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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/25/2017 in all areas

  1. No he's not, they are different things, actually. PSN refers to "PlayStation Network" which is Sony's online ecosystem/service for PlayStation products. The premium version of this is PS+ (PlayStation Plus) which offers "free" games to download every month for subscribers (that you only own while you are a paying "Plus" subscriber). This service is "extraordinarily successful," and Sony's offering of "free" games every month is something that MS also decided to do with Games for Gold on XBox Live. It's also something that Nintendo should do with their online service. PlayStation Now, which is never referred to as "PSN," is Sony's game streaming service, similar to the old OnLive service. You pay a monthly fee and get streaming access to a library of games. These aren't downloaded or locally stored in anyway; you get an audio and video feed of the game and your controls are sent to the server that's running the game. The service has been live for a little while but there's nothing to suggest that it's "extraordinarily successful." Now I do think Andy is right; Nintendo's first-party library is first-rate and is well suited towards a subscription based game streaming service. People love Nintendo games. But ACO is also not too far off the mark: game-streaming as a business isn't really proven yet. OnLive, the pioneer of this kind of service, isn't in business anymore, and Gaikai, one of OnLive's competitors, essentially turned into PlayStation Now; and we don't really know how well PlayStation Now is doing as a service. There are a lot of things Nintendo could/should be doing with their back catalog; goodness knows their online "infrastructure" has been a total joke for over a decade. But Nintendo is a stubborn company that doesn't like being a follower; this leads to good things, like controller innovations and portable systems, but it also leads to bad things, like friend codes and game purchases locked to hardware rather than user accounts. We're finally seeing Nintendo make some concessions with their mobile games; Fire Emblem Heroes is a bog standard F2P gacha game, which is actually a great business decision on their part, because those kinds of games are moneymakers, but slightly disappointing artistically, because gacha games are fairly shallow experiences. What Nintendo needs to do is find that balance between leading the industry in hardware and software innovation and catching up to what the industry has already accomplished with things like online services.
    2 points
  2. I think your title was too long for ThaSauce as well since your song didn't play. I've reuploaded the song with a shorter song name and it works now. Also uploaded Dewey Newt's song.
    2 points
  3. Hello, all! Just a few quick updates: Sorry again for the delay on reviews. Life is still complicated these days but I'm working on it! I have been in touch with @DaMonz and he tells me he'll get to the reviews when he can, but he's even busier than I am these days. He's hoping to get started ASAP, but he figures it may be a while. Prominion has sent me a WIP! He's asked that I not post it yet, as he has lots of stuff he knows he can do better. He'll send me something I can post once he's more confident with what he has. No word yet on when he'll join the forum... I've also been in touch with @Trev regarding his claims and we've worked out an arrangement for his track progress moving forward. My own WIP has, admittedly, received little attention this month. I'll be prioritizing this on Thursday through the weekend, so regardless of what I actually get finished, I'll have something on Tuesday. Just a reminder, it will be the very first rough WIP of an un-posted remixer, so it certainly won't be stellar, but any advice would be appreciated - so long as it's constructive and not just heckling. Just because we haven't reviewed a track doesn't mean it can't be worked on in the meantime! Since I'm taking so long to get the reviews out, if anyone has an update to submit, go ahead and we'll review that. I certainly hope that everyone is continuing to work on their WIPs anyway; we have a goal of having 16 complete WIPs by April 1st, and I now have 5 with the addition of Cornerian Hall of Fame, so 11 more to go! We still have some claims left to be had! Check the front page of the thread for the unclaimed area themes - most boss themes and character themes are also open! Thanks to everyone for being patient with me. I am still available if anyone has any questions, concerns, or just want to chat a bit. Looking forward to more amazing music as the year goes on!
    2 points
  4. My vote is in. Good luck to everyone!
    1 point
  5. Hey guys!! This is my latest cover: Cannon Ball from Mega Man Zero 3, where I get proggy and djent a little bit. Let me know what you think! I'm going to start releasing these regularly, so if you liked it, maybe you can subscribe to my channel...?
    1 point
  6. The Coop

    Phantasy Star 4

    I've played all four main games multiple times from start to finish, even going so far as to get all four endings for PSIII. I enjoyed each game, including III (gets too much shit IMO). The first game is a classic 8-bit RPG that still holds up well today. The second game's dungeons are a bit too open and make you feel bogged down as the game goes on, but overall, it's still a good game. The third game has its random encounter rate set too high, but beyond that, it's still a fun RPG to go through with how the story progresses. And lastly, the fourth game just rocks. If an album was done, I'd love to redo my "Wounds of the Past" PS IV remix for it. Hell, I've even got a pair of PSIII remixes that I could update and throw into the pot ("Falling From the Sky" and "A Journey for Generations").
    1 point
  7. Garpocalypse

    Phantasy Star 4

    I'd be down for this.
    1 point
  8. @JenZ and I were discussing a full quadrilogy album, doing the whole original JRPG series (no Online games), and picking the best tracks i.e. not attempting to cover everything. Would love to see this happen, but I'm tapped out at the moment... Tentative titles were "Algol Rhythms" and "Memories of Motavia"
    1 point
  9. MOD REVIEW Hey there. I remember the days as a mod where I'd come in here with a flamethrower and just annihilate people's mixes. I feel like those days are ending - so much work is solidly produced now, including this one. Your production sounds really good, transitions are smooth and solid, the source is very well used all throughout and recognizable. Personally I could stand to feel a bit more of the mix in my chest with some more rounded out mid-lows, but altogether everything sounds really good to me. The one thing that threw me out of the mix - At 1:55 the kit sounds really dry, which contrasts in a stark way with the pads and leads going on as the melody. While I wouldn't recommend overdoing it, a touch of verb there might help it blend better, particularly the snare. Arrangement wise, at around 4:00 I was starting to get a bit of ear fatigue from repetition of the source elements. This is a very personal preference and many people probably wouldn't care, but there's enough variety in here that you could stand to maybe strip some of the repeated sections, or sections that only have a touch of variance in them. All of these things, though, are nitpicks. It's a professional sounding dance mix that I think is ready for the judges panel. I will caveat and saying that this style isn't my forte, so if some of the other mods want to jump in and talk about production it'd be welcome. Best of luck and great job.
    1 point
  10. Looks like I get to lead off on a Gario mix. *ahem* If you'd asked me to imagine what a Gario take on this source, keeping its original upbeat tone, would sound like, this would be pretty much exactly it. It's got those nice crisp leads, those fun arps, that nice resonant backing, fun original riffs, everything I expect from Gario. Unfortunately, that includes some of the weaknesses, like a very busy high end in places (1:58-2:08, for instance), but it's distinct enough that it's not a major issue. 3:01-3:17, especially from 3:12 on, is an exception; some of the lead gets a little swallowed there. The pumping on the vox pad is a little odd and didn't sound intentional at first, took me a couple of listens to catch on to the pattern and realize that it was intentional. The sine lead is quite piercing. The lead in the source is heading in that direction already, but this takes that and makes it even shinier. While it stands out the most in the intro and the ending where it's most exposed, the peaks in 1:25-2:17 are where it really makes me wince. Edit: It's still a smidgen too shrill for my tastes, but isn't pushing the physical discomfort threshold anymore. Clearly no issues on the arrangement front. The main hook is present throughout, but Gario does a good job keeping it fresh and original--no mean feat considering how short it is. So my only real beefs are with that sine lead being too shrill and the xylophone-like lead at 3:12 being drowned for about 4 seconds. The latter isn't a big deal because it's so brief, and the former is a bit borderline, and I know my ears are more sensitive to the former issue than most. I'd prefer to see those improved, but I'm okay with this otherwise. Edit: Both issues have been improved in the current version, so my qualified YES is now a stronger YES
    1 point
  11. Oooh, I think it sounds really cool, as in a "This would be an amazing Playstation 2 / GC / XBox track" sort of way. Listening to the source it's obviously a cover (as you intended), but you have a very clean way of handling your samples that make the whole thing sound... clean. Well done. The samples sound sampled (as you mentioned), but overall it IS well sequenced, and generally handled in a way that it doesn't sound bothersome. The bass is nice and strong in there, and it's very animated. I like it, nice work. Also, damn Pokemon Mysterious Dungeon does have a pretty amazing soundtrack, who'd have thought.
    1 point
  12. Put together a teaser of some of the music on the album. Check it!
    1 point
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