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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/03/2019 in all areas

  1. There's no evil smiley emote. So >:3
    2 points
  2. Well, yours is likely to be the deciding vote, so please do!
    2 points
  3. This is so heroic and.......driving. Really love the mixing and compression here. Super professional. Reminds me of a modern Mario Kart track or maybe an F-Zero tune from Smash.
    1 point
  4. Not gonna lie, your "junk kit" actually sounds pretty tight. I'm not a gearhead (I noticed that the more options I have, the less music I get done), and examples like this just confirm my opinion that gear is indeed secondary when you're a good musician. Glad that my comments were helpful to you and didn't just come off as nitpicky. Smart decision to record XY to open up different options! We've just started recording drums for a band project I'm involved in as a bassist, and we went for a spread out pair of Rhodes fairly close to the cymbals and an XY pair of Behringers above the drummer's head. Turns out, this gives two very distinct but complementary views of the kit and we liked the result a lot, especially when blended. If you're serious about collaborating, hit me up at bjoernkmusic(at)gmail.com. I can send you the drum stem for inspiration, and I can convert the drum MIDI into a guitar pro file (if you use that software) as a jumping-off point. I didn't submit this remix back in 2015 - I think there would be a good chance to get it onto OCR this time around.
    1 point
  5. I'm happy that this piece is pleasing and progressing! For those of us who love Golden Sun, here's some good news: Tsori is leading an official OCR tribute album, the news of which inspired me to try making this remix. The album might make it out by the end of this year, so join me in restrained shouts of joy. Light_of_Aether: thank you very much! This does indeed use EWQLSO Gold. I'll be taking a look at 3:30 to see about a gentle low range inclusion there. So far, this is the only Golden Sun piece I'm working on, but I hope to try Garoh or Kalt after Deep Winter is complete. You flatter me by asking, though. Eladar: Thanks again for spurring so many of these updates! I'll be looking at the harp intros, smooth that out some more. I hope to get this evaluated again, so in-depth work will be in order. Thanks for the feedback, I hope to make this arrangement worthy of the love Golden Sun deserves.
    1 point
  6. Here’s your friendly directors again with a quick update. We just passed the last check-in, and we received some promising WIPs! Also a few tracks were finished and mastered, and some other tracks are on their way to be finished. All in all some great progress (thank you, all!) and now it’s onwards to the final deadline end of this month. Good luck to all the remixers wrapping up their tracks, looking forward to it!
    1 point
  7. Welcome to the voting stage The mixing stage is over. This round has 2 songs and 1 bonus song by HoboKa. The following people compete against each other: TheVideoGamer Dex To vote, do the following: · Visit the stated ThaSauce Page and listen to all the entries. · Scroll to the form at the bottom of the screen or click PM. · Fill in the entries from first to second in the ThaSauce form or fill in your top 2. · State a reasoning for it. · Participants are encouraged to vote and leave feedback. However, they may not vote for themselve, so it doesn't affect the results. · Do not vote for HoboKa, his song is a bonus. · Always look in this thread to find out who's the winner of the round after the voting stage instead of only looking at ThaSauce for the results. Especially since some people might vote by sending me a PM. You have until THIS Wednesday, September 4th 10:59 AM ThaSauce time (17:00 UTC, 18:00 GMT) to vote. If you vote by PM make sure that your top 3 is clear. I prefer something like this: (To) (Subject) PRC ### Vote (Message): 1: (remixer A ) 2: (remixer B ) 3: (remixer C ) (reasoning) I will post the feedback given in the PM’s and the votes in this thread. The winner may choose the source tune for PRC398. Check the ThaSauce Page to vote or click here to send a PM.
    1 point
  8. Really enjoyed your composition! Super interesting harmonic work on the lead guitars in particular. And it's really, REALLY cool to hear an actual drum kit instead of MIDI. I do however see some room for improvement in the mixing. The low end is a bit overpowering and soupy, separation between kick, bass, and guitar low end could be better. Also, did you record the overheads mono or was it a mixing decision to have them dead center? By having them center, I feel they're fighting the bright lead guitars a lot - I think you could have achieved a much wider and more open and less dark sounding mix by having them as a stereo pair. You know, I read your signature, and I would be super interested in collaborating. Your drumming, even though it is a bit buried in the mix (which is a shame ) seems to be pretty tight. I'm in the process of re-doing a Half-Life 2 remix I made back in 2015. It got good numbers and people seem to like it, but let's face it - the entire production and mixing is pretty abysmal. I've already re-recorded the bass and will do guitars as soon as I have cured my tennis elbow, which has been haunting me for weeks on end at this point. Would you be interested in getting in on that? The original remix could serve as a guideline for the drums, but you'd of course be free (and encouraged) to put your own spin on it.
    1 point
  9. Wow. I think you made aesthetic advances from the original that make nothing but perfect sense.
    1 point
  10. Is it possible for the internet to have too many Aquatic Ambiance remixes? I propose that it cannot. More importantly: wow. Smooth like polished brass, it breathes easy, and flows freely. The general feel of your piece is consistent, but it's ever changing with with that flute and sax just doing their thing. Very nice, all around.
    1 point
  11. Hi. Have no idea what I made.. Any thoughts?
    1 point
  12. I came here for an argument. I thought that was the definition of an argument? An argument is a disagreement of of view points. You saying "I disagreed with his points" is pretty much you saying "I was arguing" Also, you can say you were debating if you like. They're considered one and the same, altho Debating is generally considered a bit more formal and less aggressive I suppose but even so, You could argue (lol) that you were arguing Ok time to stop with the tongue in cheek debatument: I prefer the Genesis/Mega Drive music. More funky. More groovy. Generally speaking. I can certainly appreciate the rock stylings of the Crush 40 stuff tho
    1 point
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