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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/2015 in all areas

  1. I have been using fruity loops for a while now as i find it has a nice interface and has sufficient tools to make my style of music, however a while ago my friend told me he was moving from FLStudio to Reason and that i should do the same. Does anyone agree? What benefits would i gain by doing so? How is reason better or worse than FLStudio?
    1 point
  2. Well, I'm mainly Power Metal listener, so of course I'll recommend Edguy (and not just because they're from my hometown) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrfNe57cxNA
    1 point
  3. Feedback sent. That's a nice track we have here
    1 point
  4. Just gonna steal Chernabogue's comment in the PSX tribute album here: Sent a WiP to Alex, so Tuberz and Furilas get more time to record. ^^
    1 point
  5. Completely subjective, but I think the tone, specifically the brashness and aggressiveness, of left hand staccato piano part in the first 10 seconds is off-putting. Then again, it creates a nice contrast when you use a bit more legato in the left hand in the middle and end of the track. Overall, it's very pretty and as a minimal piano interpretation of the tracks I think everything pulls together nicely.
    1 point
  6. Nicely done guys. Will try to tune-in for this momentous occasion.
    1 point
  7. URGENT NEWS: Eino Keskitalo decided to drop Green Hill Zone! Someone must claim it ASAP! PM me if you're interested. EDIT: GHZ is now claimed by Jorito
    1 point
  8. Another fellow Chilean, pretty nice arrangement, you even gave me a couple of ideas for an Swyward Sword mix i am working on ^^
    1 point
  9. I started making music using Reason and it was really fun, and taught me a lot about concepts like signal routing, effects chains, and mixing. The interface for Reason is actually quite good. The synthesizers make sense, it's easy to see where your signal paths are, and you can make some really, really awesome effects that I've yet to replicate in any other program I've used (you can do crazy stuff like mapping LFOs into another synth's pitch and then mapping that back into the other synth's LFO rate and you end up with synths that basically interact with each other.) That all said, I moved on to using Logic Pro one day and I haven't really looked back. As DJP and others have said in this thread, the ability to use external plugins is extremely useful. I don't know if I would say 'essential' in quite the same way he did, but, depending on what kind of sound you want, you might simply be unable to recreate it in Reason (this goes especially for orchestral samples). Everyone else who's getting serious into music might be using Kontakt or East-West Symphony Orchestra or Omnisphere, but you can't because of your choice of program and sometimes it feels limiting. However, it's quite possible to create lots of OC ReMix quality work with Reason alone with no need for anything else. If you're more about making music with what you've got, rather than purchasing new toys, then Reason is a great way to make music for years. Its sound is good, the samples and presets for Reason are a really good base to build an array of interesting sounds from, and with Record, you're able to integrate external sounds as well without a problem. But if you've been using FLStudio for a while and enjoy it and don't see any reason to change (remember, Reason is an expensive program) then I don't see it being a good investment to get Reason. If all you want are different/better sounds you might be better off buying a 3rd party plugin.
    1 point
  10. I just want to add a few more comments. Ive used both Reason and FL. Like other people have said, everybody has their preferences. Like I personally cant stand FL's interface because it feels cluttered to me (like how reason seems cluttered to Blue Magic), and I also don't like the loop based nature of FL, I like to see my track in a linear form rather than a loop based form. Also, again the combination of Record and Reason is literally seamless. As far as I understand it, Propellerheads keeps Reason and Record strictly proprietary (no VST's allowed) because of how the software is built. Propellerheads prides themselves on how extremely CPU efficient Reason/Record is, and trust me, it is AMAZINGLY CPU efficient compared to FL. Eventually, yes I will admit I missed being able to use VST's, so I opted out for the compromise. I use Ableton Live as my main DAW and rewire record/reason in to it so I have the best of both worlds. Like everybody has been saying, is really all about preference. I have seem some amazingly professional stuff come out of FL and from Reason. Its all about how you use it and what suits you.
    1 point
  11. I use Reason as an "instrument" more than a standalone application. You can't really compare the two because FLstudio is trying to be more of a full on DAW and Reason is pretty much a one trick pony (though it's a pretty nice trick!). Think of Reason kind of like a synthesizer with a built in sequencer where as FLstudio is like a run down studio that still somehow works...
    1 point
  12. I use FL Studio 9 and I used to have Reason a few years ago. I lost my software (or it might have been stolen) so, I never really got into it like FL. I was still in the process of learning how to work with Reason, so I never had a chance to see its full potential. At the time, I was just working with MIDIs. I was not remixing with it. But what I did notice was Reason comes with a HUGE bank of sounds of pretty decent quality right out the box, where you would have to search for better sounds for FL. I prefer FL's interface to Reason's because it seems less cluttered to me. Maybe I'm just getting old or something, but I cant stand to see buttons and knobs and switches everywhere when I'm trying to work on music. Its kinda distracting. My dad, on the other hand swears by Reason. Its like the best thing he has ever used. My suggestion is to try a demo first and see how you like it cause everybody has different taste. If you have questions about Reason, I know Avaris might be able to help you. He is pretty good with it.
    1 point
  13. Really it doesn't matter what style of music you make as long as you can use the tools you have at your disposal, but there are quite a few DnB artists that use FLStudio (Namely Concord Dawn and Spor off the top of my head, and Spor has some of the best production values in the game). Does that mean its better? Not necessarily, but some differences I've noted: Reason: - Self contained (both a pro and a con) - Easier on the CPU - Unique layout and routing (The combinator is heavenly) - Quality synths included (Namely Thor and Maelstrom) FLStudio: - More flexible - More robust MIDI - Can use audio (Reason can too with Record now but I haven't used record so I don't know how well they integrate) That said, none of this matters because it all boils down to your personal style and workflow. I used to use Reason and FLStudio (still occasionally use Reason if I'm on the go and want to get ideas down) but I've since switched to Ableton simply because I felt like it fit my style the best. Its too easy (especially when you're starting) to get caught in the "what" as opposed to the "how" when making music, don't worry about what a spreadsheet says or what you're favorite artists use and focus more on how well each program works for you, then choose accordingly.
    1 point
  14. Yeah a lot of people say FLStudio sucks, but i cant disagree more. i dont really know why my friend changed his music software, perhaps he just fancied a change. I usually create dance, trance music but ive recently started leaning towards drum and bass, FLStudio doesnt seem to agree with me very well on this. I just thought id ask before i changed software weather anybody knows the pros and cons of each program.
    1 point
  15. I have never used Reason so my advice is kind of general here, but if you find that FLStudio has a nice interface and sufficient tools to make your style of music, just stick with it. Despite what some people may think, FLStudio isn't some rinky-dink my-first-DAW software. It's very powerful and versatile and you can do a lot with it. Why is your friend switching to Reason? What kind of music are both of you writing?
    1 point
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