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I bought GH3 for the 360, so I dunno what it looks like on the Wii. I assume it looks as bad, if not worse than the PS2 version? The Wii's version also only plays monotone sound. Monotone?!?! That's ridiculous. The Wii may suffer in the graphics department compared to the other 2 consoles, but why make the sound suffer too especially when the game is a music based game?
Worse. The mono thing was probably a mistake. The bad Wii graphics? Laziness.

imo, both are inexcusable.


Companies probably think "hey, the Wii is doing so well so let's just hurry up and push something out without using much of a budget", and bam, mediocre title.

Anyway, sorry to derail the thread. I was going to play SMG all day, but I think I'll not do that since I did that with Twilight Princess. I ended up beating that on Thanksgiving vacation, lol.

The consumer won't allow them to. The consumer is too busy buying mediocre games with Spiderman and Madden on them. Even Nintendo keeps making different games but reusing the same characters. It's been like this for a long time.

They have to play it safe, knowing that at least someone will buy the game. Huge budgets and time slots mean nothing if they can't turn a profit.

That's what I think. Maybe someone else here will give you some kind of different explanation.

Most of these big corporations pander heavily to their stockholders for stable income, and rehashing games or releasing movie related games let them do this without much effort. Companies like Nintendo hurt companies with mentalities like this because they have a hard time competing with the likes of Nintendo.


God damn it, Wal Mart did not have the game today. I hate them. They cannot get a new release to save their lives. They have 4 sports games for each console, but cannot seem to get freaking galaxy.

I hate them.


So who managed to get a copy? I called TRU saveral times and they kept saying oh maybe in an hour...so Id call back 2 hours later and get the same message.... lame.

is it cause the had the release date on a holiday?

So who managed to get a copy? I called TRU saveral times and they kept saying oh maybe in an hour...so Id call back 2 hours later and get the same message.... lame.

is it cause the had the release date on a holiday?

i got it at gamestop, reserved. shit, i forgot to ask about the coin, because i didn't get one


Anyone else think Nintendo kinda.. dropped the ball on the release itself?

Far too many stores just didn't even get it on release day, or monday because it's a holiday. Like, seriously. If you're going to release a top-tier, AAA game on a long weekend, release it on thursday so it hits shelves on friday so people can actually spend the weekend to play the damn thing, rather than running around to stores, trying to find it!


Gamestop called me today.. or mario rather, saying it would be in tomorrow. I'm thinking bout getting it at Toys r us because of the 25 dollar gift card though. Someone on the gamefaqs boards was saying that Best buy will price match the TRU offer with the gift card so you could effectively get it for $25. Might be worth looking into.

Anyone else think Nintendo kinda.. dropped the ball on the release itself?

Far too many stores just didn't even get it on release day, or monday because it's a holiday. Like, seriously. If you're going to release a top-tier, AAA game on a long weekend, release it on thursday so it hits shelves on friday so people can actually spend the weekend to play the damn thing, rather than running around to stores, trying to find it!

It's a Nintendo game so they most probably didn't bother with the marketing too much since it'll sell with word of mouth anyway.

Also, Nintendo 1st party games usually don't seem to get the in-store hypetrain that a really big 3rd party game tends to.

PS- I actually have a copy in my hands but I'm burnt out after too much Halo 3, Virtua Fighter 5, Phoenix Wright 3 and Company of Heroes expansion. Too many games......


Goodness! I'll be getting it today, but I have a massive Anatomy quiz tomorrow, and perhaps more auditions for the Christmas Carol at my school tonight.

Ha, is it bad that I don't want to get audition call backs so I have more time to play Galaxy?

PS- I actually have a copy in my hands but I'm burnt out after too much Halo 3, Virtua Fighter 5, Phoenix Wright 3 and Company of Heroes expansion. Too many games......

But that's the best kind of burnout!


Oh man, played through the first two starts last night...all I can say is this game has thusfar lived up to the hype.

Also thought the whole Mario calling thing was kinda cool.


I.. don't really like it so far.

Granted, I'm just as far as the first actual level after you get to the hub world, but still. I'm tired of all this top-down view. And I just can't seem to make Mario do a decent backflip, or get the kind of range in it that he'd get in Mario 64.

I'm actually disappointed, so far. :/


Yeah, your head starts to hurt during the first galaxy. The second galaxy, Honeyhive, is a lot better. It's a more traditional type of world.

Incidentally, about the Mario call, there's an mp3 floating around out there from GameStop. Give it a week and it'll be easy to find.


The Music is AMAZING! i Loved Super Mario bros 3 and i love it that they have brought back so many wonderful songs from older games. and not just the regulars!

can anyone help me out and tell me what the main "overworld" song is a remix of? i don't care if it's painfully obvious to everyone, just let me have some peace of mind!

it just sounds so familar, i don't know if its just that catchy or its a piece i have heard before!

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