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May I be the first to say: Thank God.

I hadn't been that fed up with hearing the same movie quotes regurgitated mindlessly since Napoleon Dynamite. Here's to ruining mediocre to good movies with absolute cultural inundation. Seriously, if more than a quarter of your "jokes" in conversation are movie quotes... *sigh* Even Monty Python gets grating after billionth time.


I was sad to hear that. I mean, I don't care much about Borat, but to see Ali G go away, it's just sad.

This is the first Sacha skit I've ever seen and which made me an instant fan.

"What of the terrorists hijacks a train and thems crash it into, god forbid, the White House?"
Fucking SPOILERS much yahoo? Way to fuck with anyone that wants to watch sweeney todd.

Ummm... that's kinda like crying foul when someone tells you that Darth Vader is Luke's father when they go to see the remade version of ESB. The story of Sweeney Todd has been in the public domain forever.

Am I the only person who never thought "Borat" was funny?

No you are not, good sir.

Every time I hear someone say something Borat, it makes me want to throttle them with a rusty nail to the carotid.

It makes sense. It's hard to have fun with unsuspecting people when so many know the character you're trying to fool them with. He got some mileage out of Borat and the other one, so it's a good idea to come up with a new character or two now.

He still has Bruno, though I don't expect that to work for long, either. Since Bruno REALLY looks like...well Sacha. Nothing really hiding that.

Bruno has the best Sacha Baron-Cohen skit ever, imho

Edit: Aww, that link cuts out the best part when he tells them that's for the Austrian Gay TV, lol


These people, Darkesword, who are trying to coddle you... they are lying to you to make you feel better about your inadequecies. You are indeed the only person in the world who dislikes Borat.


Borat was always funny and though I keep trying to hate his character, I can't. It's not the character's own fault that his jokes became overplayed by its viewers. It's the Napoleon Dynamite syndrome.

Am I the only person who never thought "Borat" was funny?

Naw, my dad didn't think he was funny either (he stopped watching the movie like 15 minutes in).

Can't wait to see Cohen in Sweeney Todd, I'd see it right now but it's still only in select theaters and the nearest that has it to me is like an hour and a half away :(

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