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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/14/2015 in all areas

  1. I also can't wait to hear what Jorito comes up with. It'd better be good, or else...
    2 points
  2. In case anyone missed it. Thank you rnn for updating the thread. Music will go up some time tonight.
    1 point
  3. Mirby

    Super Mario Maker

    I remade another stage. Air Man Stage (Mega Man 2) Remix: 314F-0000-0034-3B7B Also my boyfriend made another stage. It's Greek themed (as in mythology). To Hades and Back: EEC4-0000-0035-7208 I'm currently working on a counterpart to his stage, titled Assault on Mount Olympus. I should have it finished sometime tomorrow.
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. I was planning to vote yesterday, but I had an allergic reaction to something new and that pretty much ruined my entire day. My apologies to my team for not voting :'(
    1 point
  6. I feel like this is somewhat relevant... ^^^^^ Bullshit....Rip it Out...RIP IT OUT!!
    1 point
  7. For a quick analysis, and making the judging panel bearable, i'm inclined to agree with these points but it bothers me that ReMixes have become so mathematical to begin with. Percentages should not be used to determine if a remix is passable, familiarity should. Part of the fun of doing this OcReMixing thing is hearing how a ReMixer used the source in ways that you didn't notice the first dozen or so times you listened to it. Giving the source usage up right off the bat cheapens the effort you put into the remix and makes for a kind of guided discovery with the ultimate goal of requiring the listener to listen to the track less to get everything out of it. This is also known as decreasing artistic worth. Which I feel there is enough of already these days. So HIDE SOME STUFF! ...and let's give the future OCRemix Analyzers, Biographers and Anthologists something to discover and write about.
    1 point
  8. So I've given the whole thing three full listens-through. There's definitely some good tracks on this album. I think the standouts for me are as follows: All of Kate Covington's tracks are superb, as per her usual M.O. - I think You Don't Know Me is probably my favorite thing on here. Fixations, Lunar Rebellion, and Craic in the Castle Walls are all amazing, particularly as they showed off tracks I had no real expectations for due to their being tracks that weren't particularly favorites of mine in the game; Fixations in particular struck me strongly, as I had totally forgotten about the wedding music in the game. As Long as We Remember is an excellent rendering of Garnet's theme, and The Knight of Woeful Sorrow, Crystal Tempest, Doomed Lovers, Black Mage Master, and Filtering Through the Memories are all really great takes on some of my favorite parts of the OST. There were some disappointments too, but I won't go into detail about them here. I do have a question though, and Mirby/Pipez' posts made me think of it: Is it my imagination, or did Eidolon Wall also get missed? Just for curiosity's sake; it's possible it got worked into a track and I just missed it.
    1 point
  9. Hi all! I got married last month and I used OCRemix for all of our music. We sent as many people towards the site as we could but we'd like to help out on the site too. Here is is list of all the music that we used for the wedding: http://sarah.draknek.org/WeddingMusic.pdf Unfortunately the youtube playlist at the top no longer exists however the list of music may be helpful for others. There's over 6 hours of music included in the list, split up by whether we thought it would be better to play it before the ceremony or in the reception (or both!). So yeah, have fun with that, hope it helps and thank you so much to the wonderful OC Remix community!
    1 point
  10. No worries, and sorry for the dead air. Coming up for air now (finally!!!!!!!!!!!), and will holler back later today. We'll get everything lined up!
    1 point
  11. I'm a level 24 hunter blade dancer (Recon / Shotgun), was about to play today but couldn't bring myself to do it. If I had people to co-op with that I actually knew I think I'd get further than the login screen. Please add me if you want. I can usually play MTWRF 6-11 PM. PS4 ID: Kemarofangs
    1 point
  12. Very cool - I wish it 'dropped' more but I also like that you've essentially chiptune sounds to make dubstep - very good.
    1 point
  13. Another one that, IMHO, just goes too long. It's not because you made something sound nice that it should last forever. This is one of those cases when shorter is better. IMHO, of course.
    1 point
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