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Final Fantasy VI 'Deserted Industry'

Harsh and grinding, mechanical and stiff, this mix has a very dark and

sinister sound to it. The heavily distorted sounds really add to the

evil industrial atmosphere. Some parts a little too chirpy for me to enjoy

with my headphones, since it kinda feels like a metal Shai-Hulud

sinking deeper and deeper into my brain, but hey, it's done well. So there.


You know, I kinda liked this song a lot, it was something new. But, I really wanted to hear a version of it that had a more hip-hop beat to it, and with lyrics if possible. DJ Crono's been spoiling us with those lyrics, I tell ya. :wink:


Well its pretty cool stuff, very original too. I had told him that it was a little too dirty but he just brushed me off.. Well yet again I say the same.. But not the whole peice I must say. When it fades out and kicks back in WAY TOO MUCH! it clips, I'm sure its not just me that hears this.

Overall this is a pretty good mix... Next time try to play it on a CD player full bast or something or look at the Volume bars to see if your mix is clipping!



Actually, I should point out that it doesn't clip. I processed and normalized the song in Sound Forge to ensure that. Anything you're hearing that you're assuming is clipping is most likely just more of that good thick distortion I laid on pretty much everything in this remix.

Also, I didn't just "brush" you off... I told you that I was going for dirty. And if it's TOO dirty for you, then maybe Industrial Techno just isn't your stuff? Hmmm... Oh well, to each his/her own.

EDIT: So as to not post twice in a review of one of my own songs, I'll just stick this in here:

It's a remix of The Veldt. Due to the industrial sound of it, some people have been getting it confused with the Magitek theme... ^_^


This remix was done entirely in FruityLoops 3.56 using WASP, FM7, Pro-52, Muon Tau, Pentagon I, and AAS Phantom. All the drums were taken from my XK-6 and processed on my computer with large amounts of distortion and other goodies.

Originally, the AAS Phantom was going to be used for the main lead that goes through most of the song, but since I was having trouble getting it to retain its settings, I just used it for the intro and outro synth. The FM7 was then used for the lead that plays most of the melody, the WASP for the backing distorted synth during the B-section and also the neat synth slides and stuff. The Muon Tau (a near-perfect emulation of the TB-303) was used for the bass line with lots of chorusing and stuff. The Pentagon 1 made up the synth solo at 1:40 along with drum breaks created off the main rhythm using Phatmatik Pro, and the Pro-52 replaced the added melody at the end that was originally done by strings using HALion, but they were causing it to clip REALLY REALLY BAD.

After all was said and done, I had a helluva lot of fun making this remix. I think I can safely say it's as close to a tribute to KMFDM as I'll ever get. GOTTA LOVE THOSE DRAMATIC PAUSES! :D


I like industrial, but that doesn't mean everything that's industrial is peechy. Anyways, I thought this track was good. Which song was it from the game again? I like a bit of a rough sound, but it's hard for me to listen to industrial right now having just gotten back from work in a factory. So this review is admittedly bias.

Also, kind of a strange ending... not quite how I would have pictured it. I know, it comes full circle, but it just seemed abrupt and against the flow. Perhaps that was the intention.

Beatdrop's best work? I dunno, but it's still good.


Hmm, using Shai Hulud is an interesting allegory for describing this piece....while I'm not a fan of industrial music, the Veldt theme seems to be quite well suited to this kind of gritty (sub)genre, and Beatdrop has done an excellent job adapting it as such! Nice work!

Oh wait, I got the Shai Hulud of Dune fame mixed up with the hardcore band of the same name...heheh.


OH GOD... that mix is so fricking cool.

it reminds me of nine inch nails or somthing similar....

i love that heavy mechanical beat throughout the whole mix....then where it quiets or fades out onlyt to come beck stronger.....

Definitely one of the best non-typical peices on the site!!!

Kudos to beatdrop!!!


Okay, everyone remember Beatdrop's two renditions of his FFVIII Man with the Machine Gun remix? Now previously I held these to be his two best works though now that's debatable. In the first rendition of that mix he had some really interesting ideas and fairly strong mix but I think a lot of people were scratching there heads about his choice of instrumentation. It wasn't until the 3rd listen or so that I really began to appreciate that rendition for it's high energy and creativity. Then Beatdrop came back with his newer rendition that had much easier to listen to leads and a somewhat different feel. From a production stanpoint I vastly preferred it (except that the mix had a strong bias towards the left) though I still enjoyed some of the compositional touches of the first mix. Now with this mix Beatdrop finally has a mix that I don't have any ready criticisms for. My hat goes off to you Beatdrop, thanks for proving that your MMG works weren't a fluke.


You know, normally i really dont dig this style of music. The thing is, beatdrop's stuff is just easily accessable to people like me. He sorta "bridges the gap" between genres to create something not quite totally industrial and not quite anything else either. It's his own style, its BeatDrop. And I LOVE it. This piece is no exception. I wouldn't necessarily say this is my favorite piece of his, but technicially you can see BeatDrop is becoming even more adept at his craft. Great job on this, loved the fusion of industrial elements. You gotta teach me how to make percussion sound like that one of these days :D


Star Salzman



This genre isn't my cup of tea. Don't get me wrong this is a good mix... but I really didn't find my self digging it until around 1:41 as I found it a little repetitive I guess (edit: after deciding to grab a pair of headphones and listen again and found it much more appealing. laptop speakers don't do anything for this mix). Then it becomes a little more interesting to me.

that whole "middle eastern" sounding section reminded me of the movie of Queen of the Damned for some reason (anyone else?).


Great song. The pauses were very tasteful. The sound fit the song nicely. The little arabesque runs were awesome. Beatdrop's versatility with sound appeals to me quite a bit, and this is a great example of what this crazy mofo can do. I wouldn't agree that this is the best, but more of an indicator that there is more to come, and it's all going to go ape-shit. It's almost like waiting for Christmas, not knowing what Beatdrop will leave under the tree. Recommended.

  • 2 weeks later...

This is probably the best remix from any song in the final fantasy genre that I have heard, perhaps it is because I am so partical to the veldt. When I first downloaded it, I thought it was going to be another Devil's Lab remix, but this took me completely by surprise. SUPERB work, I so can't want until you release you next piece of work.

  • 3 months later...


THis song verl well deserves one of my favorite adjectives of choice: Orgasmic.

Yes, indeed, it is that good. I love how the song fades aay and comes back at 1:41 with that eastern sounding style yet still keeping the strong industrial sound consistent.

I bow to thee Beatdrop, for creating a most kickass remix featuring the theme from the Veldt.

  • 1 month later...

Whoah. Now this is industrial. I liked the beats to this song. Then, there is a portion of the song that sounds like...you know, the Egyptian pyramid music. A must have for industrial fans and Gau-fanatics (u know, the Veldt!) Nice remix, 9/10.

  • 3 weeks later...

Man, this RULES! It blew me away the first time I listened to it. I actually just discovered it today, this morning. I've been listening to it nonstop all day since. I'm a huge fan of 'heavy' audio that sounds like your ears are being attacked, but remains melodic at the same time, and this song really did it. Plus, the Veldt theme is one of my all-time favorites, and no mix out there had done it for me except this one. I'm not big on pauses most of the time either, but again, you did a great job with them.

  • 4 months later...

I would like to say that I would love to hear more stuff like that.

I rarely post extensive reviews... But let me tell you, this is one mix people don't see as a videogame remix.

This summer, I was driving around town, and I decided to blast this song through my newly installed speakers, and it rocked. I think I still haven't found a "too loud" point for this mix, the more speakers, the higher the volume, the better it gets.

  • 1 month later...
the more speakers, the higher the volume, the better it gets.

I completely agree. I've got Dolby Surround 4.9 (better Sub than 5.1)

and I blast this sucker at max. It's excellent. I love harsh music.

Don't get quite enough at OCReMix. Keep it up, man.

- Z.R

  • 2 months later...

Excellent remix! I love the extremely dirty sound you created, but it also seems like there's a bit of a whimsical factor thrown in there too

(like at 0:50-1:00). It comes together masterfully :D


  • 8 months later...

this song has grown on me..

First couple times I played it i thought it was too obnoxious at the start. Those first 8 seconds still give me weird feelings... like I should NOT like this song.. then it gets into the beat and I'm hooked!! I LOVE IT!!! it's very unique.. I recommend this song! :P:D

  • 1 month later...

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