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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/13/2015 in all areas

  1. As you may have noticed, we've upgraded our forums to the latest version of "Invision Power Board," now re-titled as "Invision Power Suite"... Please report any issues on THIS thread alone, and please include screenshots, text of the error, time/date stamp, & browser/OS version... Things will likely take some getting used to; some features will be improved, others may be missing/altered... please give yourself some time to adjust before posting any feedback. That being said, if you've got questions, concerns, comments, etc., let us know! Counters & content are currently being rebuilt... this will take awhile... some older posts & some statistics may not render correctly until these backgrounds jobs are complete. I'll post an update when they're done, so you know that anything you STILL see is an actual issue (should be done sometime today, 12/13)... Just in case something goes terribly wrong and we need to roll back to the previous version, you may want to store backups of any long/extensive posts you make in the next 48 hours. Of course, I personally recommend using the Lazarus plugin (for Firefox & Chrome)... Fingers crossed that things goes well... once we get the kinks worked out, we look forward to building on this platform with the additional functionality we've promised repeatedly in the past & committed to on our Patreon; this is the foundation for future improvements, so please help us get it right!
    4 points
  2. Well, signatures have been re-enabled. That was probably part of it Seems fixed... at least, that post does. Let me know if you find others. Are the quote tags fixed? Can you link to specific threads where they are broken, if not? This was a legitimately odd issue with the permissions being borked... dunno how on Earth that happened, but it should be fixed. Please confirm when you get a chance! @DarkeSword - still haven't add a chance to look into your issues... also very strange! @Black_Doom, @Chernabogue, @Rozovian, @Neblix, @timaeus222 - appreciate the feedback/issue reports! And yes, IPS4 allows callouts/references to users, which should be VERY helpful...
    3 points
  3. Can't leave replies in threads in the Remix Comments/Reviews subforum for some reason... Edit: seems to work now. Thanks, djp!
    2 points
  4. "DJP, what do the forums say about Liontamers Popular Contributor's level?" "ITS OVER 9000!!!!! *breaks forums*"
    2 points
  5. I gotta say this is quite a bit of fun. Great mood, energy, feeling, etc . . .. Instruments are well recorded, the spectrum is quite nicely filled out. I mean there really isn't a lot to complain about in those regards. Everything is discernible in the mix. Having said that I feel that mix falls a bit short. There are certain moments that are simply fantastic like 1:16 - 1:36, 1:39 - 2:04, 2:09 - 2:16 as just a few examples. Everything just gels and it just works fantastically. However, there are moments where the track just doesn't live up to those like 2:19 - 2:27 or 3:42 - 4:22. The mix falls in on itself at those moments. The drums lose all their power & impact. It is at those moments you want the track to really come out and be driving. It is clearly evident by how they're played. I'd be more forgiving if there was more going on that required more spectrum & power. But really that isn't the problem. The way this is composed & voiced tells me that this shouldn't be the case. Just my observations. But seriously this is a really fun cover. Lots of great moments and honestly I can mostly overlook the mixing bits (there is quite a bit more than what I commented on, but that is neither here nor there right now) because it is just that much fun. Edit - Seriously, this track is so good I can almost overlook the mixing issues. That is really saying something for me.
    2 points
  6. Gatts

    One Punch Man

    The live action version of One Punch Man aired last night on UFC 194. http://i.imgur.com/PUCqmgb.gif
    1 point
  7. "it's aeris i don't care if it's canonically aerith"
    1 point
  8. A smooth remix from Mr. Pretzel himself! The samples are top and sound very realistic -- almost too much! ^^ The choice of instruments helps to create a cool atmosphere -- very jazzy. Excellent arrangement, and the production is super clean. What else is there to ask for? ... djp, Y U NO MOAR RMX?
    1 point
  9. Email notifications for thread replies are FORCED ON. This is not good.
    1 point
  10. It seems like none of the old quote tags are working. Broke all the other forum threads. Also "Location" under person has no space between the label and the field. Also what happened to our signatures? I agree with Rozovian; I think the one thing I extremely dislike about IPS is how much white space is padded on everything. I have a 1080p monitor but it can only get about 1 or 2 forum posts fully onto when it's fullscreened. And 1 or 2 forum posts is not a monitor's worth of content. If I put it at about 90% zoom, everything looks so much better. This might not be something you can control, and certainly something I can get used to (and pretty much have so far).
    1 point
  11. This is probably an aspect of the background jobs still running.... just checked progress, and it's gonna be awhile, longer than I thought, possibly rest of the day, so I guess we'll see on Monday! This is also the responsibility of the background jobs... we'll see. There were definitely some folks having trouble with this over on the Invision forums, and they said they were looking at alternative embed mechanisms. Once the dust has settled, we definitely wanna get SoundCloud embeds working too! I happen to like the extra space for readability/cleanliness, but I think we'll probably be making better use of it once we start customizing a bit
    1 point
  12. Yes, it's displaying correctly now.
    1 point
  13. Should be; I did test on Chrome, but you DO have to clear your cache...
    1 point
  14. It's fixed on my side! Now the menu stays up and doesn't go away if I try to click something on it.
    1 point
  15. I'm using Firefox 36.0.1 on Windows 7 Pro, and it looks like the menu is partially underneath some of the other navigation tabs. Something with the z-indexing on those tabs specifically?
    1 point
  16. Hear, Hear! Is there something that could be done to get this back up and running? Maybe a thread with a petition sort of format? Saturdays are so lonely and the Talkback is a great way to hear the voice of the OCR community and It would be a treat to have it back up and running!
    1 point
  17. It totally doesn't, so I'm lounging over in the "Aeris" camp. Brought some marshmallows. I think Garpocalypse brought the graham crackers. Someone bringing the chocolate?
    1 point
  18. I first found OC Remix in 2006 or 2007. I have no idea how was directed to this sight, it might have been from Gaia online. But I've since kept OC remix music as the staple of my music library. I prefer non-vocal music so most of the stuff here fits me perfectly. Still not able to actually do anything with my own music, but maybe later in life I'll get my own saxophone and actually be able to do some more musically. It has been a great time so far!
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. That's easy for someone who knows how to do that. Transposing has been a thorn in my side since the first mega man compo I took part in. People try to explain it but I still don't get it, at least not enough that I can easily transpose a whole song and still have time to mix in one week.
    1 point
  21. Arrow

    One Punch Man

    zircon made me start watching this anime, and after I'd finished just one episode, I couldn't stop; had to watch all the rest to date ASAP. Apparently the show will only last 12 episodes? (with some OVAs) Which makes me really sad, but I'm assuming it's an Attack on Titan-type situation, and a second season will eventually be made once the manga's made enough source material for it. Which... will probably take another year or two at the least.
    1 point
  22. Wait wasn't I playing those games too?
    1 point
  23. "YoshiBlade" a new comer to the OCR brings us a his rendition of SMW Castle Theme mixed with Castlevania. I suppose he thinks himself pretty clever with his write up? Using words not doubt gleaned from his Webster's word of the day calendar, throw about with the same grace as a dog who's gotten hold of a dictionary tearing it to shreds! But on to the music, if it can even be called that. We start with a simple expansive pad, almost certainly purchased from a reputable musician, ( I find it rather dubious this young man is capable of that kind of synth design), before we're introduced to a obnoxiously repetitive bass and a small sample of The Castle Center Theme from Castlevania...I bet he seems to think he can hide his hobbled musicianship by playing a small snippet of actual music, rather than utilizing MIDI flies to hide his naked failure as even the most amateur pianist. The voices are actually sampled quite well...were it 1994. As to his use of lead instrument, I'm curious if here is even aware of the difference between a square wave or a sine wave? Or to the proper use of either one?! Then he introduces some more glitchy aspects, though I am having a hard time determining if this is intentional or a product of his total lack of understanding of even the most basic production techniques...Upon hearing these I was granted a small amount of relief, as I thought I received a corrupted copy and thus would have a reason to NOT review this utter swill, however it seems these glitchy aspects are intentional. Or I'm sure he likes to think. I may seem like I'm droning on, but not nearly as droning as his choice of loop, an obvious loop as even the most basic beat structure is as foreign to his ears, this track is to decent taste ...I wonder Mr. YoshiBlade, how much did you spend to on loops to prop up your obvious failings as a musician and human being, hmm? and then we approach a vocal sample Oh-Ho, Yes indeed Mr.YoshiBlade you know how to sample a voice, bravo, Im sure you sat smugly at your computer when you made this, no doubt stroking your overblown ego, with your own brand of praise. Pray Tell, was it difficult to press record than play? Or perhaps you kept forgetting which in which order to do so,hmm? I shan't even waste my time with his piddling ending, no doubt a portent of his career on the OCR short, lackluster and lazy! Let us hope this is the last we hear of this Mr. YoshiBlade. I return to my warm Bree and Burgundian Chablis, disgusted with the depth at which Video Game Remixes have stooped to!
    1 point
  24. Yeah I think I had the same exact experience :3
    1 point
  25. Yeah, I think I'd like that. I watched most talkbacks, but sometimes I didn't bother because I was busy or wanted to do other things at the time. I probably would be more likely to catch a talkback if it were more of a special occassion, like a monthly format. Plus I'd imagine it would be a lot easier to organize and find available remixers.
    1 point
  26. Ditto! A well advertised monthly one with a few featured remixers would probably see more patronage than the weekly format the show had.
    1 point
  27. Bring back OCR talkback!
    1 point
  28. OCR Talkback #54: Return of Talkback
    1 point
  29. Been about 6 months since the last talkback, any plans to do more in the future? I'd love to see a comeback at some point!
    1 point
  30. I kinda miss this show! Good current topics I'd love to hear about: MAGFest Classic 2015, The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet and Worlds Apart.
    1 point
  31. http://www.snesmusic.org/spcsets/ff6.rsn - "Tina" (ff6-201.spc) Alright, plunky fakey keyboard, fakey strings, fakey brass, hilariously bad "NEWS" sample. Terra shows up in :40, and we keep groovin' and so forth and some such. Nice brass at 1:04...definitely. Steel stringed guitar at 1:09 was probably the highlight, and MORE brass at 1:21. Hahaha, awesomez! OverLooked ReMix is that way, 'Ili. http://www.olremix.org NO on paper, but YES in my heart
    1 point
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