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DjNeTisra, you make me sad... (FF7:VotL Ripped Off)

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I once told a girl I mixed music.

"Oh, are you a DJ? :D"

"Uh...no, not really, a DJ..."

I never got any action. :(

Sum guy: so what's your past-time?

Me: I maek musaks.

Sum guy: o rly well, what instruments do you play?

ME: uuuh none lol

Sum guy: Then how do you make music?

ME: well I make electronic musax...

Sum guy: Oooh so you're a DJ!

ME: lol no I use my computer and punch buttons and play with shiny knobs

*Sum guy scratches his head*

ME: Oh and I also take old ass 8 bit musaks and turn it into tekno lol

*sum guy slowly walks away*


"Asi es chicos y chicas, en estos momentos estoy desarrollando mas musica para los gamers veteranos, esta vez me enfocaré a ciertos titulos aparte de Final Fantasy, como los de Sonic, Golden Sun, Megaman Zero y Seikendensentsu 3."

Seems like he was ready to steal more material and projects from the site as well. This guy... *sigh*

"Por ahora, solo tengo algunas novedades.Especialmente para los amantes del viejo Castlevania olvidado del NES. Pues dejenme decirles que… por fin aceptaron la banda sonora “GOAT” y ya tengo la especial de “Castlevania” hecha!! :D inclusive en ciertas comunidades como “OCremix.org” y “VGMIX.org”. Entre otras."

He says here that he made a soundtrack named "Goat" and that his songs will be posted HERE and in vgmix. Seems like he was going to publish goat's songs and leave the tags intact to pass it as his own soundtrack named "goat". This guy... *sigh*

I once told a girl I mixed music.

"Oh, are you a DJ? :D"

"Uh...no, not really, a DJ..."

I never got any action. :(

Next time just pull a DjNeTisra and tell them you're djpretzel, and that you run a website dedicated to remixing video game music.

I can't begin to TELL you the action this has gotten me. It's like swimming in a pool of Axxe!


lol @ darkesword, sir nuts and djpretzel :D

You should tell them that you are PRODUCERS, and if they still don't understand add something like, "you know, like the guys in the record labels who make music for the artists to sing to." They'll usually get the picture after that, and it's even cooler than being a musician or a DJ (i think... lol)


Fuck Timbaland in his penguin ear.

Making video game music gets you ass, boys. Get out there and hustle that.

It might also help if you have a beard and are on MSNBC.com

BGC, let's see those $10 bills pls.

And yes, I was being totally serious when I said I made all of the music on the FFVII project. ...Wait, the FF7 project.



what did i miss?

*read thread*

oh, so thats the guy...well, maybe he was getting not only the credit for the work, but also the ass that comes along with being a "DJ"...man, thats even more offensive

I once told a girl I mixed music.

"Oh, are you a DJ? :D"

"Uh...no, not really, a DJ..."

I never got any action. :(

By standard terminology, I am a DJ because I host a radio show. Unfortunately, while it is disc jockeying, it means I am running back and forth, taking discs out and putting them in. Or I just plug my laptop in and play music off of that.

Either way, being a DJ definitely doesn't get me any action.


I knew you had that avatar for some reason ;)


@#$%#$^^%#&!!#$%$!~@#$@$%%^%@#$#$!!! (use an unmod translator)

*starts looking for heavy weaponry*

Waaahaahaaaaa! Hell yeah. Actually I chose this avatar because 1) It's not that type of thing that most people seem to go for (Cause he's not pretty like Cloud and Sephiroth) and thus is a bit unique. And 2) I love Vikings and he looks like one! And yeah I have a beard too, but I actually wasn't thinking about that when I chose the avatar. ^_^


I knew you had that avatar for some reason ;)

(Haell yeah! May not be as big as everyone elses, and I don't wanna brag, but I DO get a lot of people telling me to trim and/or shave it. Yeah, they're jealous.

But... I wish I had known about this earlier, so I could take my almighty n00b powers and smite the evil theives!!! A mispeling here, 1337 |-|4><()rz there, and soon, evrybudy s ded...

Yeah, beware the bearded n00b, ye posters!

the h4x that pwn, the gramer that sux!

Bewarg teh low post count, and phear

teh farcical fallacy-chucks!)

Honestly, I wish I could have done SOMETHING to have combated this... This, as well as all the other projects were the products of months of hard work, coordination, and leadership, and for someone to come along and slap their name and fancy new cover art on it and call it all their own with mere minutes of effort is more than the word 'offensive' could EVER cover! He doesn't deserve to have gotten this much slack... It's just not right! If words could describe the outrage I feel, I would speak them, but there are no such words, so let that be all... I can only imagine what most of the artists of this and other projects must be feeling.

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