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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/27/2017 in all areas

  1. Also, Star Fox 2 now has official artwork.
    1 point
  2. Fun, interesting, and a unique take on the source. It's like something that I simultaneously nod with familiarity yet am intrigued about how different it is, all at the same time. Enjoyable work!!
    1 point
  3. The Damned


    I will have to put it somewhere for you to get. Unless we're allowed to post it on here? I don't think there's any legal reason I couldn't, as it was freely distributed software before it was shut down. If a mod is willing to chime in on that for clarification, that would be handy. EDIT: or just use this link, it's the same as I have. Other than that, did you want a save0001.sav file for something I don't know what it is? Or a si_hw_cataclysm_update_en_101.exe? Perhaps I can interest you in a 99205825234n.pdf?
    1 point
  4. WOW what an impressive track. Great work!
    1 point
  5. No. Please do not post any of our tracks until LSC's official release. Savor the wait...! It'll seem so much better when it actually does come out. I hope @Etzaen is paying attention!
    1 point
  6. This reminds me of another user on SoundCloud. They haven't contacted me, but they have liked my Solar Jetman remixes with at least 5 different accounts. They're obviously the same person, but with a new account every time, and it creeps me out even though my case is rather tame compared to yours. Hope you get them to stop.
    1 point
  7. The Damned


    I got a install for version 5.581, if you want. I think that was the last version before it was shelved.
    1 point
  8. Not sure what I'd do in this situation. Maybe I'd give a single word response: "no". Maybe I'd explain I don't have time to do every request, even if it was of my favorite sources. Maybe I'd direct him to my remixing guide, teach a man to fish, teach a fish to remix and all that. Maybe I'd tell him I'd never remix that game if he bothers me again. Not sure.
    1 point
  9. There was someone in one of my classes who was a complete nerd (obviously accepted). But he came into class one day with poke ball headphones (which he said were a bit small). And then he pulled out some pokemon sun and moon Z crystal or whatever bracelet thing. And he was like, "Yeah and it cuts off the circulation." I do not think he realized that when he bought that stuff from Toys R Us, most 19 year olds don't buy that kind of stuff. Because they're made for kids. And he's 19. Shopping in Toys R Us. But he came into class acting like he was all rad because bought this stuff. :/ That's what this situation reminded me of anyways. Kinda sad to see.
    1 point
  10. That's on me for making the filename too long; should have cut it down; I'll circle with djp on it soon.
    1 point
  11. Highschool? With that habit of Capsing Every First Letter it looks like he's passing through gradeschool, at best.
    1 point
  12. Really digging the Casiopea feel of this one. This takes real talent.
    1 point
  13. One thing that i notice always becomes a brick wall for me when writing is when it comes to the transitions between say verse to chorus for example. I can write a verse by itself forever and continually build sounds upon a bass hook and have a lot of fun in the process, but when it comes to actually transitioning to a chorus i never know how to go about it and just hit the keyboard until something hooks. It's the main reason i've got 100 pieces on my hardrive that i've managed to get an intro and verse for but are now gathering dust because progressing past that feels like pissing in the wind. I've noticed i'll always lean towards a kind of "cop-out" method where i'll put some odd sound design like a stutter, pitch drop to silence or something to hide the lack of interesting chord progression. It's a habit i really want to break because otherwise my music is going to become way too predictable. Are there any go-to rules for creating effective transitions? Hit me with all the theory! I'd say i've got an intermediate theory knowledge so i should hopefully understand what you're talking about.
    1 point
  14. For me, a huge transitioning tool is, like some people already mentioned, is in the drums and sound design. Using the drum fills, and of course taking sounds out and possibly replacing them or adding them back in, this time with an evolved rhythm/chord progression.
    1 point
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