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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/26/2017 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. How many Pokemon puns can you fit in a song? I decided to so something fun and make a song of Pokemon puns! A song telling a story and using Pokemon puns throughout the whole song! I’m rapping on the Hoenn Pokemon Wild Battle theme from the anime! Enjoy!
    1 point
  3. Hello all! I do instrumental video game remixes but also do vocal remixes too. I'm always looking for new projects to do and I think I am open to do some collab with others! I do mostly rap but I do some singing as well. I'll post samples of my songs for you to hear. Let me know if you have an idea for a collaboration and I'll be glad to do so!
    1 point
  4. MindWanderer

    Phantasy Star 4

    I'm trying to do one album project already, and I'm having a severe problem with attrition. I've had maybe 2/3 of the people who claimed a track end up dropping out, and no completed tracks yet. Probably not being sufficiently "persistent." So you definitely don't want me running anything more right now. Plus I'm not particularly passionate about the PSIV soundtrack anyway. It has a few gems, but it's not really my bag, and a lack of passion in the director will trickle down to the contributors.
    1 point
  5. @Liontamer @DarkeSword I'm re-pinning this due to update: 2,850 new ReMix-Term associations (tags) are now live on the site after processing the first wave of submissions!! THANKS to @timaeus222, @Tables, @SystemsReady, @Olarin, and @Jean Of mArc for the hard work and to @DarkeSword & @Liontamer for coordinating! We now have 16,000+ total ReMix-Term associations in the database. Time for more!!
    1 point
  6. Aaaaand, as previously indicated, the project is now out on a variety of platforms: https://itunes.apple.com/album/american-pixels/id1192532669 https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Mazedude_American_Pixels?id=Bfrmdlyf2mx65eie3b7oxm76som https://mazedude.bandcamp.com/album/american-pixels Pick your favorite, check it out, like it, review it, share it, all that fun stuff. Oh, and physical CDs are also now available through Bandcamp for anyone who wants to have and to hold it. I'll add that I've also got a pretty cool start on the first Kickstarter commission reward remix, so... stay tuned, there are some pretty cool free follow-up goodies on the way.
    1 point
  7. The Coop

    Phantasy Star 4

    I doubt I'd be the right one to run a big project like this, especially if it was aiming for being an official OCR album project. I might be able to help people with feedback about compositions, structure, arrangement and so forth, but I'd be the wrong person to help ensure it was on par with what the site's looking for quality-wise with samples, production, mixing, etc. A project like this would need a project leader who's more in tune with where OCR is... and yes, pun intended.
    1 point
  8. djpretzel

    Phantasy Star 4

    I actually liked PS3 - the title theme is BEAUTIFUL, and that helped quite a bit, but the whole marriage/branching thing actual felt novel to me, at the time. PS2 was better BUT... those dungeons, those transporters.... (nightmares) The problem with any new album is consistent, persistent leadership; would anyone be down for actually helming this & taking point?
    1 point
  9. The Coop

    Phantasy Star 4

    I've played all four main games multiple times from start to finish, even going so far as to get all four endings for PSIII. I enjoyed each game, including III (gets too much shit IMO). The first game is a classic 8-bit RPG that still holds up well today. The second game's dungeons are a bit too open and make you feel bogged down as the game goes on, but overall, it's still a good game. The third game has its random encounter rate set too high, but beyond that, it's still a fun RPG to go through with how the story progresses. And lastly, the fourth game just rocks. If an album was done, I'd love to redo my "Wounds of the Past" PS IV remix for it. Hell, I've even got a pair of PSIII remixes that I could update and throw into the pot ("Falling From the Sky" and "A Journey for Generations").
    1 point
  10. Eino Keskitalo

    Phantasy Star 4

    I'll add to the pile: I've started all of PS1-4 and played each of them quite far, but I haven't finished any of them. (I *did* finish PS Gaiden, which is far worse than any of the mainline games though, but I played that on the go - plus it's quite easy).
    1 point
  11. DetectiveSorrow

    Phantasy Star 4

    That sounds like a great idea. Sad but true. I never finished Phantasy Star 2. The game is not bad, I just lost my motivation. Oh yes. I'd like to remix some of those songs myself, but can't.
    1 point
  12. I'd like to know what you folks think. I've been working on this one, off and on, for quite a while. Thanks!
    1 point
  13. Just like Chernabogue, I also did a remix for the FF3 project . Thought I'd share for your enjoyment, so here you are!
    1 point
  14. You should hear this song through my AKG's on the mullard tubes in my mini dot amp... /clap /applaud /blownaway - WONDERFUL ear candy and thank you for remixing one of my childhood fav's!
    1 point
  15. May I add that I am actually interested in what you have in mind? Now you've got TheChargingRhino requesting Star Fox analyses, as well, so you have an audience.
    1 point
  16. Oh, c'mon, this remix deseves much more attention! Orchestra is not my favourite stuff, tbh, but when it's made right, it clicks SO HARD. This track is just awesome, seriously. I love how from cartoon-ish, carefree intro it evolves into something majestic, something solemn, simply epic, which makes me think about Venice for some reason (maybe because the arranged theme here is mostly "Swimming BGM"? ) and then it returns back to its playful beginning Sweet thing for sure! P.S. All hail dat accordion!
    1 point
  17. BUMP Oooh this looks like my kinda place Don't have the time to post a giant analysis so far, but I got some little tidbits on modal structure and leitmotif continuity in the Star Fox OSTs from 1993 to 2016, maybe I'll write it down sometime
    1 point
  18. That underground BGM mix @ :27 is hotness.
    1 point
  19. I came across this when I was writing Guybrush Threepwood's bio, and wow, talk about buried treasure. My ears pick up at least 6 distinct sources as illustrated in the following breakdown: 0:18 = Jojo the Monkey/part of Main Theme - I like how the harp seems to say "Once upon a time in the Caribbean..." A lot of instruments introduce themselves here while they sort out their roles. I'm quite fond of the arresting organ chords at 0:45 and the foreboding A-B-A pattern at 1:02-1:06. 1:11 = Phatt Island Jail - A light and cheery piano adds a subtle tone of "here's a good situation to think your way out of." Then an 8-bit lead and its grimy companion take over before giving way to a more minty-flavored section (1:40). 2:10 = Stan's Previously Used Coffins - At first I felt the quiet organ could've better explored and wrapped up its Halloween vibe instead of bursting into something bright and outlandish, but then I listened to the source and realized that's how the melody normally plays out. No matter - 2:17 does make me smile as I imagine the hyper salesman pitching his price to this boisterous, sugar-coated rendition. 2:53 = Captain Kate's Boat: Booty Island - This starts all blippity-bloopity, and along with staccato and tenuto synth organ notes, it truly gives a feeling of depth as Guybrush swims down below the ocean surface. 3:17-3:36 puts me in mind of some old DOS games like Gobliins 2 due to the old-school synth set at play. 3:54 = Final ending theme/"Deep in the Caribbean: Scabb Island" part of Introduction - DnB rockage gives the source(s) a party-hardy backdrop and an upbeat cause to celebrate. And you can't fault 4:12 for turning it up a notch. 4:50 = LeChuck's theme (heard in several sources) - After a subdued lead-in section, a gentle harp enters as if to say the ghost/zombie pirate has a soft side and isn't as threatening as you might imagine. The real star of this final chunk is the hypnotic arpeggio at 5:07 (heard in the Closing Themes), which grows in popularity and momentum... ...and then the mix just sorta finishes. The ending could stand to be more constructive/elaborate, but when you explore so many locales and moods in a mix like this, it's not a dealbreaker. What's important is that Monkey Brain Soup for the Soul delivers, and hard.
    1 point
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