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Everything posted by Argle

  1. Too much filler, but not a bad purchase for someone who doesn't own any individual NI products. You can't say that you're being shortchanged on content.
  2. Another new MIDI feature in 4.6 is the ability to select a range of notes by clicking and dragging on the piano keys. Certain other DAWs support this, and now Reaper does. Right-drag highlights a block of notes, shift+right drag will add notes to the current selection, and ctrl+right drag will remove notes from the current selection. Here's an example.
  3. Reaper 4.6 is out, after a couple months since the last release. One of the new features in the MIDI editor is actions to change a chord's voicing. I don't want to take complete credit for this, but I did mention it in a prerelease thread, and the next build, there it was.
  4. Haha, welcome to my world. Even when I was doing regular strength training I was still thin. It's ok tho, I prefer a lean muscled look over getting big. Also I don't think bodyweight training is a recipe for maximum hypertrophy.
  5. How the hell are you supposed to do a conservative remix of a vocal song without using vox??
  6. My goal is to someday heal this rotator cuff thing and not have it be a permanent cripplement. At least I can still do leg and core work, though nothing that involves upper body. What a grade-A pisser. I am objectively stronger in the shoulder with less pain, but there are still overhead movements that are excruciating. I could no more do a handstand pushup today than I could 3 months ago. Guys, seriously, be careful with your shoulders because you don't want to end up like me.
  7. No offense to Strader but his vox sound way too smooth for power metal. They lack the grit and fire that a PM singer needs. Don't get me wrong, smooth vox CAN work, Matthias Blad is a sterling example. Maybe you need more reverb on them and stronger compression. The death vocals were better. Mix is decent, drums could have more weight and punch. 3:50 is too abrupt of a transition, you need to smooth it out. Count me in as interested to see where this is going.
  8. Let's be honest. Mario 64, which has been done for eons, won't be released for months yet. This one, maybe by the end of the year.
  9. It certainly answers my question if this project is coming out anytime soon.
  10. The Cid Highwind artwork is really badass.
  11. I wish people would just be honest and say, this doesn't appeal to my tastes. If they must be negative, which let's be honest, is not actually required. These 10 year old tropes about OCR they pull out instead are hilarious. It tells me they either have really bad ears, or potentially are not listening to the tracks at all.
  12. Is the official name of the album "Don't You Dig These Vibes?" I think just "Dig These Vibes" would be shorter, catchier, and more commanding. Dig these vibes, god damn it! Just moi humble opinion.
  13. Mm, I'm still not entirely sure what the difference is between soft clipping and saturation, but I'm a big fan of Massey Tape Head. It gets used in every track I make. The demo version is free and nagless but is mono and doesn't remember settings.
  14. Reversed piano is one of my favorites. Also, you can literally sample any sound, edit it and pile on some fx and make a cool transition element.
  15. If I don't like a remix I just don't say anything. Negativity accomplishes nothing, unless someone specifically asks me for constructive criticism.
  16. I'm hearing a lot of fluttering from compression, makes everything sound squeezed to death. I've noticed this on other of your tracks in the past. A decent limiter on the master bus shouldn't do that, unless you push it way too far.
  17. When? Right now?
  18. You need to stop having such a strict and unfair registration process so new blood can join the community.
  19. Anything Chrono Trigger, I am down like a clown. Sounds like it would be quite a short album, nothing wrong with that. Not sure if I could put myself forward as a co-director, no experience with that, but if you need QA people I wouldn't mind helping there.
  20. This was done for a rapper from this site, but it's been in existence for over a year with little progress from him. Not going to name and shame, but I don't want this song to wither on the vine. I'm not sure it's interesting enough to release as just a beat, I would prefer some vox on top. It could be from Kratos' POV, or not. Instrumental is still a WIP, but developed enough to be fairly well along. Anyone interested? http://www.alchemysticaudio.com/gow_wip.mp3
  21. a "modern" soundtrack I would like to remix is Kirby's Epic Yarn. The production quality is high, but the songs have catchy melodies.
  22. Most of it doesn't appeal to me at all for remixes.
  23. Something that interests me is easier ways to create MIDI chords than drawing them manually. I've been experimenting with custom actions that will take a root note and finish the chord. This makes a major chord. You can make a variant for a minor chord, or any other flavor. The first action is important to make sure that the edit cursor is the right place. What you would do is first draw the root note, then run this action, repeat. I'm thinking key commands might be the quickest. What you can't do with this action is select a group of root notes and automatically chord them all. I'm thinking it would take more work than a custom action can provide, perhaps ReaScript. If you have played around with chord actions and have your own ideas, let me know!
  24. The Melda free EQ is my go-to EQ, by far one of the best/most customizable EQs I've ever used. The resize ability of Melda plugs is great.
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