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A Boy and His Blob 'Cyborg Blobby'

If I had any sound on my computer I'd give this a raving or stinking review and post it here, but seeing as that's not the case, I'll just put this here so the rest of you "Boy and His Blob" and Mazedude fans can post your reviews. Tell me if it's good... I hate feeling crippled...



One word...ok, two words: Fucking awesome. I love this remix...I love the "electronic noises" that are just txt and exe files loaded as samples. Somehow, the remix as a whole manages to fit the feel of the odd game (because this was a game that was VERY odd) with a catchy theme. My favorite part, I think, would be 1:53. It's kind of empty for a bit and the lead instrument seems to have a bit of trouble playing the theme - it's just...awesome! And then it sounds real cool when it goes all crazy after that. Towards the end, the creative improvistation and the little addition of the little arpeggio from the game is just perfect. It eventually morphs into the ending, after some neat sound effects. The ending does sound a bit different from the rest of the mix - but is a PERFECT closer for this type of crazy and werid remix.

I think Mazedude does it much better when he's doing crazy and fun stuff - and in my opinion, this is his best. But I have very odd preferences...


Digression: I'm reminded of a one hour compo where one fellow's samplepack had been corrupted. Instead of giving up, he loaded them up and went ahead with his entry. It was really rather hilarious at the time.

Now then! Mazedude has done just what should be done with crazy nonsense samples: mix it with crazy nonsense music. And of course, what else to do with it than throw in all the tracker scene-esque tricks: arpeggio effects, blips and blops and note cuts all over the place.

Truly well done. What I *would* like to hear from Mazedude next is maybe some IDM. Telefon Tel Aviv style : )



IDM?? Ugh....althought I could see him pulling it off rather well...

I'm a big fan of his stuff, because it always tends to be unconventional. I like that kind of music or style. For instance, I LOVED Trippin' on Alligators from Bayou Billy. I loved the happy industrial feel this has to it. Keep 'em coming man.


Happy Industrial, hm? The idea fills me with awe and terror. As always

Mazedude provides solid souding and creative stuff. I'd be interested in

knowing just what all data went into the creation of this. I remember

a mod way back when that featured a few instruments that were .IFF

format images of himself and his friends. Interesting stuffs.


Okay... weird. Awesome. My respect for Mazedude has just gone up TWO notches. Incredible use of nonsense samples with pretty bad original music, and somehow it IS "Happy Industrial". Scary. Get it. Definitely one of the "Whoa, that's weird. I love it!" songs on the site (see Alexander Prievert's Shadowman 64 'DeadsideDance' also...)


I have to be honest here, this is absolutely awesome. From the get-go, this mix is just truely a work of art. It's making my wrapping Christmas gifts much more fun to do because of the playful nature of the music.

Nothing but samples from the game, huh? Stuff that wasn't meant to be there, but still was?

Mazedude has amazed me with how he's brought this all together. It's truely an amazing job well done and I hope to hear more remixes that just have the kind of fun Mazedude had with this one.


Boy and his Blob...boy, do I have memories of playing that game. To this day, I still can't beat the damn game. Always die in the fucking factory...oh yes, I have a review to write. :D This remix is killer. Mazedude has an incredible amount of talent. You will download this now.


Awesome!!! This is my new favorite OC Remix. Truely one of the most creative and well-executed game ReMixes I've heard! Can't stop listening to it. A surface of noise reveals endless depth. Great variations throughout the mix; electrofunkyteknogamelovenoise. Tight breaks, and a nice ending, too. It IS ironic that you use a game with "bad" music and noisy file-randomness and craft it into this masterpeice! It just shows what you can do with talent and creativity. Great job Mazedude!! 11.


It's like... a beautiful sculpture made of used beer cans and banana peels. And I mean that in a good way. The theme from A Boy and His Blob has to be one of the most uninteresting songs in the history of videogames, but Mazedude makes it interesting. It's all the nonsense sounds I think. If someone tried to remix this song with typical samples, I don't think it would work, because the original song is such trash. But here, it works great.

:gives Mazedude a ketchup-flavored jellybean:


I quote from a certain Pinky and The Brain episode that perfectly describes this ReMix: "It's fantastically amazing!"

Usually, I'm not much of a fan of "mechanical" music (or whatever that genre is called) myself, because the overuse of the "metal-clanking-in-a-factory" sound breaks my eardrums after a while, but Mazedude put in a nice, equal blend of 80s remix-type sounds, videogame noises, and piano tunes throughout the song. This formula bonds them together yet keeps them away from each other at the same time. That's the part I like best about this ReMix. I also liked the slow piano solo at the end.

What was supposed to be a "mad, twisted experiment" turned out to be so much more. Thanks, Mazedude! You've made one of the best ReMixes I've ever heard on this great site. :)


Amazing, just amazing.

This is one of the few ReMixes that just lifts me out of my chair from its sheer happy groove. Happy industrial... who would have thought? and it works so well! I now find myself wishing someone else had thought of it and I could listen to more songs of this genre. To my eternal embarassment I frequently find myself bouncing along to this ReMix and its crazy, blobby, boppy beats.

To be honest, I've never heard the original music, and from what I've heard that's probably for the best. This ReMix reflects Mazedude's usual standard of quality and the avant garde stuff he's oh-so-good at. His selection of samples is great, the ones that start off the mix have some strange effect to them that's hard to describe, but very entertaining. The guitar was great and all of it kept to that happy feel. Sometimes it would fade down to just one or two instruments or stop altogether, then burst into all its audially rich glory. The slowdown for the ending was very well done and sounded great.

To sum it up: Bad song + psychotic samples + Mazedude = great ReMix.

I hope to see some more happy industrial in the future, it's a genre that's far, far to addictive to disappear after only one appearance.


Hmm, I must be the only one who didn't think it was "truly amazing" or "one of the best" on OCR. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it and really like Mazedude's stuff, but I still feel that it's too experimental to be judged alongside other songs in such a way. I guess that is the way with things like that. Never played A Boy and His Blob, but I wanted to, and I still like this.


Personally I don't think anything is "too experimental" unless it's completely unlistenable, and even that I like. Why limit yourself with musical boundries? Any why couldn't it be compared to some other remixes? Because it's not the norm? You voted for Bush, didn't you? Hehehehe...


This remix is freakin awesome! We need more crazy crap like this in the world! It's so beatuiful, and ugly at the same time. I mean, strange bleeps aand scratches combined with "the worst game music ever" (I disagree with that. If you ever played Columns you'd understand) and it comes out a very creative and energetic remix.

  • 2 weeks later...

i think boy and his blob was a wicked game and the music was wicked as well... but saying that this remix is far better, mazedude has some skill in remixing thats for sure :wink:

don't diss a boy and his blob unless you played the game and genuinely didnt like it because i think its not right when people put the game down and they've never played it :?

i didn't go the factory route very often i went under ground, easier in my opinion 8)


I loved a Boy and his Blob! It was a great fun game, once you wrote down a list of what bean did what... I've never gotten all the treasure... like the chest at the bottom of the lake surrounded by spikes that pop your bubble and so you die... but I have beaten the game a couple of times.

The music in the game is quite frankly forgettable. I saw a Boy and His Blob in the list and my thought was "Cool! From that great game! What was the music again... ummmmm..." but this, this my friends... this is not forgettable. This is a work of art. This is a masterpeice. This is wonderful. Taking trash and turning it into something oh so much more... the whole is better than the sum of its myriad of parts.

Congratulations on a wonderful work of art sir.


When typing a rave reveiw its best to tell a remixer what he did that makes you like it so much. In this case I think the reason I like it so much is that its different. I'm growing tired of techno, and this gives me reason to have hope for the future of OCR. Maybe others will branch out and be different now too.

  • 2 weeks later...
I'm growing tired of techno

I think I enjoy Mazedude's remixes so much because were it not for the actual title of the game being shown, I would never be able to tell what game the song was from. The remixes I like least are ones that stay too similar to the original song after being remixed. I doubt anyone will ever accuse Mazedude this.

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