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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/21/2016 in all areas

  1. The best song ever on the Commodore 64, until someone can point me to a better one. It needs a remix!
    2 points
  2. Mirby

    Dungeons and Dragons

    I finished up my maps (since there's 4 continents in my world), I just used the maps I made on the site I linked as inspiration mostly lol I'm pretty proud of them too haha
    1 point
  3. Rozovian

    Fisherman's Horizon

    I don't think you need _my_ advice on the music. I can find things wrong with production and point out obvious flaws in the arrangement, but I don't think that's the type of feedback that would benefit you. You're at the point where you're hearing flaws in your own work, stuff you're not satisfied with. Follow that instinct. Too much overlap between instruments? Find a solution. Play fewer notes. Play different notes. Separate with EQ. Separate with pan. Try them all, see what you like the most. I don't terribly mind how you've done it so far. I listen to it and hear it as a kind of improvisation, a for-fun piece. The production makes it hard to listen more critically. When it comes to reverb, the advice I generally follow is that I turn it up so I can barely hear it, then turn it down slightly from that. It makes for a clean and clear sound. For a two-instrument piece like this, you can probably let it have a bit more reverb than that, depending on the type of reverb and the sound you're going for. Case-by-case thing. Try everything.
    1 point
  4. Just in case people might be interested, I decided to remaster my most recent remix. I may have overdone it, but I still think it's an improvement:
    1 point
  5. Hi. I tried this today. It's a guitar cover from super mario bros 3. I made this to learn more about audio on logic and I decided to put it online. I know that is not a good track but, to learn, it's nice to put it to community. Then enjoy this.
    1 point
  6. 1. I agree. 2. The easiest way to see if someone has a budget is to look at their team/company, their access to assets and other services they're utilizing for their game, whether for the game itself, for marketing, etc.. If they're taking advantage of resources that cost money, they have money. They're simply not allocating it toward our service because they're trying to shortchange us. Unless it's a completely blind gig where we can't see anything about the game and just have a single point of contact for work specs over skype, we can put two and two together; it's not rocket science. Again, I'm not saying free work is always a no, but if there's nothing compelling you to work on the game specifically (out of interest, passion, etc.) time is better spent looking for bigger (bigger can mean more compensation, or more interesting, or more exposure) fish to fry, especially if the developer demonstrates they don't really value your contributions. In short I don't agree with working on a game for peanuts just because you want to work on something. That doesn't really help ("swing at every ball" is a myth). You have to be getting something out of it, otherwise your time is wasted. 3. I agree.
    1 point
  7. My track didn't pass the panel, but it's close and I got good feedback. @Ivan Hakštok, I'm wondering how long I might have to rework it?
    1 point
  8. I actually like this more - the decreased effects usage actually helped clear up the low-midrange (phaser may add low-midrange frequency motion, which can get messy sometimes), so the soundscape is clearer. I think this is a great improvement from before, because there's less clutter, and more "you" in the arrangement. I like the new rhythmic variations in the drums and the revised structure. Also, 1:54 - 2:02 was a cool lead-in back to the 'chorus', and the pause right at 2:02 was well-executed. Nice work!
    1 point
  9. Slimy

    Dungeons and Dragons

    You might find these websites interesting/useful: https://donjon.bin.sh/ http://chaoticshiny.com/ http://www.seventhsanctum.com/index.php http://www.gozzys.com/ https://www.cartographersguild.com/content.php https://www.reddit.com/r/mapmaking https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding https://www.reddit.com/r/battlemaps
    1 point
  10. Only thing that would make it perfect would be if you could legally load more games onto it.
    1 point
  11. I know you're not serious. You can't be serious. My mouth hung open for minutes after the first time I listened. This is one of the best pieces OC Remix has ever produced. Think "Drift" or "Jade Catacombs" or "Zeal Feels Good." Yeah. This is right up there. And I've listened to all of it. Since the beginning. And I hate 90 some percent of the songs with lyrics on here. But you broke the mold in a way I'd put right up there with "Under Construction". Granted, the production wasn't as clean, but you have something it doesn't: power. So don't use words like "garbage musician". Everyone here knows better than that. Well, maybe not those who had never heard of pitch-correction before "auto-tune", but those of use in the know were long aware that nothing gets put on the radio that hasn't been adjusted. Ignore the dumb gawkers. They aren't who you make real music for anyways. This song is a classic example of doing something totally right and your lessers missing the point. I find this actually happens quite a lot in life, but that people are trained to not draw attention to it. I will concede that I do think this needs some editing to tie something as fresh as "On The Run." Specifically, A) 1:05-1:10 B ) 2:22-2:24 C) 2:49-2:50, D) 3:11-3:16 E) 4:55-4:56 For those who are thorough, they will notice that all but one of those points of weakness are in the straight vocals. That's right. This piece needs more auto tune, not less. D) is the only instrumental criticism. The turn doesn't fit the piece. I feel it was vocally driven. Had there been less vocalization and it was more synthesized here, this might have been avoided. If you wanted to address these points in an updated version, I would be honored. I'll say that the climax is right where it should be (starting 3:53), when the theme restarts and the auto-tune is used most heavily. DrumUltimA, I knew your handle before, but now I'll be paying far closer attention to it, especially when you go outside your percussion comfort zone as you have done here. Please don't be afraid to again. I beg you. Ironically, I don't recognize anyone else in this thread besides the first 3 posters. So everyone else can put up or ... you know the rest.
    1 point
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