surprise the love of your life with this when she comes over for dinner!

To the red-head that owns a locker beside me, I reserve this track for you, my love!!!


This has always been my favorite Megaman sng of them all. To hear it with such beautiful lyrics, though a little hard to hear, actually brought a tear to my eye. It's really really wonderful.


Obviously, injury is extremelly talented. This jazzy song was always one to hit my favs, but injury's melodic voice just adds to the climate of the song. Seriously, this is extremelly artsy and goes to show that adding lyrics to a song can be beautifull.

Im still aksing myself why injury wasnt picked to sing in lunar ?! O_o;;


the most intricately woven delight of vocals and touching music i've heard in a long time. injury has done an excellent job here, and her lyrics are beautifully written. anyone who loves someone should listen to this song. i did, and it brought out a whirlwind of emotion in me. a huge applause to injury on this.


this was okay. i can't bring myself to say excellent.

the vocals should be a little louder versus the piano.

like...... *-* when she was singing this on the shoutcast last night?

*THAT* was perfect. Even if she was being interupted and broke down laughing a couple times. =D

but overall. Must Download. =P a shame for anyone who missed the shoutcast too.


I'm suprised nobody mentioned this before, but, doesn't this really pemind you of ProtoVaffe? I've listened to them countless times, and this seems to follow ProtoVaffe, note for note. I just thought you should know. :D

Anyway, 15 out of 10 Canned Hams on this one!


I love it. The combination of the simple instrumentation, the style, and the singing all come together to remind me of some of Yoko Kanno's more somber works from "Cowboy Bebop". I absolutely love the music from that show, so know that my comparison is extremely favorable. A rare thing, lyrics with the remix, It's one thing to remix a song (Which can be a difficult task in itself) but to sing to it too.... wow. My hat's off to you. I can't write lyrics, so I can only be in awe... Great stuff.


Yes, starla is indeed talented. I've been a buddy of hers for years, so I've gotten to hear all that talent develop almost in real time... it's been quite an experience, yes.

Anyway, about the remix... I think everyone else summed it up nicely, heh (I'm such a dirty troll). I just wish starla would take my advice and get singing lessons... with just a bit more range she'd go from great to wonderful.

Eh, just wait until starla and I make the Guts Man song. I've already written the lyrics... I just have to sing them now, hehe.


Whoa...just...whoa. I never thought of having my favorite tune from Mega Man 3 like this at all. I'm pleased that it turned out quite well. starla's a talented vocalist, I can give you that, and her lyrics are well written, as nothing really stuck out like a sore thumb. The slight jazz ambience of the tune really worked, and the cello and piano complemented starla well. Gotta love the sax, too...

Unless you're not into this kind of music, I'm not sure if you'll like it or not. I still recommend that everyone download it soon. I personally hope to hear more of these kinds of things in the future.


Wow, very sleek and stylish. While, IMO, Starla is hardly a great voice talent (Who am i to talk though, i couldn't sing if my life depended on it), But, still, i love this remix. There's just something velvet smooth about it... Goes down like a good drink :)


My god, when I first heard this mix I was blown away... Then quickly followed up by sadness, cause the singer (whoever it was) reminded me how much being single, just doesn't suit me.. Then I became sleepy, becuase the total package sounded so gentle to my ears, that I became a little too relaxed :) ...

then finally returned to being completely amazed. The whole thing is put together perfectly!

But now I'm sad... I'm once again reminded, that I'm lonely. :cry:


I read "Jazz" and lyrics" in the description for this song and figured I would hate it. Thank god I downloaded it anyway, b/c this is one of the best ReMixes I've gotten in a while. Sure, there is some truth to the criticisms (singing quiet, low notes a little rough) but they do nothing to diminish the overall enjoyment of this track. I actually like that the singing is pretty quiet for most of it...it doesn't overshadow the Protoman theme, and it kinda reminds me of someone sitting alone singing to herself. Not the kinda thing you would be belting out to an audience. Great job


It's been a while since I've done a review, since I've been pretty lazy. However, after listening to this ReMix, I couldn't afford to be lazy. This Mega Man 3 remix is good. Excuse me, great. No, wonderful... well, you get the point, ya?

The instruments blend together into something you would want to hit the repeat button on your CD Player for, and listen to it over, and over, and over. So, I am listenting to this, and saying, "Hm, not bad, not bad."

Then came the lyrics... I was suprised to hear lyrics in the song, since I wasn't expecting any. The lyrics made sense, and acted as if it was another well put instrument with the others. Not only that, but the lyrics actually meant something! I've heard songs with lyrics, and I usually block them off. But I was reading the lyrics while she was singing.

All in all, the song is absolutely wonderful. Starla, congrats, your in my 10/10 section. Keep up the good work. :)



Wow, I had always pictured this song with lyrics. Leave it to Starla to make that dream come true. Very instrumental and could easily be a tear-jerker if one was in the right mood. The whole thing is just awesome.

And people keep saying things about her voice... well, I thought it was pretty good, although maybe it could use some chorus? I don't know, I don't have any gripes, which is unusual.


... I don't know where to begin. Wait... Yes I do. :)

Starla is very talented and a great singer. I agree with Orkybash when he said that the vocals were a tad soft, but not enough to make a fuss about. I'm not going to go into details since I know there must be at least ten others who have already commented about this song, so all I'm going to say now is "Wow, I'm going to be listening to this for a VERY long time". Very impressive.


I have to admit, this was a pretty song. Kinda went home with recently breaking up with my GF, but still, good song inspite of being in sullen revery for a while. I never really thought of vocals to that tune, and I haven't even heard that many remixes of of it. Being the MM fan I am, I do my best to keep my eyes out for them, MM 3 has some tight music. I do give props to Injury for this tune and her vocals on it. The low level vocals worked pretty well, I can't really see hearing words over those notes, music carries as much meaning as voice. A fine remix to add to your collection or to add to a soft CD.

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