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i generally use iTunes, but i'm growing annoyed with the simple fact that it doesn't allow you to put in more than one artist for a track. it just takes them and amalgamates the names together.

i also want one that allows for more organization.

i loved the old version of realJukebox, back in 2002 or 2003, that allowed you to organize based on any parameter you can think of.

so, what do you use?


Zoom Player, mothafuckas. It's set up in a similar presentational style to Windows Media Player, but because it's not as flashy or bloated with all sorts of online features, it runs incredibly smoothly. Supports just about any format under the sun (I encode all my music in Monkey's Audio), and I have spoken with the developer through email to talk about ways to improve the player.

If anyone here knows how to write chiptune filters, let me know. ZP would support those as well.


I've been using Winamp as long as I've had a windows computer. It plays nearly everything, and lately they've been adding a lot of transcoding tools which make it extremely useful for converting for my Mp3 player.

I don't really use the library features, though. I rarely have more than 5 gigs of music (some of that's lossless) on my hard drive at a time, and most of it eventually gets archived to a DVDR. I use a disc cataloging program (Advanced Disc Catalog) to keep track of everything instead.


right now, I use winamp...but as soon as Amarok 4 comes out, I'm going to that. I like how it works, and have been wanting it for my windows box, but as it's currently windows only, gotta live without it :(


I used winamp for many a year, but recently switched to XMPlay. Think of it like a lightweight Winamp 2.xx with a useable library [tag stuff regardless of filetype] and the same amount of playback functionality. Well actually it's better, because the default music module playback doesn't suck goats, and accurate mod playback is something I need.


Definately Winamp.

Because of one major thing that is the best feature out of any media player out there. (That I know of.)


It makes listening to music, changing tracks, pausing tracks, and stopping tracks, and scanning tracks SO MUCH MORE PLEASING TO THE EAR. I can't stress that enough. I hate nothing more than every single other player out there, when pressing the 'pause' button in the middle of a roaring guitar riff or a soaring crescendo, greets you with an ABRUPT SILENCE.

I can't believe why any other media player doesn't realise that it's things like these that are important (at least to audiophiles like me), not "omg I can see the album art of the song I'm listening to" as WMP or iTunes seems to think.

Also, Winamp has plenty of other features such as customizable skins, a good media library now that rivals iTunes', easy-to-queue songs, auto-tag (which is really quite useful -- it managed to name and tag some of my Japenese Video Game ARRANGEMENT albums correctly), and supports a million audio file types.

I was forced to use iTunes for a while because I had an iPod and I liked the 'play-count' feature, now that the new Winamp has iPod integration, as well as playcounts, I love Winamp even more now that I'm back to using it. And I hate iTunes even more.

The only extroadinarily minor thing I think that iTunes has over Winamp is that it has a better shuffling system. (I.e. putting the whole playlist on shuffle won't double-up on playing a song that's already been played recently -- Winamp does that sometimes. However, this can be fixed very easily, just by turning off 'Repeat' on Winamp, and leaving on only 'Shuffle'. )

Not to mention that skins like this:


Just make using Winamp so much cooler. Aesthetics ftw. Alongside the cross-fade playback, of course.

So this is my Winamp is superior to iTunes (and probably alot of other audio players) rant that I've wanted to get off my chest. YESSSSSSSSS.


I would use Winamp more if it had the good library settings that Windows Media Player has. I also like the functionality with Windows Messenger, telling my friends what I am listening to. If Winamp had those, I would use it way more than I already do.

I would use Winamp more if it had the good library settings that Windows Media Player has. I also like the functionality with Windows Messenger, telling my friends what I am listening to. If Winamp had those, I would use it way more than I already do.


A Plug-In that does exactly that.

Works for me with Windows Live Messenger and the latest version of Winamp.

<3 Winamp. Oh, and, the plug-in can also let you show your songs in the NORMAL


labelling convention, not like some retarded SONG and THEN ARTIST display that shows on everyone else using media players, thought up only by some microsoft fool.


Winamp. It does what I need it to do (play music) and not hoard computer resources (most of the time, anyway; every couple weeks it'll have a hiccup and hog the CPU, but exiting the program fixes that easily enough). Making multiple playlists and saving them is easy enough (provided you've organized your music decently), as is loading said playlists. And the skins customization... Let me just say that I would use Winamp just for the skins. Particularly the one I'm using right now, MMD3. Fits right where I want it (at the top of the screen, in the title bar of windows) so that I can have the "Always on Top" option on without it getting in the way. Honestly, I would use Winamp just for that.


Yeah, that's pretty much the quintessential Winamp 5 skin.

Also, WinAmp here. Does everything I want it to with as little fuss as possible.

I use Winamp. I don't care much for organization. I just pick a file and play. heh.

I'm the same. I do have all of my music categorized in its own separate folder, but I guess probably everyone does that.

right now my biggest knock on winamp is that when you're opening files (with "L"), it only shows midis, even when se to 'all sound files'. no mp3s, no wmas, no WAVs. it is SO annoying.

Hmm, nope, don't know what you're talking about.

It shows all files for me.

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