djpretzel Posted December 25, 2007 Posted December 25, 2007 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
Abadoss Posted December 25, 2007 Posted December 25, 2007 Holy crap. The first few seconds made me very disoriented... I mean physically. I don't know what effects you used, but I was literally stunned for a brief couple of seconds. Anyway, I like the piece. I like the way it combines the old skool sounds with the more "modern" ones in such a way that I am not thrown off by the chiptunes used. The flow is really good. My only suggestion is to figure out what that was at the beginning, cause it literally hurt. I'm also not a big advocate for using fade outs, but that's more a personal preference. Quote
avaris Posted December 25, 2007 Posted December 25, 2007 Def agree with Abadoss that this s great fusion of old and new school elements. The attention to mood and correct samples def shows through. The song presents a very image of what IMO Mazedude was trying to get across. Def fits with the disillusioned/mysterious of of SoE. Quote
Audity Posted December 25, 2007 Posted December 25, 2007 The intro could have been more spread out before the main synth comes in, but other than that it's about time that someone did this theme in a fitting way. Quote
anosou Posted December 25, 2007 Posted December 25, 2007 Very interesting take on the source. As always with Mazedude's work it's top notch production coupled with a very creative arrangement. I can get bored with the single string, it tends to be a bit to forward for me. The synth leads are great, especially the one at about half the tune with the C64-esque modulation and delay. Solid stuff from Mazedude. Quote
bLiNd Posted December 26, 2007 Posted December 26, 2007 The intro could have been more spread out before the main synth comes in, but other than that it's about time that someone did this theme in a fitting way. I've actually had an unfinished trance remix of this theme sitting on the drive for the past 1.5 years :-0 gotta finish it Anyway, I always love listening to mazedudes mixes and this is no different. His style, and sound choices, remind me of what got me into game music in the first place. Good work brutha Quote
Dunnowhathuh Posted December 28, 2007 Posted December 28, 2007 Oh yes, VERY k-pax. For someone who didn't know the soundtrack very well, you could probably substitute this mix in for the k-pax main theme and they wouldn't know any better. Great stuff. Quote
JohnDriLLL Posted December 28, 2007 Posted December 28, 2007 i downloaded the american album back in feburay or so and it was awesome. this is my favorite song in the whole album. Quote
DragonAvenger Posted December 28, 2007 Posted December 28, 2007 This song has a real depth to it, I feel like I can fall into the sound. I love songs like that. The chip elements fit in nicely, without being a sudden addition. Overall, I'm a fan of this. Nice job. Quote
quoda Posted January 6, 2008 Posted January 6, 2008 I'm kinda a sucker for Secret of Evermore remixes, but even with that in mind I have to say that this is amazing. It keeps the same "feel" of the original but is really different and lovely in its own right as well... really nice job. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 Great atmospheric track, the delayed bass harmonic sample at the beginning was awesome, and the track progressed very well while retaining a deep atmospheric mood. Synth choices were all fantastic and meshed together well, and every few listens, you discover another layer of sound. My one complaint is that is starts fading at the end and then gets abruptly cut out. Considering how much care was put into the rest of the song it seems like an oversight. I'm wondering if this track hasn't received the attention it deserves review-wise because its downtempo? A more obscure game? It was posted nearby a lot of other, higher profile mixes? I'm not really sure, but if you are reading this, be sure to check this track out. Quote
Arwen Posted February 24, 2008 Posted February 24, 2008 What an awesome track. Very soothing, very spacey, very powerful in an understated way. It flows beautifully, and feels free but never unfocused. Great piece, and one that will make it on to my short list of favorite OCReMixes. Quote
Schloss Ritter Posted August 16, 2008 Posted August 16, 2008 I just heard this awesome track on the Ormgas stream. I haven't gotten around to seeing K-Pax yet, but the remix reminded me of the songs by Animusic. In fact I was half visualizing them animating this as I listened to it. Quote
ZealPath Posted August 16, 2008 Posted August 16, 2008 Can't really comment on the K-Pax thing, but I just recently re-discovered the SoE soundtrack and the original version of this song is definitely my favorite from the soundtrack. As a result this remix is a very welcome addition to my collection, very low key, but the same melody is there. Hard to describe but this remix has a very "light" feel to it, very unique. Quote
Alimah Kali Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 I was just recently introduced to a couple tracks from SoE through an awesome channel on Youtube called "From Bleeps to Beats: The Music of Video Games". I'd never played the game before so it was a very welcome addition to my playlist. I listened to it all a number of times before coming here and finding Mazedude's remix. When I heard it I felt like flying and crying all at once. It's just soooo beautiful, flowing and ethereal. It even prompted me to go and get the K-Pax soundtrack. I whole heartedly agree with Dunnowhathuh... it can easily be snuck into the soundtrack with absolute perfection. Thank you for this gorgeous masterpiece, Mazedude. Quote
Kizyr Posted October 23, 2008 Posted October 23, 2008 Mazedude's tracks tend to be very unique, so... sometimes I like them, sometimes they don't quite click with me. But they're always interesting, no doubt about that. This in particular might be my favorite remix that Mazedude's done thus far. It really, really gets at the part-eerie, part-mysterious atmosphere in both SoE and K-Pax (really enjoyed that movie, by the way). It's a brilliant track where you can really hear the inspiration behind it. KF Quote
K.B. Posted March 28, 2009 Posted March 28, 2009 This one never should have become buried in my vg remix collection. I am elated that I rediscovered it. The combination of organic and synthetic sounds is astoundingly beautiful and profound. It truly surprised me how appropriately these seemingly polar opposites could meld as they interplayed; also from what I understand, such a melding also fits perfectly with the theme of the game itself. The poignant touch, in my opinion, was made in giving each style its own moment to speak... the sounds intertwine and build, then the organic quiets for the synthetic to profess its secrets, both build and recircle, then the artificial withdraws and allows the natural to give its testament, and finally they rejoin and crescendo only to eventually fade into the distance. This is the story I hear. It is further accented by the panning, which completely envelops me in this strange world, and by the pitch bending of the synth, which sends a chill down my spine every time it is introduced. Now I must listen to the soundtrack from K-Pax. However, I will venture a guess that, even if the idea originated from Mr Shearmur's work, the inspiration evident here came from none other than Mr Getman. Do be proud; this is phenomenal. Thank you for this. Quote
Pander Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 I've actually had an unfinished trance remix of this theme sitting on the drive for the past 1.5 years :-0 gotta finish it 3+ years now? =( This is a fantastic mix. It was always hard to justify getting SoE for xmas while my brother got Chrono Trigger...which one of us won the battle of "better game"? He did, obviously. But sibling rivalry commanded me to squeeze every ounce of good out of this one, and I think I did. The score is absolutely unique for an SNES game, centered around mystery, loss, and desperation. It was so good that I tended to hate the game because of its long stretches without any BGM playing, regardless of gameplay elements (although frequent and lengthy mazes were frustrating on their own accord). I love all 3 of the remixes up here, all evince terrific emotion in the spirit of the source. Mazedude's percussion is fantastic, like a well-measured case of ADD knocking pads and bells in an entrancing rhythm. For some reason, the melding of synths and percussion reminds me of a more electronica version of the latest Muse album's symphonic suite (sans guitar). Beautiful stuff. I agree with the criticism that the ending jumps out of nowhere. Quote
Trouble Posted November 5, 2009 Posted November 5, 2009 I wish i could speak a better english to translate my thoughts, this song is atmospheric, it's a very similar feeling with the game Quote
Sir_Downunder Posted December 17, 2009 Posted December 17, 2009 A very laid back piece from a game I've yet to play... I need to start expanding my horizons a little bit... The tempo of this is something I like, along with the seamless blend of organic and synthetic sounds. The soundscape that has been created is fantastic. Another great track from the 'Dude. Quote
Emunator Posted December 22, 2009 Posted December 22, 2009 This might just be my favorite Mazedude mix ever! He's mentioned in the past how he finds a different set of sounds for each mix, but I think the one's he's using here work better together than any of his remixes I've heard up to this point. It's so peaceful and serene, but mysterious as well. The piano fits like a glove into the synthy soundscape... honestly, I could keep rambling, but ultimately this is one of my favorite Mazedude mixes and I'd recommend everyone check it out! Quote
MechaFone Posted December 19, 2010 Posted December 19, 2010 What a laid-back, atmospheric remix! Haven't seen K-Pax in years, so I can't really make the distinction. Still, I enjoyed this remix very much. Quote
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