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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/27/2023 in all areas

  1. I also got something in albeit an older tune. Like Hemo said, this has been such a great place for learning and I can't believe all the progress I made through this compo and mnp. Every piece I've gotten into accepted into OCR at this point has gone through either MnP or PRC. I hope in the future, we have other things for new artists that will be as influential to them as PRC has been to me. Thanks for all the hard work guys!
    2 points
  2. Got a last minute entry in. This compo was a great learning ground for me when I was first getting started. I'm grateful that I had the compo as a means to experiment and get feedback as a new arranger. Knowing that it this was coming to a close, I had to do something even if it is small. Thank you to @Bundeslang, @Doulifée, @Rexy and anyone else I may be forgetting who ran PRC at some point.
    2 points
  3. Subbed a simple chiptune cover myself, I needed an excuse to try this new Furnace Tracker anyway ;)
    2 points
  4. Well, here we are again. One week until Christmas, and a new entry in the now 20-plus year old tradition that is Twas. This one's not as long as some of the recent ones, so take some comfort in that you won't have to read through some 30 pages of stanzas. And thus, let's begin... Twas XXII: Not Quite A Silent Night by The Coop Twas the night after Christmas, and at the North Pole, St. Nick was done giving out the presents or coal that his elves had readied for ev'ry boy and girl who'd earned one or the other across the whole world. With that all behind him, Santa could just relax and enjoy a bit of time to read through the stacks of letters he'd gathered between Christmas Eve's night, and the first hints of Christmas morning's coming light. These letters had been placed next to treats left for him; treats that were plentiful and filled him to the brim until it felt like his gut was about to burst, along with enough milk to fully quench his thirst. As he sat before the fire, he could hear his wife come into the warm room that was completely rife with the odor of hot choc'late and burning pine. He looked over at her and asked, “Is that one mine?” “Nope,” she replied without even the slightest smile. “But, maybe I'll get you some in a little while.” “How thoughtful,” he chuckled as she came over and offered him the filled cup, which he took with his hand. “Thanks,” he said and sipped the hot liquid within it. She returned to her chair next to his, and did sit. He sat the cup down on the small table that stood between their two chairs and commented, “That tastes good.” “I know,” she said as she worked on the small blanket. “You've got what was left after I took some of it.” “You're a thief,” he grinned as he reached over and took the first letter, which he opened to take a look at what the child who wrote it had to say to him. As he read it, he said, “This first one is from Tim.” “What did Tim have to say?” Jessica asked without looking up at him. Santa said, “Something about “him wanting a Steam card.” He then looked to his wife. “Now why would this boy want a steamed card in his life?” With a small laugh, “It's not a steamed card, you goofball.” He replied with, “Then what is it, Miss know-it-all?” “A small, money-like card you spend at the Steam store,” she said as she continued her knitting some more. “Steam?” Santa said, his confusion clear on his face. “Why would someone want to buy that from anyplace?” “No,” she laughed lightly. “You buy video games there.” She looked to him and saw his very puzzled stare. This gave her a good laugh for a second or two. She composed herself with, “I don't know about you. “You know when ev'ryone is asleep or awake, yet you have no clue what Steam is, for goodness sake?” “Hey,” he retorted, “I just deliver this stuff. New trends aren't my thing, so don't give me any guff.” She laughed yet again, then returned to her knitting. He watched her for a time from where he was sitting. “What's that?” he asked. “It's for Milton and Fay,” she said. He replied, “Looks a bit small to fit on their bed.” “It's not for them, but their child,” she replied with a smile. “For when their journey as parents starts in a while.” ”Fay's pregnant?” he asked, the surprise in his voice strong. “Indeed,” Jessica said. “She's now eight month's along.” “Why'd no one told me?” he asked, clearly a bit hurt. “I didn't know they were having a little squirt.” She asked, “Didn't you notice her growing belly?” She looked to him as he stared at her flatly. “Oh yeah, that would have gone well for me,” he replied. “I couldn't have found a good enough place to hide “from her if I had so much as referenced how she'd gotten plumper. I know I'd be dead by now.” Jessica laughed a bit with, “Yeah, that's likely true. But this blanket's something that I wanted to do.” He said, “You've never knit something for the other elves when they were going to become a mother.” She replied, “Milton and Fay “have a special place in my heart these days.” As a smile came to her face, she added, “They helped us out a lot that one year.” “That they did,” Santa nodded. “That they did, my dear.” As his wife continued to work on the blanket, Santa turned and reached over so that he could get the next letter from the stacks of those he'd picked up, not seeing his wife sneak a quick sip from his cup. With a small chuckle, he said, “Listen to this one from a boy named Stan, who wanted a BB gun. “It says here, 'Dear Mr. Santa. My name is Stan and I'll try hard to keep this as short as I can. “I'm sorry that I couldn't leave anything out. I hope you're not mad at me or upset about “not getting any treats when you stopped by tonight. It wasn't because I was being mean, alright? “I have diabetes, so I can't eat the stuff that has sugar in it because it's really rough on my body if my blood sugar gets too high. So if you were wondering, that's the reason why. “I still wanted to leave a few cookies for you, but my mom said that you'd get diabetes too if I left you cookies or anything like that, since you're at risk for it too because you're so fat.” Jessica had a good laugh as Santa grumbled, “And onto the naughty list that boy just tumbled.” “Hush,” she uttered and smiled. “That's so sweet of that boy. I hope you gave little Stan a wonderful toy.” She looked over at her husband and heard the way he chuckled as he tucked Stan's short letter away. “What's so funny?” she asked. He said, “I can't tell you.” With one eye brow perked, she said, “It's best that you do.” “D-I-A-B-E-E T-E-E-S,” he said. She looked a little lost as she tilted her head. He smiled, “The way he spelled that word tickles me pink. He won't be winning any spelling bees, I think.” “Be nice,” she admonished. “Don't pick on that young boy.” “I'm not,” he chuckled. “And yes, he got a nice toy.” He picked up the next letter and unfolded it as he readjusted himself where he did sit. Santa began to read, but uttered not one word. His wife glanced over as silence was all she heard. “Ahem!” she announced. “I can't read lips, you old fart.” Santa laughed a bit with, “Now's a good time to start” “learning how to do that, so that maybe next year, you can follow along and enjoy these, my dear.” Jessica chuckled and grumbled, “Very funny. Read me the damn thing so I can hear it... honey.” “Fine fine,” he said and grinned. “Wouldn't want you to pout and complain about how I made you feel left out.” He cleared his throat twice and adjusted the paper, then let out a quick cough and looked over at her. “Ready?” he asked as she gave an exhausted frown. “Heh heh,” he grinned, then read what had been written down. “Dear Santa,” he began. “Hope you're doing OK. I bet you're real pooped after riding in your sleigh and dropping off presents to all the people who had asked for all of those toys, games and stuff from you. “But I thought it might be nice if I gave you a poem to read once you're done after Christmas day. “I tried to keep it short, but I had too much fun and I didn't wanna stop once I had begun “to get really into it. So, it's kind of long. I hope that you'll like it. Signed, Sarah Bizamong.” Jessica raised her eyebrows with, “Quite the last name.” Santa nodded and said, “I was thinking the same.” “How long is it?” she asked. “Four pages,” he replied. With some surprise, she said, “This should be a fun ride.” “To be sure,” Santa grinned as he looked over what the girl had written down. “Well, hold onto your butt. “'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, Maxine was undoing the buttons of her blouse. “'She'd just gotten home after a long day at work at the bank where she'd put up with many a jerk. “'Ev'ryone was rude and in a hurry to get out of the bank so quickly, it made Maxine sweat “'as she did her best to get them all on their way, and bring an end to such a bad, annoying day. “'But now she was home and ready for a hot bath. Then a quick dinner, and a movie for a laugh.'” “Oof,” Jessica uttered. “That rhyme was a bit rough.” “And you said I was mean,” Santa laughed with a huff. “I'm not being mean,” she said. “I'm pointing it out.” He then said with sarcasm, “And kindly, no doubt.” With a quick laugh, she said, “Let's continue, shall we?” To which he replied, “If you insist. Now, let's see...” He looked over the page that he'd been reading from, and looked for where he'd stopped as he began to hum. “Ah ha!” Santa exclaimed. “Found where I had left off.” He then cleared his throat twice and let out a small cough. “'She got into the bathtub and slowly sank down into the hot water as she began to frown. ““God, what a day,” she said as she let out a sigh. Then she brought up her left hand and rubbed her left eye. “'But a few moments later, a weird sound rang out. From her butt under water, some bubbles did sprout. “They reached the surface after a moment or two. Melissa scrunched up her nose and uttered, “Oh, PEW!'” “Hold it,” Jessica spoke as she looked to St. Nick. “A fart joke in her poem? That's nasty and sick.” “I think it's funny,” Santa chuckled with a smile. “You would, “ his wife grumbled. “Childish humor's your style.” “Well, she is a child,” he said. “So she gets a pass when it comes to finding humor in passing gas.” “What's your excuse then?” she asked as she looked over. He said, “It circles back around once you're older.” She shook her head and grinned as she continued to knit the blanket and uttered, “I think that's just you.” With a mischievous grin, he turned a little bit in his seat toward her as she continued to knit. “I seem to recall,” he said, “hearing your laughter echo down the hallway not very long after “what sounded like a whale call came from the bathroom while you were in there making it... I would assume.” Jessica looked to him, saw the smirk on his face, and said, “You'll be sleeping on the couch at this pace.” A moment later, Milton came running into the room and yelped with a panicked, “Come quick you two!” Jessica looked to the elf and asked, “What's wrong, hun?” “Fay's water broke!” he said, “and her labor's begun!” Santa set down the papers with, “Their kid's early.” Jessica looked to Milton and asked, “Where is she?” “Fay's laying on our bed,” Milton quickly replied. Santa said, “Then go back there and stay at her side. “We'll join you shortly after we get what we need.” Milton nodded and ran out with copious speed. “Let's go,” Jessica said as she got to her feet and Santa groaned a bit as he stood from his seat. It took a bit of time, but the two of them got some towels and a tub filled with water that was hot. They went into the room that Milton and Fay shared. Fay was on the bed in pain, while Milton looked sacred. Fay looked over and said, “What are they doing here?” Jessica answered, “To help you give birth, my dear.” Fay stared at them both with some unease in her eyes before she said, “Um, “I don't know about this, guys.” Mrs. Claus said with a smile. “We've seen it all, dear. You shouldn't do this alone, so that's why we're here.” “Jessica will help with the birthing,” Santa said as he came over and stood right beside Fay's bed. “I'll be handing her whatever things she might need.” “We should get to a hospital,” Milton did plead. “Not many of them this far north,” Santa remarked. “Just get this thing out of me for God's sake!” Fay barked as a fresh contraction caused her body much strain, and her face reflected the wave of intense pain. “I'm here,” Milton said as he put his hand on Fay's, but she looked at him with a glare that was ablaze as she yelled, “Your here, huh?! Well, now I feel just swell! It's because of you that I'm in this living hell!” Milton's eyes went quite wide at her abrupt outburst. “Um,” he uttered, “maybe we could knock her out first?” Santa gave a laugh with, “Doesn't work that way, son. I'm afraid her kind words have only just begun.” “This is your fault!” Fay shouted. “You did this to me! I'll get you back for this you little shit! You'll see!” Milton let out a sigh and continued to hold Fay's hand as she shouted and continued to scold him while Santa and his wife got ready to lend their help to Milton's pregnant and yelling girlfriend. And so began the process of Fay giving birth. A time of pain, shouting and very little mirth. Milton's held Fay's hand as he did his best to coach her through the labor while she yelled one vile reproach after another for what seemed like forever. But he stayed calm and reassured her whenever she grew weary of pushing and looked tired as hell, that she was getting closer and was doing well. Jessica was stationed down between Fay's spread feet where she coached Fay as well, yet remained in her seat as she waited for the child to start to emerge, while telling Fay to push with each contraction surge. Santa stood opposite from Milton, ready to help with anything that his wife asked him to do. The first hour went by, which became three, and then five, as all four of them helped the baby to arrive. And arrive it did as the sixth hour had begun. That was when Jessica said, “Milton? Come here, hun.” Milton looked from Fay to Santa, who smiled and said, “I'll stay here with Fay, Milton. You go on ahead.” Milton came up beside Jessica as she told him to grab a fresh towel in which he would hold up the baby when it was coming out of Fay. Milton looked nervous, but gave a shaky, “OK.” Milton did as asked and brought a towel to her. It was then that a new contraction did occur. “Push Fay!” Jessica said, and Fay did just that as Jessica kept watch and waited where she sat. It was as Fay was pushing, that the baby crowned. “Keep pushing!” Jessica said as Fay made a sound that was like a scream and a sob mixed into one. Jessica said loudly, “Push Fay! You're almost done!” Jessica took the towel from Milton's shaky hand as the man looked wobbly. Like he could barely stand. Fay pushed again as the baby kept sliding out. With that final hard push, Fay unleashed a loud shout. And when the baby passed through Fay's vaginal door, Milton let out a moan and passed out to the floor. His head hit with a thump that made Santa wince. Santa chuckled a bit and said, “Good night, sweet prince.” While Milton was unconscious on the room's floor tiles, the cries of a newborn pulled a series of smiles to the faces of those still conscious at that time. Jessica cut the cord and cleaned off all the slime that covered the infant from almost head to toe. Then she wrapped the newborn up in the towel so it was ready to be handed over to Fay. “Give Fay her son,” she grinned. Santa smiled, “Right away.” With care, he turned and looked to Fay's exhausted face. “Want to hold your son?” he asked, his smile still in place. Fay looked to Santa with, “I most certainly would.” She took the babe from him as gently as she could. Though far beyond tired from all that she had gone through, her weary stare held untold amounts of love too as she gazed down upon the life that she'd helped make. That's when a groan rang out as Milton stirred awake. “Could you help him up?” Jessica asked her husband. “I've got a mess to clean and a hand, I can't lend.” “Of course,” Santa said and helped Milton to his feet, adding, “Get up, my boy. You've got someone to meet.” Santa walked him over to the side of Fay's bed, as Milton rubbed the welt on the back of his head. Once there, Milton saw Fay and the infant she held. A look of surprise came to him as his eyes welled up with tears and his expression soon filled with joy. He looked to Fay and asked, “Is it a girl or boy?” “A boy,” Fay replied with a warm and weary smile before she asked him, “Want to hold him for a while?” Milton simply nodded and then picked up his son with a massive smile as his tears began to run down his cheeks at last as his euphoria grew. Santa leaned in with, “Congratulations you two.” With that, Santa joined his wife to help with the mess that had been left behind after the tough success of Fay's giving birth to her and Milton's first child. Once done, Santa looked at the new parents and smiled. Jessica did as well, then nudged her husband so he'd look to her as she whispered, “Come on. Let's go.” She and Santa reached the bedroom door just as Fay called out and stopped them before they went on their way. Fay thanked them for ev'rything that the pair had done. Jessica smiled at her with, “You're quite welcome, hun.” “Get some rest,” Santa said. “You've had quite the ordeal. We'll both come by again once you're sure that you feel “up for having a visitor or two stop by. Until then...” he finished, with a small wave goodbye. With that, he and his wife gave the new mom and dad some time alone with the new child that they now had. It didn't take long before Santa returned to his chair, and Jessica was seated in her's too. He picked up a few papers and shuffled through them, searching for what he'd read before all the mayhem. When he found it, he sat there and said not one thing. But his wife soon spoke up with a loud throat clearing. “A-hem!” Jessica pressed. “Are you going to start?” Santa grinned, “Just looking for the fart bubbles part.” She rolled her eyes as she shook her head just a bit. She let out a small sigh with, “Well, get on with it.” As Santa continued the story Sarah wrote, both Milton and Fay were continuing to dote on the newborn that they had been given that night, while Milton kept making sure that Fay was alright. Fay apologized for the vile things that she'd said to Milton before he passed out and hit his head. He laughed and told her, after he gave her a kiss, that he'd expected worse while she went through sheer bliss. She laughed a bit as well, but said she was sincere. That she loved him, to which he said, “Love you too, dear.” He gave her a kiss as she held their newborn son. Their new lives as a family had now begun. And as the world settled in under the moonlight, Merry Christmas to all. And to all, a good night.
    2 points
  5. I wanted to submit a for-fun bonus track, but turns out ThaSauce doesn't allow me to. So here it is, again... just for fun.
    1 point
  6. We recently got rid of the Contributors user group, which had certain permissions tied to it, but was vaguely defined on our end it didn't make a lot of sense to keep around. A side-effect of this was that upload quotas were tied to that group. I've adjusted the upload quota and permitted file types for Members. You should be able to upload again. Thanks for your continued participation in Workshop! Hope this helps.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Mine's in... :) Original plan didn't completely pan out...but seemingly this holiday season, quite a bit has been a lil' fucky-wucky on my side of the aisle. :| But something was indeed done, despite all that. Uh...happy rest of the holidays, ladies and gents. ♥ Speak soon. :D
    1 point
  9. Well guys i finally submitted my entry. I went all out for this, being it's the last PRC round. Thanks for the fun times everyone!
    1 point
  10. I submitted an entry! Good luck everyone and have a merry Christmas!
    1 point
  11. Hey, just checked other people's tracks, lots of really good stuff there! So far my favorite one is perhaps the SMRPG jazz one, but everyone is going very creative and that's cool. The Godzilla one sounds totally familiar to me and couldn't figure out why since never played the games and know rather little about the movies, so I probably heard that from other people's covers/remixes, and that one sounds nice too. A pity this is the final round now :(
    1 point
  12. Wanted to to do more, but i submitted what ive done so far
    1 point
  13. Posted a song myself as well. Merry christmas everyone.
    1 point
  14. Just submitted mine today. Including boring wall of text for context and personal thoughs :D
    1 point
  15. Its been hard writing with me not doing it for years, but i will have something for ya in the next couple days
    1 point
  16. Just started my PRC entry today and had quick progress already. It won't be great but it's a source I personally love and a style I think I can manage well with by myself without anyone's help, so that feels somewhat good and fun to work with. Maybe a bit outdated in terms of sound and production, but maybe because of that it'll help bringing a more 2000s music forums vibe that somewhat fits the nostalgia for those of you who kept submitting for decades
    1 point
  17. DarkeSword

    Ahead on our way...

    Well it's been about a week or two, so as the new guy in charge, I figure I ought to say something, right? When djpretzel started the process of handing over the keys to the family car, I have to admit I was pretty overwhelmed. OCR is one of the oldest and most rock-solid sites on the internet; I've often said that we're older than YouTube, older than smartphones, and older than a lot of things on the internet that, by virtue of their ubiquity, feel like institutions. OCR is an institution. There's a lot of weight in those keys. So what am I going to do with OCR now that I'm in the driver's seat? In the short term: keep driving. Our main goal is going to be continuity; that is to say, keep posting ReMixes on a regular basis. We've got a pretty big backlog of ReMixes that are ready for the spotlight, and our excellent and talented community continues to send us new music all the time, so we're not worried about running out. But there sure is a lot of behind-the-scenes process involved with getting these tracks in your ears, so bear with us while the staff--with djpretzel's help--figures all of this out. I still believe that there's a case to be made for the curation model that we've developed and adhered to for 20+ years, so we're still going to have a Judges Panel that's going to evaluate submissions, and the bar for quality that the judges look for isn't shifting in any direction. One of our goals in this changeover is to decentralize a lot of process off of one person. djpretzel did a lot on his own, and as we look at some things behind-the-scenes, maybe he didn't have to. I want OCR to be a place that can be run by a trusted group of people without a single point-of-failure. Case-in-point: literally one week after I take on leadership at OCR, my 8-month-old son brings home COVID from somewhere and gets the whole house sick, and we're having OCR staff meetings and figuring out how to post ReMixes while I'm coughing up a lung. Unbelievable. So I'm also hoping to bring more people onto the OCR staff. I've already pulled in some folks from the community, and we're going to figure out how to provide avenues for more people to help out if they're interested. Keep an eye out. Beyond that though, I've got a couple of ideas for improvements and features that have been brewing for a while that I'm going to start to pursue, leveraging some existing tech we already have and also exploring some new tech. For those that are unaware, my day job is working as a web and application developer at a major university. It's something I've been doing for 15 years and I have a pretty solid handle on building database-driven web applications. I'm going to bring a little of that experience to OCR, and hopefully we can eventually have some cool toys and tools in place to help move the site forward. Some things to look forward to: I've already put together a Currently in the Judging Process dashboard for ReMixers and hopefuls to keep an eye on. It's a live view of the judging process without having to wait for a Judge to update a forum thread. We're actively developing and testing a proper Submission form for ReMixers and hopefuls to use when sending us music. We've been asking you to send us an email for far too long. That's going to change. We've put together a "stream team" to evaluate how we can do more with our YouTube channel and even get things going on Twitch in some capacity. There are a lot more things we're talking about internally as well, but I don't want to over-promise anything right now. If you have ideas for OCR, feel free to share them in our Site Issues & Feedback forum. I'd also love for folks to come by and join our OC ReMix Discord server. I know the forums have been pretty sleepy for a few years now, but the chat server is lively and active. Hope to see you there.
    1 point
  18. This is a limitation of Invision's RSS feed implementation. They adhere pretty strictly to the RSS 2.0 specification, which states that the author field is meant to be an email address, which they will not expose in an RSS feed due to privacy concerns. I know it *feels* dumb but there it is. Apologies. I suppose in the future we'll sign our Announcements when they're first-person style.
    1 point
  19. The Damned

    Ahead on our way...

    can the judges DS Wait, is that too old and obscure now?
    1 point
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