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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/2021 in all areas

  1. If you want to upload it, i would do what the others have recommended and do a Youtube to Mp3 conversion, Or alternatively if you want i could upload on your behalf, but that's assuming if it doesn't work. Good luck anyways, sorry things didn't turn out so great. Edit: Ok looks like it's already up there, i don't think i checked. Disregard this message.
    3 points
  2. 2 points
  3. This might help: https://yt1s.com/youtube-to-mp3/en13 Doesn't compress too badly, TBH. I used it recently for my Battle Garegga remix in yanking some of the Cowboy Bebop samples from YT (since I couldn't find them elsewhere).
    2 points
  4. It might be a heatwave in some parts of the world, but it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in here! No, I'm not hallucinating. It's that time once again. Time to see who's interested in taking part in the annual tradition of making Christmas-type musics for people. Christmas in July has become a thing these days, and so it's during that seasonal warm up period that we kick this thing off in hopes of getting folks to provide music for the real season when it comes about in five-plus months. So... this project is open to any and all OCR members, regardless of whether you're a posted remixer or not. Want some details? Have some details... When's The Project Deadline?- December 20th, 2021 at 11:59 P.M. EST. This is now a REALLY hard, non-negotiable deadline, since it's very close to Christmas. We've had lots of last-minute entries and updates over the years and, to be perfectly honest, it shouldn't be that way. With months of time, having to hold off as long as possible for people made things pretty hectic for myself and Dyne in the past. Treating this project like a college paper that doesn't get worked on until the last minute got annoying rather quickly when it kept adding up to lots of hurrying year after year, with last second updates to artwork and retagging/reuploading things. As such, you have until one minute before midnight EST on December 20th to get me the final WAV or MP3 of your song. After that, you're shit outta luck until next year. I need time to do everything, including possibly making a little website to host this project if Dyne isn't online for one reason or another. So this deadline's set in stone... PERIOD. What Information Does The Coop Need?- When you send me your final versions, I'll need what name you want to use (real or remixer handle) and the name of your remix. Please, come up with something when you send me links to the file, rather than just giving me a file called "ff6-owa-v3f.mp3" and nothing else. You don't have to tell me what song you're remixing, but I do need a name. Plus, if you have a website you'd like to pimp, supply that as well and I can add it to the MP3 tags. What Can Be Remixed?- Any song, really. Traditional Christmas carols, video game music, published music by a signed artist, music from TV/cartoons/anime... whatever gets your heart racing and into that Christmas spirit. This isn't an official OCR album, so you can draw from more sources than just VGM. Plus, you can take a non-Christmas tune, like the Main Theme from Space Harrier, Stage 6 Mission 2 from Metal Head, or I Defend STM from Truxton II, and turn it into a Christmasy one. So know that it's not limited only to songs that are Christmas-like to begin with. All that said, do keep in mind that if you want to submit your song to OCR later, you'll need to keep this site's guidelines in the back of your mind. But for this album, you can take it in just about any direction you want and get as crazy as you'd like (but please, no "Silver Bells" done in farts or something). How Long Can My Song Be?- As long as you want it to be. There are no restrictions on this, so whether it's 1:30, or 9:51 with a five minute guitar solo ala Metallica, it's all good. But again, if you want to submit your song to OCR later, keep their guidelines in mind. What Genres Can I Remix In?- Again, the door's wide open here. Rap, Metal, Pop, Piano-solo, Orchestral, Jazz, 8/16-bit, Barber Shop Quartet, A capella, Death Polka... it's up to you where you want to take it. What Format Should I Submit My Song In?- WAV or an MP3 of at least 192KB/s quality. I'll be tagging the MP3s and making MP3s from any submitted wavs, so you don't have to worry about that. But, if you'd like your website to be in the MP3 comments section, be sure to give it to me when you submit your song. How About A Little Music To Get Us In The Mood?- To help everyone along, here's a YouTube list of Christmasy tunes made by Ocre a number of years ago... https://ocremix.org/community/topic/32727-an-overclocked-christmas-~-now-recruiting/?tab=comments#comment-676914 What's The Website's Address Again?- It's got a new home at... http://williammichael.info/aocc/ This album will still be downloaded there as well, as Dyne will continue to host the albums on his site. How Do We Contact This The Coop Person?- If you've got questions, comments, concerns, want feedback, or your track is done and ready to be sent to me, you can PM me here on OCR, or send me an E-mail at thecoopscorner@gmail.com. Just be sure you remember to include a link to your remix, or attach it to your message. So yeah, there you go. You've got over five months to get something done for the lovely people of OverClocked Remix and the billions of listeners around the world who've become followers of our project. Good luck, have fun and make everyone some Nice Work™! Artists involved thus far... The Coop (director, cover artist and remixer) Wassup Thunder (remixer) The Vodoú Queen (remixer) HarlemHeat360 (remixer) Souperion (remixer) Dj Mokram (remixer) colorado weeks (remixer) Argle (remixer) HoboKa (remixer)
    1 point
  5. Compo: MnP (Meat 'n Potatoes) Congratulations to Souperion for winning the last round! As a result, he get's to choose this month's MnP source! Here's what he had to say about his pick: "Bonds of Sea and Fire" from Xenogears. I've never played the game, but a friend directed me to the song. It's another beauty by Yasunori Mitsuda (Chrono Trigger/Cross, among others), delicate and delightful." - Souperion GAME: Xenogears (PlayStation 1) SOURCE: Bonds of Sea and Fire VIDEO: Deadline: 7th July @ 1PM Closing Date: 9th July @ 1PM Vote Ends: 16th July @ 1PM MnP ARCHIVE - made by Trism submit: http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/MnP125 MISSION STATEMENT The goal of Compo:MnP is to promote that "meat and potatoes" conservative approach to remixing: this includes the mood and composition of source tunes. It is up to the remixer to create their own personalization, or to simply give it a sound upgrade. Moreover, the compo is a great opportunity to hone your remixing skills and give video game music the respect that is due. SOME reinterpretation is recommended, but not required. MnP Instructions/Guidelines - Now Updated Rules for Picking a Source: All video game sources are limited to the 6th generation of video game consoles and earlier. This was due to community consensus, where people preferred to remix more retro games, than newer games. 6th generation includes: GameCube, Xbox, PS2 and Dreamcast. I'm now restricting big name franchises (Such as Zelda and Mega-Man) to one source per year. This is to encourage more obscure games, that not many people will know about to be picked. Make sure you provide me both a video and a MIDI of the source in question. Note: This is subject to change. Also keep an eye out, if any special rounds come into fruition. Guidelines: Modifying the Source is fine, so long as it doesn't sound completely separate from its original intent. If you're gonna do a genre change, at least make sure the original aspect of the source is not lost. Tempo changes are fine, as long as it's not a big change. I'm talking like, going from 80bpm to 140bpm. Submissions must be at a maximum of 20mb (keeping in step with ThaSauce's file size max), and submitted as a MP3 file. Only 1 entry per participant. Previous winner cannot participate but can submit a BONUS entry. Try to avoid making quality-based comments on submissions until after the Round is concluded. It is to avoid a Bias in Votes. MISC/TIPS - When picking a source tune, make sure it has a MIDI to make people's lives easier. - In-game sound FX are permitted, so long as they don't comprise the whole track (i.e. replacing entire MIDI tracks with just sfx)
    1 point
  6. Save me a spot, been looking forward to this.
    1 point
  7. Yer not a moron, Hobo, it just took you quite a long time to get your shit working. A LONG time. But you still got it working and that justifies the time spent on it. Not all of us get to be talents or savants. Not all of us get to be Zircon or bLiNd or Rebecca Trip or among the upper echelons of fame in this line of work - we have to trade our lack of early success for eventual success and be thankful for it lest God takes it away overnight. Today I can call myself a veteran in this art and act like it, but my decade-long dorky newbie era is just as fresh in my mind as they were then and scattered throughout this website for all to see as well. It stays as a constant reminder that there is blood, tears and torn flesh even in rearranging video game music for those that pursue it without the talent to start a fire on launch.
    1 point
  8. So I found an example of this, and man is it a particularly nasty issue. It even does it using an in-line style so yea it's going to have to be some kind of JavaScript fix. I'm gonna do some research.
    1 point
  9. A Redditor requested this, so I thought eh what the hell, I'll do a request for once. So here it is.
    1 point
  10. Cmaj7. A C7 is an Edim over that C. Flat 5th. Tritone for the E. And that REALLY really wants to resolve somewhere, probably to an F or C# chord.
    1 point
  11. Rozovian

    End Enigma (terranigma)

    I don't think so. It'd have to be on the old laptop, then. If that even starts up anymore. Time to give music making another shot?
    1 point
  12. I'll try my hand at it. ??
    1 point
  13. Noooooes! Maybe you could run it through a yotube converter website to get an mp3 of it?? It'd probably compress things badly, but you could at least put it onto thasauce. This deserves to be voted for.
    1 point
  14. Greetings! My name is Chris and I am the lead developer on a comedy based, indie point-and-click dubbed Project Date 8! I'll spare you the grueling details here, but if you're interested in particulars about the game, here's our dev log videos: To cut to the chase, we are looking for original tracks to add some atmosphere to our restaurant environment! All genres are accepted and you, of course, will keep all the rights to your music! If any of you cool cats have some tracks lying around that you'd like to see in a game (or want to compose new ones!), feel free to reach out! digitalrustic@gmail.com And be sure to check out the latest build of the game: https://digitalrustic.itch.io/date-8 Can't wait to hear from you! ~Chris P.S. Please note, not all tracks submitted will necessarily make it into the game. We will make decisions based on what tracks we think will fit. That said, don't be shy!
    1 point
  15. Unfortunately the original project file is lost due to an accidental overwrite so the only thing I have left is my compressed YouTube version. I want to post it on the website but I only have a YouTube link Regardless, I wanted to channel some of the flavor of Xenogears and some of that "ethnic" vibe that is sort of non-descript yet everyone kind of knows haha. I suppose at this point its a mix of things. Anywho, I choose to bring that out in the choir sections and added some percussion in inclusion to the original. Lastly, there are two different soloists. One is a lady vocalist and the other is a Xin Di I think. I can't remember which Chinese flute I used haha. There is an outro I used for this version which I would have cut for this competition since its meat and potatoes so I won't comment on that. So just a nice conservative approach with some added goodies here and there. I wish I had a non-YouTube version to share!
    0 points
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