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Everyone is forgetting that Cheap has but one name:


That is all I play and it will stay that way until she finally shows off the goods.

I mean she gets the respect she deserves.

Also why is Ice Cube on the SF4 Soundtrack when I rip in Media Player? And it says it is from 1994? And Raul Julia was an awesome Bison. Weird.

Everyone is forgetting that Cheap has but one name:


That is all I play and it will stay that way until she finally shows off the goods.

I mean she gets the respect she deserves.

Also why is Ice Cube on the SF4 Soundtrack when I rip in Media Player? And it says it is from 1994? And Raul Julia was an awesome Bison. Weird.

She isn't cheap.

Also I think i can take you with her in a mirror :3

Someone do me a favor please and talk me into buying this.

I played it some on the SNES but was always more of a Killer Instinct/Mortal Kombat fan. I have a 360; is it worth it?

I think you're talking about the Street Fighter 2 HD Remix here. Just the same, get that and SF4. Both are great fighters, and have much more substance and depth to them than KI or MK ever had back in the day.


I'll be online this weekend for short stints on both 4 and possibly HD Remix (I'm finally downloading it at the minute), username's jaychendy (PS3 btw, as you can tell from above).

I've not really played to much extremes since SF2 on the MegaDrive so I know I'm gonna get my ass handed to me, but usually play as either Ken (cheesy) or Abel.

One more thing about the Collector's Edition.

Why does the C. Viper figure suck so bad. It is like 3 inches and terribly painted.

The Resistance 2 figure was way better.

It is a really shitty figure. I dread getting my RE5 preorder now cause I know it will suck too.


Well I finally tried the game today. I decided to go outside my confort zone and kept myself from playing Ken or Sakura. INSTEAD I beat the arcade mode on medium with Zangief. It seems like his grabs are much easier to do now then in former versions. Seth ain't got nothing on my ultra-super-piledriver-spinny-doom-squisher BEOTCH!! I love the game. Rufus is actually fun too. Goofy, but fun. Can't beat Fei Long to save my life with him on medium-hard though :(.

Seth ain't got nothing on my ultra-super-piledriver-spinny-doom-squisher BEOTCH!!

Yeah, the A.I. has trouble dealing his piledrivers, I've seen. As long as you're consistent, you can just do green hand as soon as you land from a piledriver, and you'll be in range to do another one before the CPU can do anything.

you can just do green hand as soon as you land from a piledriver, and you'll be in range to do another one

Just want everyone to know, this is a legit Zangief tactic for real life play, when you land from an spd just green hand and immediately spd and if you time it right and they weren't doing a reversal they are getting dropped on their head again.


I just fell for that tactic on a network game. Which is a shame, because living in the back arse of nowhere means even with a network cable I still suffer from chronic lag unless I'm playing against another European.


I love the music in this game. The inside a casino esque stage, the Old temple stage and Volcanic rim stages are my favourites.

Cant get enough of those songs. Even the training level music is kickass.

Im LOVING Gouken. Love the dash punch and parry moves. Dont know how good hed be online or vs someone who is really good at street fighter. But hes fun stuff my friend plays Akuma so its like a little rivalry going on.

Where did everyone get the idea that ken is really good? he's not.

He isn't, but he can get by with his fire shoryuken that does stupid damage. I usually never lose to Kens anymore, but a few whiffs and I'm already in danger of getting killed. I hate that crap. I used to play Zangief when it used to take SKILLS to get up close to enemies, but in this game, he's 100% cheese. I love sniping him with Sakura.


Just went back in the thread and read Sirlins views on the game. Not doubting the guys ability to understand SF but it seems as if hes dogging on it a little because its not SSF2T. That makes me even more skeptical of him because he pretty much earned a living playing that game and heling out with the HD Remix.

Nah, all of his points are legit. Nobody ever has any good response to any of his points, 99% of the responses are just ad hominem.

I beg to differ, obviously :) New game, new system. However I really need to research SSF2T to find some "horrible horrible flaws" I can then smugly point out while comparing it to another game I like better.

..no, the war is not over yet >: )

EDIT: btw, I get home tonight so I might be up for a few just-for-fun palyer matches! Hook me up on xbl Andy ;)


Again, none of his points are "this is different than SSF2T, therefore it's worse". Everything he argues is independent of previous games. He's a very good logician and presents very strong arguments. Pointing out flaws in SSF2T wouldn't diminish his arguments about SF4 at all.


I've gotta agree with Sirlin as well. He's not out to shoot down SF4; he's said himself he thinks it's a fun game, which seems to have been lost on a lot of people, including a lot of gaming news sites that never mentioned this in favor of controversial headlines. But his criticisms of some of the fundamental mechanics, and even how they can affect high-level play, are fair, and he's gone out of his way to substantiate everything he's saying.

I've gotta agree with Sirlin as well. He's not out to shoot down SF4; he's said himself he thinks it's a fun game, which seems to have been lost on a lot of people, including a lot of gaming news sites that never mentioned this in favor of controversial headlines. But his criticisms of some of the fundamental mechanics, and even how they can affect high-level play, are fair, and he's gone out of his way to substantiate everything he's saying.

Ah well, then I just don't agree with him. I don't think it will affect high-level play in a bad way, just make the players take a different approach when practicing against each other or by themselves. 1-frame links, two button throws, dodgy jumps. It's a different approach and feel but I don't think it's bad in any way, just for those who are USED to earlier Street Fighters (or in Sirlin's case, Guilty Gear).

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