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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/2017 in all areas

  1. Almost every VST that exists will work fine in FL Studio. Super Audio Cart is a Kontakt library, it is built to be run inside of Kontakt. You have to run Super Audio Cart in Kontakt. There is no other way to do it. It's like if you have a Wii U game, you have to have a Wii U to play it. Super Audio Cart is the game, Kontakt is the Wii U. Kontakt itself is a VST, and it will work with any host programs that you can write music in (like FL Studio, Reason, Ableton Live, Pro Tools, Cubase, Studio One, and more). Much like any VST's, they will all work in these programs. The only time a VST "doesn't work" is if it's poorly coded and unstable, or if FL Studio itself has some obscure issue in the coding. But for thousands and thousands of VST's this is not an issue. Only a small few. Ableton Live is not a plugin. It isn't an instrument that generates sound or an effect. You can not use it like a VST. It is a host program like FL Studio that you can put VST's inside of, though. So you can use Ableton Live or you can use FL Studio. You pick one.
    2 points
  2. Hey folks. I think it's prudent of me to look in every now and again just to show @Trism and I haven't forgotten about this. So I'll be saying "hi" every month or so with a very basic status message. So... We're still on hiatus, but looking to the future where we can open this back up again. I'm hesitant to give an ETA because I'd be picking numbers out of the air, but hopefully not too long. @David "Cookie", thanks for your positivity, it means a lot! Same goes for you @Jorito, you've been awesome behind the scenes. @Nathan Allen Pinard Lots of time-consuming and attention-requiring behind-the-scenes stuff lol. Things like collating, micromanagement, asset building, digital gophering, promotion, signing etc. It's an ongoing process and needs more time and attention than we can give it at the moment, And since everybody else on the project has been working so hard on it, it seems unfair to be anything less than impeccable on my end. Ergo the hiatus until Trism and I can once more fully bend our minds towards it. AAANYWAYS... Cheers folks and keep your ears to the ground.
    2 points
  3. Well, I think most people would just say the styles that were chosen for each era suit them best. Are you asking what alternative styles could have been used instead of the ones they went with? To me the Megadrive era of of Sonic thrived musically with Sonic 3 & Knuckles. Sonic 3 was very funk based whereas S&K had a more in your face electronic vibe in some cases like Flying Battery and Death Egg, along with more generic thematically appropriate tracks like Sandopolis and Sky Sanctuary. I don't know what I would class Lava Reef as but it's dope either way. So for me Megadrive Sonic would ideally consist of that era mainly. I prefer Sonic 3D Blast's music overall (not the Saturn version). It just has a "moodiness" that I find very absorbing, like a dark analogue sound. In the GC era, while I liked the punk rock styles of Sonic Adventure I think the more heavy electronic/rock style in the Shadow the Hedgehog soundtrack really shone through to me. I found myself listening to it far more than anything else in that era. Shame about the game itself though. It definitely wouldn't work for SA unless it was brightened up a bit though. After that I pretty much lost interest in any Sonic game apart from Generations... SONIC MANIA THO.
    1 point
  4. Well that's a damn crying shame. Hopefully things will get resurrected and not wither away to nothing...on a positive note, my Sadness Remix with Stahalamora passed the Panel.
    1 point
  5. Two things occurred to me while listening to your remix, if it's OK to call it that at its current state. 1. I want to say taking the Castle Theme from the original Super Mario Bros. and layering it on top of your Boss Theme sounds like it could work. I don't know for sure, though. So give that a shot if you want to. 2. Using the ending jingle, but not as the ending. Before doing your transition into Wart's Theme, if you're going to put that in your remix, do the Boss Theme > Ending Jingle > Wart's Theme. Not like a medley, either. Try to make it flow into one another naturally.
    1 point
  6. Uberwulf X

    New Song!

    It feels like the rhythm in the cellos(?) that start the song has a triplet with a missing triplet-eigth, when two eighth notes might suffice and make the rhythm less disturbing, unless that's exactly what you were looking for, in which case good job. This feels like the kind of song that things should be added at each repetition of the melody from 0:22- to 0:51, which would make the switch in play style much more striking. An additional note to make a chord, a variation in the melody to completely switch the chord, something to show a progression that stops when things calm down. The switch at 1:15, I really like, but the section that follows repeats itself exactly, which takes away from it. So basically, don't repeat measures/bars exactly, and you'll be good. Keep going, I like the general feel you're going for.
    1 point
  7. Sonic has eaten too many onion rings so I can't jump on the spring.
    1 point
  8. Finally, at the end of the month, this will happen : I have nothing more to say because I'm speechless. I want the beta so bad (hey Ansonou ).
    1 point
  9. Actually really digging the lyrics. Strongest part of the song for sure. I think my biggest problem is with the kick drum. It feels super week, especially for a hip-hop song like this. You're hardly using any of the super low end (like, 200 hz and below) with either the kick or the bass, i feel like expanding a bit there could add a whole lot of character to the song.
    1 point
  10. I agree, it's very hard but not impossible. I actually did beat the game like about 10+ years later when i bought a snes again. Btw. the last level is like a walk in the park compared to the previous ones. Something that always bothered me a bit about Battlemaniacs (never played the one on NES but i think it's about the same there) is that after the second level it becomes some sort of obstacle race. The first levels were so cool, you could actually *fight*, i mean they're called Battletoads for a reason! I digress...
    1 point
  11. In the original Battletoads I couldn't do the wall-riding unicycle game even with save states, it's absolutely unforgiving with its mechanics. It's FAR more forgiving in the SNES Battlemaniacs game, even though it's still pretty tough.
    1 point
  12. The only reason I didn't list Battletoads is because there's no one near-impossible part. The hoverbike section was hard but not insanely hard, whether you went for the warp or not. I did beat the snake level, it was bad but not the worst, you just have to memorize the pattern. The wall-riding unicycle thing was the part I never did get past, although I also tried using cheat codes to start at the last level and could never beat that either.
    1 point
  13. Battletoads on the SNES with the hoverbikes...
    1 point
  14. What is it you need done other than people getting their work in?
    1 point
  15. Sad to see the project take a break, because some cool stuff was happening there, but I understand. Once my schedule clears up by the end of the year, I might be able to help out with some things, but for now I really need to focus on the other album projects first. Hope things clear up soon for you!
    1 point
  16. It was to be expected with the latest news but really.. your private lifes are number 1 priority. Thanks for letting us know anyway, and I hope everything will get back together as quickly as possible for you!
    1 point
  17. Hey everybody, here's a major update. Short term sad news, long term good. My time has been waning a lot recently, as you've probably noticed by my lack of posts. The majority of my input has been behind-the scenes, while my glamorous assistant @Trism has been dealing with the front of house, as it were. Unfortunately, as things stand, my handle on the little I've been able to do has loosened a lot now as well. Without going into too much detail, life just has a way of making things impossible sometimes and priorities are thrust upon you rather than letting you choose your own. THEREFORE: Rather than let this project and all the fantastic work you've all done so far slip into obscurity, I've decided to hibernate it for the timebeing. I figure that voluntarily putting a pin in it while I clear my theoretical desk is a far better option than let the ship run adrift without a captain at the helm. Thanks for the support so far, folks, we WILL be back. This is just something that has to happen for now
    1 point
  18. Okay so first off, I agree that the sample work could be improved, but I don't think it's that bad at all. Mechanical harpsichord don't bother me, because I personally think that's how the instrument is meant to be played most of the time. The violin is the most noticeable one, and could have used more expression in the sequencing, but the writing is great. Also, the drums didn't bother me. The kick and snare could have a tad more presence, but are definitely easily audible even in the busy sections. I don't think those issues are dealbreakers, especially with such an awesome arrangement. The progression is excellent, and the source is handled very skillfully. No hesitation from me even with the aforementioned issues. I think this is still an easy YES
    1 point
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