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Fully expecting this to be awesome. They did a very good job on the first film with character development and story and special effects, so I expect no less from this film.

Is that Christopher Lloyd?

Edit: lol, nevermind. It must have been his hair cut.

... and I love the way they've pictured the Joker here. I dislike what they've done to the batmobile, but I guess they've just made it practical ;)

Conversely, I liked the new Batmobile, but dislike the Joker's new look. I dunno. It just looks like he tripped and faceplanted in some kid's birthday cake, and forgot to wipe his face off...

Aesthetics aside, If it follows in the footsteps of the first movie, it'll be a decent flick. I'm expecting it to be just as good at best. I'll be shocked if it is better.


I would've never expected Heath Ledger to be this good (and creppy) as the Joker. I'm not doubting his acting abilties by any means. I've just never seen him do an evil role before. Props for him on opening up to new and different roles. :)!!


I'm not sold on Heath Ledger. Never was, probably won't unless he does an impressive job throughout. Still strikes me as one of the worst Batman version outside the Adam West one.

Ledger suits being a pretty boy the best.

And why does Alfred and that car engineer spout witty banter like they're teenagers?

Other than that, it's all nitpicking. It surely can't be as bad as the way they butchered Ra's in the first movie.


I'm torn on my feelings for Batman Begins and this new Dark Knight. I hate Christian Bale as Batman (I think he tries too hard to be scary when he's being Batman. He just comes off as annoying to me). I love focus on a darker, more fear-oriented Batman. It reminds me a lot of the Animated Series. I think that has always been the best portrayal of Batman. I hate the Batmobile and his flight-capable cape. It kinda kills his graceful side, because he was always swinging on the Batline instead.

This new one I don't like the portrayal of Joker. They've seemed to have toned down his purely insane side to make him more believeable. Christian Bale is still Batman which is disappointing. They still have the crappy Batmobile. The only thing I liked in the trailer was that Michael Caine is still Alfred.

I don't know. I've always compared the movies to the Animated Series and I just can't help but love the entire presentation of the Animated Series more than any Batman movie I have seen.


This new one I don't like the portrayal of Joker. They've seemed to have toned down his purely insane side to make him more believeable.

you're kidding right? go back and watch the first batman movie with nicholson. that joker had to fall in a big tub of acid to go insane and he used stupid gimmicks like lauging gas and electric buzzer things and 10 foot hand guns and danced around a museum playing prince music and things of that nature. This new joker is just nuts from the get go, and if you see the 7 min prologue, you will see that he is really "purely" insane. heath has done something amazing with the joker, the way he moves and speaks is soooo creepy. dont count him out just yet, wait till you see more footage.


If you're refering to the bank robbery scene when you say "7 min prologue", I've seen in just recently. If anything Joker there seemed just as sane as any other would be criminal. Why share the wealth to expendable henchmen when you can get rid of them once they lost their usefulness and purpose for a crime?

Less people to talk the better to get away with it; plus a school bus is pretty sturdy and is not as likely to be suspected of carrying stolen money believe it or not.

I'd say this version is more methodical and just tries to have fun doing whatever he's gonna do.

If you're refering to the bank robbery scene when you say "7 min prologue", I've seen in just recently. If anything Joker there seemed just as sane as any other would be criminal. Why share the wealth to expendable henchmen when you can get rid of them once they lost their usefulness and purpose for a crime?

Less people to talk the better to get away with it; plus a school bus is pretty sturdy and is not as likely to be suspected of carrying stolen money believe it or not.

I'd say this version is more methodical and just tries to have fun doing whatever he's gonna do.

the robbery took place in the middle of the day, during daylight. he crashed a bus into a bank. the bank was owned by the mob. and he just drives off into the street when he's done. no one would do that unless they were insane. it doesnt matter how good of a criminal you are.

I don't know. I've always compared the movies to the Animated Series and I just can't help but love the entire presentation of the Animated Series more than any Batman movie I have seen.

I so hear you on that one. I was hooked on the animated series, especially 'cause the intro was done so much like the first two movies, which rocked. I've the whole series on DVD.

I've got my own thoughts on this new Joker. His look alone is not something I'd associate with a well refined look, as he did in the ani-series. He was insane and giggly yet refined, he fancied himself a genius in both art and drama. The new Joker looks smudgy, grungy and just plain villain-ish. It's a far cry from my favorite Joker, but like it's been stated before, we'll just have to wait and see what kind of job Heath can pull off. He's a pretty good actor, so I'm expecting a pretty good Joker.

No one'll be as good as Mark, though.

no one would do that unless they were insane. it doesnt matter how good of a criminal you are.

That's the beauty of the heist, element of surprise; especially if the one pulling said heist knows what he/she is doing. Doesn't hurt to make sure one is prepare to take on a powerful force, be it the police or the mob.


Well, he's definitely got the laugh down.

The closest thing we got to representing his insanity was at the end, where he just stands there in front of the Batcycle (or Batpod according to Wikipedia) and Batman has to dodge to keep from running him over (which was probably my favorite part of the trailer). Personally, while I've only read some of the comics, I've always preferred the more realistic, evil, bat-shit-fucking-insane (pun not intended) Joker.

I think I'm going to have to wait and see the movie before I make my call on this one. Ledger's acting seemed decent enough, but you can't really judge an entire character based on a trailer. Anyhoo, he couldn't be any worse than Jack Nicholson.


Yeahhhh...Batman is my favorite superhero, and Batman Begins is on my top ten movies list. I'm a little bit excited about the Dark Knight.

I gotta admit, I was worried about Heath Ledger, but he even does a pretty good voice for the Joker. Not quite Mark Hamill, but hey, not everyone can be a Jedi Master.

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