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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/16/2016 in all areas

  1. e.g. http://ocremix.org/artist/4628/zircon Uses Bootstrap 3 More visual layout YouTube playlists! Emphasis on artist links is front and center, including support links for patreon, oc records, etc. Definitely a work-in-progress, but since it was better than what we HAD, we're going live now and will iterate Other pages will be updated to kinda-sorta match, as time allows This pushes us further towards an overall site redesign by getting pages laid out in Bootstrap, semi-responsive, etc. in a piecemeal fashion Feedback welcome
    4 points
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shigeru_Miyamoto Come on guys. Happy Nintendo64th birthday, Shiggy!
    4 points
  3. Even though you have no midi piano to play on, can you imagine yourself playing the part on a real piano, and what that might sound like? For example, if I were playing this, I would play the melody parts like 00:5 soft and legato, except for the F6 note which I might accent. And I would play rapid bass stuff like at 0:51 harsher, louder, and more staccato. I might even rush it a bit. Also, instead of just randomizing the velocities to get a "real" sound, try basing your velocities on phrasing. Whatever makes sense "musically:" maybe the end of a phrase should be louder, or a phrase should start loud then get soft, or chords with dissonance should be louder, or higher notes should be louder. Not sure how I could describe it better.
    3 points
  4. Would there be any chance of having pages for visual artists who've contributed to OCRA projects? y'know... just askin'
    2 points
  5. Nice. Enjoying how albums and artist links are now organized. Here's some feedback: -On the YouTube playlists, the track played could be highlighted with a light gray. -If an artist has worked in more than 6 albums, they won't all show up. Maybe add a slider button on each side? -There are many straight rectangle shapes. Slightly rounds in the upper corners of the tabs could add more variety and ease the eyes. -For the Albums icon I suggest it is the same as the OverClocked Records one, sans headphones. It might look more consistent with the Games/Remixes icons. -By clicking in the white field of each playlist track, make it stream from YouTube instead of jumping to the ReMix page. Wonder if this would take way too much work, though. Hope this helps.
    2 points
  6. Pianos are extremely tough to humanize with a mouse and by tough i mean time consuming. You can easily lose hours working on a single phrase, making sure each block on the piano roll sounds appropriate. While velocity is certainly significant it's far from your only concern, Note length, usually affected by a damper pedal, and the timing of each key all need to be spot on with what a live pianist would perform in order to get it to sound realistic. Honestly, no live piano part would sound perfectly quantized to the grid like the example you have here. Best bet would be to use a midi keyboard to play the part then go back and make smaller corrections with the mouse. With a little practice you can get most of your ideal take in a few minutes rather than hours.
    2 points
  7. Yeah, I looked at the MIDI for Technology and was thinking "nope". XD I do really like the track though. Technology Revisted - I enjoyed the sound design choices you picked, Starphoenix. The hi hat sounds so chill, and combined with the string pad is sounds really smooth. The lead at :50 brings out the 90's feel in my ears. The Lazy Furniture - While Starphoenix's was more 90's based, yours sounds a lot like the 80's to me, HoboKa. The string pad with the sax and electric piano come together really well here. Additionally, I like how the drums are more on the dry side of things and more mellow. And thanks to both of you! I bought an Air Music bundle a few weeks ago and wanted to try out Strike 2. I really like it so far, and I think it'll be my go-to plugin for traditional drum sets; it has practically all I need for drums in one convenient plugin.
    2 points
  8. The Damned's Genesect (and Volcanion)Code GIVEAWAY! And with that... the contest is over. Six cards, six codes, six "winners". I use the term loosely, because Genesect is actually terrible in every way. Also, Volcanion is mid-tier, at best. Sure, they have really good stats, movesets, fun skills and can be used to wipe entire teams by themselves if use right... but they ain't no Luvdisc! The Volcanion card: Red Shadow wins! Though I should disqualify you for hating anything about Gen 3. Also, Luvdisc just wanted to let you know that the water around those parts would be bad fro your Rock-type. The 1st Genesect card: Gario wins! By default. The two sweetest words in the English language. The 2nd Genesect card: MindWanderer wins. Because I said so. The 3rd Genesect card: Red Shadow wins. I guess. Sure, why not? The 4th Genesect card: jnWake wins. He was only off by 4 (I chose 17), and the second of two people that actually guessed. The 5th Genesect card: TillyFun wins. A short haiku about a silly cat giving away stuff. I can't help but feel it's actually about me.
    1 point
  9. also, for the volcanion, perhaps you can guess what one of my turn-offs from gen 3 was:
    1 point
  10. Hi all! We're working on a Youtube video series combining heavy metal renditions of NES & SNES classics with animated story. I myself am working on the music and would not mind getting some guidance as well as critique. I'd love to have the songs available on OCR but I don't know if I should wait until the whole project is done and then request the whole album to be published at once or one song at a time. Is there any benefits having a whole album vs. one song at a time? Also if there's anything I should know since the music is also available on iTunes, Spotify etc. Here are the videos, we hope you like them! Any feedback is highly appreciated! - R0-z
    1 point
  11. Thank you for the kind thought but I don't think that is something I need help with. The advice I'm looking for relates more to how to get the songs out for the listeners. - R0-z
    1 point
  12. You have to have contributed an OC ReMix or been the original composer of a game in the database to be listed under Artists. We'll also be adding in musicians and visual artists who don't have posted ReMixes but have contributed to OC ReMix community albums.
    1 point
  13. @Odai Yes. ACTUALLY, we just ALSO added expanded role attribution (director, assistant director, performer, lyrics, AND... artwork) to album pages: http://ocremix.org/album/48/be-aggressive-a-gunstar-heroes-tribute-album We still have to add artist profiles for those talented individuals who have contributed artwork to OCR projects, but you'll have them, and you'll be credited on album detail pages as well once those links can be established. @Txai Good suggestions; will implement some of them, not all, but the immediate priority is more updating other pages (game, organization, system, remix) to match this aesthetic a bit more, and get the main site navigation responsive.
    1 point
  14. @Starphoenix's Diving into the Deep Green Abyss is the closest to completion so far and that Macbeth track of his is sounding pretty wild so far! Hopefully @TheChargingRhino will have something to work with soon for the Andross remix. And yes, I'm sorry I don't have the voice-over done yet - stomach bugs are not conducive to concentration - but I have something in mind and will record something this week to post here. If someone is willing to provide me with the 'Tunnel' theme, then I'll have something to put behind it... hint hint ... ___ I'd just like to remind everyone that it's about six weeks to the first check-in. @DS394 and I will start contacting folks who haven't submitted a WIP yet sometime in December. We're not asking for much (even 20 seconds of track is still a WIP), just something to give us an indication of where you are and where you're taking the track. Please respond before January 1st so we know where you're at! If you have submitted a WIP already, thank you! We'll probably ask what's going on, but nothing additional will be required at this time. If you have a new WIP to give us at the time, great! I know it seems early to remind everyone, but everyone needs to keep in mind that the timeline is still moving towards completion. If folks are feeling the pressure and nervous about having something together by the end of the year, we have lots of folks willing to help out!
    1 point
  15. Hey I have Alpha Sapphire! And am in North America. How about... *-) There once was a meowth from Nantucket Who put all her HMs in a bucket A machop she did see So went bang up a tree And waved a Fly crying 'Come get it'
    1 point
  16. I think I can translate. IV means Individual Values, which are part of the stat system that Pokémon uses to create the massive range of stats that you see, even in the same species of pokémon. Think of them as genes. Something with a high Attack IV would have the best possible Attack stat for that species. EV means Effort Values, which are little bonuses that are applied to each stat. An individual pokémon can gain these either by using items like HP Up, or they can selectively fight and defeat certain pokémon in battle. Each pokémon gives specific EVs when defeated. So if you fought, say, 10 Ratattas in a row, you would gain 10 Speed EVs. Basically, he bred a pokémon so it has good IVs that gave it better stats, and then gave it items/fought certain other pokémon so that it gained even more increases in those specific stats. He trained it to highly defensive so it could withstand attacks from other pokémon in battle. He applied 252 EVs (those little bonuses) in Health, 128 in Defense, and 124 in Special Defense. This means it can withstand both physical and non-physical attacks. Given that Shuckle already has really high Defense and Special Defense stats, Gario has ensured that his Shuckle can brush off pretty much anything that is thrown at him. A specific set of moves his Shuckle uses to not directly inflict damage to its opponents. Toxic is a move that doubles the damage it induced after every turn of battle. So it will do 10, then 20, then 40, then 80, etc.. Rest is a move that puts Shuckle to sleep in exchange for removing any status ailments and restoring all its health. Stealth Rock is a move that injures an opponent the instant it enters battle, and will continue to do so for any entering opponent until the "rocks" are removed by another move. Shell Smash is a move that will drop Shuckles defenses at by one level, but increase attack, Special Attack and Speed by two levels, so it can boost those stats. Combine that with Shuckle's ability, Contrary, reverses the effects of any move that changes a stat, so it would actually drop Attack, Special Attack and Speed, while boosting Defense and Special Defense EVEN MORE. These four moves allow Shuckle to poison them, wait for them to die, and shrug off anything they throw at it until everyone else is a twitching pileof purple pus, pooling on the ground before it. Powerful pokémon, but you have to know how to use them. They would have had a hard time inflicting enough damage at once to defeat Shuckle without some very good luck.
    1 point
  17. Here's my favorite battle that I can recall, though I do feel a little guilt on it. I IV/EV'd the shit out of a Shuckle, made it tanky as shit (252HP, 128DEF, 128SDEF). Fought a friend and his legendaries with it, did the "Toxic/Rest/Stealth Rock/Shell Smash" crap with the hidden ability that reverses the effects of Shell Smash. Always fun to see Dalgia, Ho-oh and the two XY legendaries fall to that stupid slug rock thing. He was cool with it, though, so it wasn't THAT bad. Still funny as hell, though.
    1 point
  18. Really liking your take on Metal Man!
    1 point
  19. Awesome concept! Can't wait to hear more !
    1 point
  20. Seriously digging these two tracks. That solo in The Trail of Tears too... just damn... Good luck with the album, i'll be definitely be nabbing it when it's done!
    1 point
  21. General Overview: Going through December Reviews month, I found that the album that contained most of the tracks I reviewed came from this album. So I figured that this album would be worth a download/listen/review. It totally was, as this is by far the most eclectic compilation album anyone can listen to. Nearly every music genre that could possibly be represented is represented in this album. I guess it shouldn't surprise as the Donkey Kong Country soundtrack has always been eclectic, but Overclocked took that about ten steps further with this specific album. It's not perfect, and I don't expect everyone to go through the entire album from beginning and end due lack of preference in other genres. But this is definitely worth investing in for many reasons (if you like DKC series, if you like DKC3, general Overclocked fan, music fan, video game music fan, etc etc etc). I'm an elementary student teacher, and I would totally use this album to help kids discover what music genre's appeal to them, and which ones don't. I also appreciate this album as until last month, I didn't even know that the Game Boy Advance port had unique music. So I had nothing to compare any of the "GBA" tracks to, and I still enjoyed them. It made me more curious about the GBA version of the game. Moral here is, you miss out on a lot of good Overclocked tracks (and albums) if you choose not to download it just because you've never heard the original before. Album Strengths (AKA Personal Favs): Track 1-4: Unbearable (Brothers Bear) by Brandon Strader This was already a fun track, so it's nice to hear Brandon retain that fun factor even while making the track his own. Track 1-6: Purewater Pressure (Stilt Village) by WillRock Very relaxing and light hearted. It just makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Track 1-7: Bash the Bastards! (Bonus Time) by WillRock, Level 99 I was expecting something much more intense with a title like that, but I still enjoyed the relaxing folk rock vibe I got out of this. Track 1-8: Funky's Joint (Hangin' at Funky's) by Brandon Strader Compared to DKC 1 and 2, I didn't really care for Funky's theme in DKC3. But this interpretation of Funky's theme actually makes me appreciate it more. How do I describe this without using any funky puns....damn it. Track 1-13: Banana Revolution (Live in Kongcert) [Cranky’s Showdown] by Jason Covenant feat. AkumajoBelmont Loved the "'live performance" vibe. Almost sounds like this was actually recorded live at a venue of sorts. Track 1-14: Permafrost (Frosty Frolics) by Draconiator, Flexstyle I was still humming this version of Frosty Frolics when I reviewed this last month. It gets stuck in your head quite easily. Lucky for this track, it's a good song to keep in your head. Track 1-18: Shenanigans Bananigans (Jungle Jitter) by Archangel Very creative arrangement. For someone who had never done a "cartoon-chase" style theme at the time this was being produced, you sure made it seem effortless. Track 1-19: Cliffside Clamber (Rockface Rumble) by Ergosonic The percussion made this track a 10, and then the rock guitar at around the 4 minute mark took it to 11. Track 1-20: mojo gogo (Jangle Bells) by prophetik Said it in the original, but I'll repeat it here. Very Motown, very comparable to the Contours, all around excellent arrangement. Track 2-7: Water Warped (Water World) by GSlicer, The Scarborough Joker .ti evoL .dica ni gnimmiws retfa lanimilbus lla tca ot tnaw em sekam kcart sihT Track 2-10: Wrinkly's Nightcap (Wrinkly 64) by Doc Nano This was such a sweet track. Very Claude Debussy-esq. Track 2-11: The Mighty Junglol (Chase) by Jason Covenant I feel like this track was made for the purpose of starting a meme of some sort. But outside of being reminded of YTMND, I did like this track. The narration track reminded me of how narration was delivered in old LucasArts adventure titles. Track 2-16: Friendships Through Dark and Light (Crazy Calypso, Crystal Chasm) by Vampire Hunter Dan This sounds like it would have made the best ending theme to a Donkey Kong Country game ever. Track 3-2: Treehouse Campfire (Treetop Tumble GBA) by Level 99 Wanna go camping in the wilderness? Wanna bring a guitar? Is the weather clear and starry? If you said yes to all three, then this should be the music to represent such a trip. Track 3-4: Thump Brothers (Brothers Bear GBA) by Flexstyle I love this track, and the beat-boxing. But still, it makes me want to hear the damn bears rap about themselves. Track 3-9: Funky's Tricks (Funky's Game GBA) by Malcos I loved the fun electronic/chill vibe this track creates. The beats are fabulous, and the main melody is so soothing. Track 3-11: Arichnophobia (Arich Boss) by Flexstyle feat. Paul Capps When I reviewed this last month, I had to hear the original because if this boss truly did have its own theme, it's gotta sound good, right? All I can say is, I wish that the original...well...GBA original theme sounded half as good as this arrangement does. Track 3-13: Post-Apocalyptic Society (Boss Boogie GBA) by Harjawaldar And then you get this boss battle theme which just sounds like it was made to motivate the bad guys more than the good guys. But that's okay, because it's fun to be bad, and to hear what represents the bad sometimes. Track 3-14: Nutz in the Head (Nuts and Bolts GBA) by zykO I actually liked the weirdness of the track. The distorted drums really added to the track, and really captured that "in the head" feeling. Track 4-1: Undercurrent (Enchanted River GBA) by Pot Hocket This is such a soothing, innocent new age stroll in the water. Very nice. Track 4-3: Heart of the Cave (Cavern Caprice GBA) by Rozovian ....wait, Super Metroid was used in this? Huh, interesting. I guess that makes kind of sense. Still a nice, pretty track. Track 4-7: Spanish Jitters (Jungle Jitter GBA) by David Wise feat. Robin Beanland, OC ReMixers Damn this track is incredible. You really have to hear for yourself how incredible this track is. So much effort from so many people in one track, and it all pays off. It's so good, it made me worry that my experience with the rest of the album would be tainted by comparison XD Track 4-8: Sea Breeze Concerto (Stilt Village GBA) by Monkey Kong feat. David Wise A little bit new age, a little bit rock, a little bit fusion jazz, a little bit 80s pop, a lot of it fun to listen to. Track 4-9: Beneath the Moonlight (Stilt Village GBA) by Theophany feat. Harmony, some1namedjeff, Fishy Back to back Stilt Village? Okay, I'll take it. Very grand arrangement here. I didn't get that "ending theme" vibe from it, but I still got a lot of enjoyment out of it. Track 5-2: Jitterbug System (Jungle Jitter) by Flexstyle I loved the percussion work here. It's so addictive, and catchy. Track 5-4: Treetop Intense (Treetop Tumble) by Danton F. The heavy metal vibe brought into this track works really well. Now I have a second reason to associate "intense" with Treetop Tumble (the first being that saw blade level). Track 5-5: Joyful Jungle Jig (Jungle Jitter) by Chernabogue I'm amazed that I recognized this as being from Chernabogue. Guess that what happens when you go through Vampire Variations in a week. The percussion and flute work done here are so good. The synth melodies make the jungles seem a little twisted. Like you'll lose your mind if you stick around too long. Track 5-7: Canopy Crawl (Jungle Jitter GBA) by Evory feat. Gintokipianist (Man, Jungle Jitter brings out the best in Overclocked, doesn't it?) This track makes me think I'm listening to audio from a silent film. Very fun, and very natural sounding.
    1 point
  22. 5-08 Banana Revolution [Flexstyle's Slam-the-Breaks Edit] (Cranky's Showdown) - Flexstyle vs. Jason Covenant, AkumajoBelmont FLEXSTYLE! VS! JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJASON COVENANT! 'Chekan Winter' from Kong in Concert was one of my favorites of that album, so it is always nice to see Jason Covenant / Prophecy. Anyways, this track...I like the energy and the effects on the vocals, something about them just makes smile. 5-09 Cranky's Christmas Mojo (Cranky's Dojo) - Peach This song...I like it, but something that utterly baffles me is that it appeared on 2 separate An OverClocked Christmas albums. Like...huh? But in any case, I can just lay back and bop my head to the bells as the rest of the song comforts me. 5-10 Can't Boss Us Around [Original Mix] (Boss Boogie SNES) - HoboKa Listening to this version...I can see that having Flexstyle step in for the main album version made it special, but this is a fine song on its own, so I can tell that HoboKa's got talent of his own. 5-11 FrosTronix [Original Mix] (Frosty Frolics SNES) - Draconiator This may sound offensive, so if it does then my apologies, but this version unlike the above sounds like an almost completely different beast to the main album version...and yet, this one too is pretty nice on its own. A little more traditional, but like with Rocket Rave, that isn't a bad thing. 5-12 Dive (Water World SNES) - Theophany feat. JJT, prophetik, some1namedjeff, zykO JJT! His work on Kong in Concert, 'West Coast DK Island', was also one of my favorites, so I'm glad to see him back, in a collaboration no less. But this song...I'm torn on it. It is a nice piece, but it is a little hard to follow at times, as the instruments seem to be working against each other in the beginning. Perhaps that was the intent, so if it was, success, but it is what it is. 5-13 The Crystal Key Is Broken (Mama Bird) - Theophany This track, compared to the main album version, sounds a lot different, and while I do prefer the main album version to this one, this one does have its own merits. Upon listening to it, I can actually consider it a precursor to some of his individual albums and some of his OCR album contributions, so Theophany only grew over time. 5-14 Footloose Falls (Cascade Capers SNES / GBA) - Emunator And with the last track on the bonus disc, I can say that combining the two songs together really led to something special. It's really good music to just close your eyes and jam to. Favorites of this disc: Rocket Rave, Footloose Falls --- So...I'm super duper sorry about putting this off so long . I think I just lost interest or gave up because I thought I was no good at reviewing things. I've wanted to review other things, but this was always nagging in the back of my mind, so I had to finish this once and for all.
    1 point
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