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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/09/2015 in all areas

  1. I've gotten some nice progress going.. didn't have as much time as I'd liked, but the direction was a surprise and that's always good. Hoping to send some stuff relevant people very soon.
    2 points
  2. Preview it: http://youtu.be/JMy-icaL6RQ Download it: http://rebellion.ocremix.org Torrent: http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Final_Fantasy_II_-_Rebellion.torrent A great album is the sum of its parts as much as any social movement or revolution is the culmination of efforts from brave individuals. The sheer amount of dedication that went into creating Rebellion will be difficult to properly appreciate; many of the involved artists worked on their music for months. Some of them worked on particular songs for over a year. At the end of this journey, it was the combined vision, talents, and dedication of each artist that created an album with its own personality. A smooth experience that seemingly has its own narrative, from one song to the next. I'm eternally grateful to the artists that returned to work on Rebellion after the completion of the first album, Random Encounter. I am equally grateful to those who are making their first appearance, and those who have chosen to be on the final album covering Final Fantasy 3. Without your hard work and sacrifice, this album would not have been possible. To the fans - I hope that listening to this album fills you with as much joy as it has given me these past several years. Thank you for the rebellion, and may our random encounter continue to bring us liberation. - Brandon Strader
    1 point
  3. I'll be getting my 2nd WiP for Final Fight Zone up sometime soon. To cover SA2, I've got something in the works for a Crazy Gadget/Final Rush/For True Story (2nd Sonic vs. Shadow boss fight) combo I may have mentioned a while ago, if you want to mark me down for that.
    1 point
  4. I think there is some wild variation in the quality of the work and some strange inconsistencies that seem to have been from what seems like the usage of varying existing work in a collage esque manner. However there is a lot of potential. So my feedback is to work on consistency and balance. If you must reuse and transform existing material. Try to avoid lossy images. (JPGs with lots of compression) and save the final work in at least a 100% quality JPG to reduce compression marring your work.
    1 point
  5. Really Good idea to have an act 1 and 2 mixed into a track . Especially with older Sonic Games . Possibly do marble zone next ? I d love this idea with a streets of rage track.
    1 point
  6. Still waiting for guitar parts. Other than that my tracks only need more work on the mixing. Due to a short holiday next week I expect to send the finished tracks either on the deadline day or maybe a day before. So yeah, my birthday gift will be late
    1 point
  7. Best metal vocals ever. Let's turn it into a brütal song.
    1 point
  8. Just sent you a Birthday Gift
    1 point
    1 point
  10. I really like this remix, What I do Like: The intro awesome build up! Orchestra Hits - Love (I'd go louder, it's a cool transition), and Drums phase Build. PRODUCTION [X ] Unrealistic sequencing (particularly acoustic instrumentation, e.g. notes use the same velocities,) *dynamics, shape your song * STRUCTURE [X ] Not enough changes in sounds (e.g. static texture, not dynamic enough) * again, dynamics * [X ] Too repetitive *sorry it does* *list from forum The WIP Feedback Checklist (READ BEFORE POSTING) * don't take it personally, I really do like this remix! that's all I can think for improving. so far so good!
    1 point
  11. Gentle reminder that if anyone needs any help on their mixing, feel free to collab; I'll be available!
    1 point
  12. As long as the emulator is decent, there isn't a problem. Think about it this way; you can't rip a video file directly from the ROM, because the video is made on the engine. You're able to record it while the game is running, but the methods can lead to low-quality versions of the "originals." If you go on youtube and search for any song from the first 2 golden sun games, the result that you'll get has been recorded from an emulated ROM by a computer. That method causes background noise, and the quality isn't great. The way I'm trying it will be the highest possible audio quality with similar synths that I've tuned/made by ear. Here's an example from the teaser I put out on Reddit (it shows the before and after of a particular song): https://www.reddit.com/r/GoldenSun/comments/3835zz/golden_sun_soundtrack_remastered_90_done_will/
    1 point
  13. So yeah, I'm for hire if you need (backing) vocals.
    1 point
  14. I'm not an artist, so I can't give meaningful feedback necessarily, but I dig this stuff!
    1 point
  15. That's really cool to learn about the synths. I guess the game might be a challenge to emulate?
    1 point
  16. Good Lord, Current in my second play through and honestly this is absolutely AWESOME. Thank you so much to everyone for this masterpiece!!! Cheers, paxl13
    1 point
  17. In my opinion its a mix between two things: 1st - You must be doing something that you don't usually do (Like DrumUltimA said) to learn faster and (maybe) better 2nd - You should try to do one thing at the time, and don't trying to do everything at the moment, first you must assimilate the things you learn.
    1 point
  18. Similar to DrumUltimA, I tell my students all the time to focus on one instrument for awhile and then branch out. Pick a main instrument that you can't live without. Treat the rest as secondaries. If you play drums, do you play keyboard percussion? That might help you a bit with the piano skills. If you have to do both, prioritize. I've also found that in the tonal instruments, there are principles that carry over between them. For instance, my main instrument is violin, but violin technique is very useful on all strings. (also guitar hero and rock band) Further, Piano helped me understand the basic structure in music, which lends toward composition. Learning to improve on any instrument helps in composition skills as well. Bottom line, look for those connections and similarities. You are not just learning an instrument, but music.
    1 point
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