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OCR00879 - Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening "Influence of Koholint"

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Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening 'Influence of Koholint'

Right from the beginning this mix displeased me. Although there is nothing *wrong* with it, it simply doesn't bring pleasure to my ears. The bass and drums are far to repetitive for my liking, as well as generally uninventive. The melody is, while well timed, of a very erratic style. A style which I simply can't say I like. The one thing that is in good taste with me, is the panned strings, which are unfortunately normally accompanied by the, bass and drums which are difficult to ignore. Some might like this, in fact I hope some do because regardless of what it sounds like to me, it's obvious that Ryu7x has talent. Don't let this get you down Ryu7x.


Upon relistening, I think I've come to the conclusion that Ryu7z got lucky with this song. I could be wrong. But it doesn't deviate much from the original, yet has a pleasing sound overall. I'll admit that, up until the melody kicked in, I was thinking "and this is WHAT from zelda??" But once it does, I was like "whoa!" ("like whoa!" for all you l33t azns) What I'll give ryu7x is his ability to create a beat that's enjoyable and vary it with transitions and development (even if it's not extreme). However, as far as melodic and structural deviation are concerned, there's not much of it. But it's a fun sounding song anyway.



well I think it is a verry good remix and I'm not the only one. sounds a bit like it comes straight from a .mid file but de bass and high tones make it a fine remix to listen to for me :D


Yeah! I love this Mix. Ryu7x is by far the best remixer out there, It's nice that he strays from his SF mixes to a more RPGish tune, if you could call it that, with his Zelda mix. One of the better Zelda Remixes I've found at OCR by far. Gotta love his work.


This quite repetitive and boring up untill 1:42 when the main melody comes in. This is a pretty bare-bones trance mix with simple sounds that sound almost like this could have been a midi file. It's got a weird ending and the drums are sooo boring and weak. The melody makes it enjoyable, however. Decent stuff.


Its pretty good musically and such.. But I can pick out quite a few default Fruity sounds without much difficulty. Although it's hard to come up with new samples/instruments/whathaveyou it just makes things that much more uninteresting when you hear those sounds all over again..

Well done musically and mixed, try a little harder on the sounds next time.. :)


Grrrr! I covered this track with a hip-hop mix on VGMix.com and it never made the cut on OC!! WAAAAAAHHH I'm a failure!

Anyway, back to reality....

Nothing too special here. "Same ol' same ol'" for samples, beats, and other dance styles. That clap is used waaaaayyy too often in modern dance music. I like the sitar sample that covers the melody. Very nice.

I guess I'm a bit too picky. I was expecting more of a love ballad feel to this song. My only suggestion is to go for an original approach the next time you compose a remix.

Good try though!


I think it is original because it adds a harp to a modern dance beat but that’s just me.

I am pleased with the way this has turned out, simple, clean and easy on the ears.

Yes Rayza, I did for the first time, incorporate some default samples into this piece but those sounds were what I planned on using anyhow.

Anyways, I am glad most of you have enjoyed it and took the time to constructively criticize and complement it. 8)

For those that thought this was too simple and boring, keep your eyes open for my next remix from Mega Man 7 which will hit OC in about 2 months.

I put a lot of work into the Mega Man 7 one and it will be my last one for a while because I have little time to do this anymore. :wink:

Thanks again.


I don't really remember this from Link's Awakening, but it sounds like the melody would fit right in. And I love dance techno. When this song started, it reminded me of a song I used to love a few years back called 'White Lightning' and it was this same type of fast techno. And even thought that was very repetetive, I loved it very much, and I love this song even more because it's a ReMix. After reading all of djpretzel's comments on what the judges said, I found that to be true, but I don't really care. I love this song, keep up the good work Ryu7x.

mainva | aptigo | JTD out


Yeah it's very simple and repetative. Ryu7x must have thrown the idea of any major variety right out the window at the beginning of the project. Anyway, it's a decent dance mix, and has a good feel to it, especially due to its catchy melody. Easy techno listenin'. :)


Repetitive, but nice. Reminds me more of Sim City than Zelda, though. The theme when you decide to end your game for the day, and that little moon is sleeping. But maybe that's because I just woke up. I don't know. You decide.


sorry for interrupting, but something caught my eye...

i really thought "Koholint" was spelled "Kolohint." At least, ive always pronounced it that way...am i just an idiot? which is it? im really worried now because im beginnig to think that maybe i cant read or something...

  • 2 months later...
  • 5 months later...

I'm pretty sure it's Koholint. I have a GBA and the Link's Awakening DX pak right next too me, but I'm too lazy [besides, I have a laptop in my lap and am typing into my home comp right now, how am I supposed to handle a GBA at the same time? :wink: ]

Anyway, this is some great techno/rave music. I often listen to this and Kakariko Rave Party one after the other, although the kakariko mix is better, in my opinion.


  • 6 months later...

An awesome remix! This theme is one of my favorites in the game, but it's only in the very beginning of it, before Link gets his sword back. I'm very glad to hear a remix of it. My only qualm is that at the VERY end, when the hi synth is fading out, it goes to ear-splitting sound mode. Heh. Not a big deal, since it's the end of the song. Much appreciated and very good work!

  • 1 year later...

I loved this remix from start for finish. It sounds just like the orginial. The whole techno/rave beat was xcellent. Thank u 4 giving me a reason that I love Zelda: it has great music that is made to kick-ass remixies :D .

  • 6 months later...

I loved this theme and was waiting for someone to cover it... now I don't have to feel like I'm the only one who noticed it.

I like the basic straightforward dancebeat approach, but being a FL user I can't help but notice that a lot of the instruments are very default-sounding...

  • 4 months later...

I actually ended up enjoying the beat more than the actual melody from Zelda. I was wondering what what would be done with the beginning theme. It didn't really sound well blended together, both are really good if they weren't mixed together, and it didn't sound right at the blending point, it was too high pitched, but that was it. Overall I loved it.

  • 1 month later...

I love this remix. True, it doesn't deviate from the original theme much, but the original theme was so good, the remix really doesn't need to distance itself from it. The intro was what really hooked me--I'm a sucker for a good beat.

Oh, and using the type of same running bass line as the one from the theme of Tal Tal Mountains was a very nice touch. Intentional?

  • 9 months later...

There's really nothing much to this re-mix... it just gives you the base line, repeats the first half of the tune, true to the original, for a while, and then does the same with the second.

There is definitely potential for this re-mix, as it could use a little more creativity and originality. There's really nothing too creative about sitting the original melody on a fast, upbeat percussion line...

Though the mix does kind of grow on you...

  • 2 years later...

This one hasn't aged well at all, sadly. The sounds are generic, and the first minute and a half or so could have been cut completely with no loss to the overall feel. After that it got better, but the sounds were still barely above midi quality.

It's too repetitive and bland for me. Sorry dude, didn't like this one at all.

  • 7 months later...
  • 6 years later...

Really starting to get into the time where the base problem with these old mixes were just being created with such outdated tools. Technology has moved on and the quality shows. I agree with a previous comment that the first entire 1:30 of the song could have been cut out completely. But for what it is worth, it is a decent dance mix of a song that is fun to see presented this way. nothing overly wrong with it though. It's cool and fun sounding. Just old.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00879 - Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening "Influence of Koholint"

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