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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/06/2017 in all areas

  1. Since Super Mario Galaxy was originally released on November 1st 2007, perhaps we should aim for November 1st 2017 as the release date? I've added the next deadline as March 1st 2017, hopefully everyone should have at least a basic WIP by then. If anyone has any suggestions/questions, feel free to say!
    2 points
  2. I'll make sure to actually remember to submit a track this time.
    1 point
  3. Yes you should go with the Grado Prestige Series SR80e, because I bought it a long time ago and its the most amazing headphone under $100 and I think you should go for it, but it leaks sound, because of the open back design. So, as long you are ok with that, you its the best option.
    1 point
  4. I LAST POSTED ON THE 13TH?! WHAT IS THIS?! Long story short- parents + bad grades = no internet for...I don't know how long. Anyway, DS, can I have a midi of the SCRAMBLE intro? No SFX, 2nd version- I want to add a bassline and some drums...thanks in advance. Nika- I actually dropped the boss roll some time ago...? Just doing solo Corneria (Clipped Wings) and the two collabs. Also, hey Mr Neil!
    1 point
  5. Alright, everyone: Announcement! I've set up a Discord page for us to meet, talk shop, and establish how we'll move forward from here. This is where we should plan on really figuring out our house rules, how we can figure out what we want to sing, talk choral composition shop, etc. It's taken me a little while due to increased duties on OCR, things moving out for the Lufia album, SMRPG release, etc., but this IS still on a pretty high priority. I'll be PM'ing you guys about it, as well as sending invites to people I know are on the list.
    1 point
  6. Hey, Thomas ! How are you doing ? We're still waiting for you to claim your track
    1 point
  7. Hey Everyone! Just dropping by to say that this is looking great, keep up the good work!
    1 point
  8. Ronald Poe

    Robots vs. Knights

    @Xenonetix @Yami , you might remember from that RPG contest. Glad to be on your side, Hope we can work together and at least defeat Team Knight. Hope there's no hard feeling about said contest (I'm pretty sure you're a good remixer).
    1 point
  9. I'll have something more substantial soon, just waiting for it to cool down a bit around here so I get less noise and feedback from my ceiling fan and a/c when recording
    1 point
  10. Progress is being made. I had my own unrealistic expectations on the pace of the mastering, but we're well on our way with that. It's one of the last things left to do. That excitement I had earlier this fall has subsided, but I have a feeling it's on its way back.
    1 point
  11. This is the longest project I've seen in my life ... i know someday will be released, I still have a little hope
    1 point
  12. It's sad to hear. It's his choice, though, and I'll respect it. I do hope the album is amazing off-site, though.
    1 point
  13. I'm going to maintain this list of resources for game audio for everyone's use. In order to prevent the thread from becoming de-railed over time, please don't respond here. Instead, if you know of a resource that I should add, please PM me and I will add it to this post. Qualifications for being listed here: -Books (including edited collections) must be dedicated to game audio specifically (generic game studies don't qualify, as there are so many that we would lose focus on our specialty). They should be written by either a scholar with a degree in some field of music or an industry professional with credits on multiple video games. -Conferences must have a reasonable percentage of papers dedicated to game audio. Just because there happens to be a game audio panel at AMS this year doesn't mean that the AMS writ large is focused on game audio, for example. On the flip side, NYU's Music and the Moving Image features a significant number of game papers every year -- certainly enough that attending would be worth your while if all you care about is games. With that aside, here's the list! Again, PM me to have something added. Books (In order of publication) The Complete Guide to Game Audio by Aaron Marks, published 2001. The Fat Man on Game Audio: Tasty Morsels of Sonic Goodness by George Alistair Sanger, published 2004. Game Sound by Karen Collins, published 2008. From Pac-Man to Pop Music: Interactive Audio in Games and New Media. Edited by Karen Collins, published 2008. Playing Along: Digital Games, YouTube, and Virtual Performance by Kiri Miller, published 2012. Playing With Sound: A Theory of Interacting with Sound and Music in Video Games by Karen Collins, published 2013. Sound Play by William Cheng, published 2014. Music in Video Games: Studying Play. Edited by K.J. Donnelly, William Gibbons, and Neil Lerner, published 2014. A Composer's Guide to Game Music by Winifred Phillips, published 2014. Composing Music for Games: The Art, Technology and Business of Video Game Scoring by Chance Thomas, published 2015. Koji Kondo's Super Mario Bros. Soundtrack (33 1/3) by Andrew Schartmann, published 2015. Ludomusicology: Approaches to Video Game Music. Edited by Michiel Kemp, Tim Summers, and Mark Sweeney, published 2016 Understanding Video Game Music. Tim Summers, published 2016. Conferences Ludomusicology, held annually at a travelling location in Europe. North American Conference on Video Game Music, held annually at a travelling location in the United States. Music and the Moving Image, held annually at New York University.
    1 point
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