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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Dylan Wiest
  • Location
  • Occupation
    Music Educator

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  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
    Recording Facilities
    Synthesis & Sound Design
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Acoustic Guitar
    Electric Bass
    Electric Guitar: Rhythm
    Vocals: Male
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (Other)
    Marimba, Timpani, Aux. Percussion

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  1. Hello OCR Forum goers! A bit of an update, recording is done, artwork is done, we are currently mixing/mastering. Expect a launch by late summer/early fall!
  2. Thanks Clem! Definitely seems to be a coloration, I agree! Chrono Trigger no doubt pushed me towards improvised/jazz music, and to eventually directing this album! Keep an eye out for our next album!
  3. Hey Everyone! So life gets in the way of big plans more often then not, but some exciting news for the community! The OC Jazz Collective is WELL into production of this album. We've got your favourite artists and arrangers such as.... @XPRTNovice @DrumUltimA @Bowlerhat @Fratto @JohnStacy @Nostalvania @audio fidelity @Damashii!! @Wiesty Anthony Lofton And more guest arrangers and artists!!! We've currently got 9/10 tracks written and being recorded, from your favorite SNES era video games. Our goal is to have the album out for you by November, 2020!!! Need something to wet your whistle in the meanwhile? If you didn't check it out, here is a track we recorded for the Material Album "Epoch" entitled "How Deep is the Ocean Palace?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOQEGYIuVs8 https://bandcamp.materiacollective.com/track/how-deep-is-the-ocean-palace !!!!!!!More to come!!!!!!!!
  4. Oh boy, some oldies..... Shnabubula Dhsu DrumUltima XPRTNovice
  5. I've been on the Yamaha MSP7s for a few years now. Very nice and transparent monitors to mix on.
  6. [This is an automatically generated message] I've reviewed your remix and have set it to Completed status, indicating that I think your remix is ready to be submitted to the Judges Panel. Congratulations! If you feel like you still need to work on your track and want more feedback, you can change the prefix back to Work-in-Progress and we'll go through the review process again. If you decide to submit your track, please change the prefix to Submitted after sending your email. Thank you!
  7. Hey Chernabogue! Mix seems much more solid! I will say that the lead guitar at 2:24 and 3:25 seem a bit buried now, so those can come up maybe a tad! But now I'm being picky. Rhythm guitar parts seem much more blended. Go ahead and submit!
  8. [This is an automatically generated message] I've reviewed your remix and have returned it to Work-in-Progress status, indicating that I think there are some things you still need to work on. After you work on your track and feel that you'd like some more feedback, please change the prefix back to Ready for Review and I'll review it again! Good luck!
  9. Definitely giving me some Marilyn Manson vibes with the vocals here! Interesting take on already dark sounding source! Eval: Nice work exploring the material and keeping the original mood! I like the guitar loop. It gives everything a heavy feel, and is an interesting take on the original bass line. The breakdown sections are nice and provide a bit of a relief from the onslaught of heavy distortion and drums, A few sections feel a little long to me. For example at 3:47-4:28 we get that one phrase repeated many, many times without much variation. This can really start to cause listener fatigue. I would recommend shortening sections like these, or adding in new colours or variations sooner to keep momentum moving forward. After a few listens I still couldn't hear variations on the final section of the source (the part that goes into the weird time signature, 7/8 maybe?). You don't have to include ALL of the source material, but it would definitely help from keeping things from going stale. Production wise it mostly sits well with me. I think the stereo spread could use some work. It sounded like there was a huge build up of instruments in the center with the sides being mostly drums. This can make for a weird mix. I noticed it less as I listened, so either my ears are getting fatigued or its not a big deal. I'd take a look at it for sure though. This is damn close and I think it would stand a pretty good chance on the panel, but those are some things I think they might take issue with so I'd have a look at them before you submit!
  10. Just putting the word out that this is NOT DEAD.....Wheels are turning.
  11. Haha Mag and texas are both so far for us Canadians
  12. I enjoy popping in on this thread from time to time to see how it's progressing. I was a young lad....probably about 15 when I asked Usa to do a track on this album. Knew nothing about remixing at the time. I'm 26 now and this project is the last stronghold of my childhood on OcRemix
  13. Thanks for the kind words Wolflord! We hope to provide some more music in the not to distant future! Glad to see this album still getting some love!
  14. Hey Chernabogue! Eval Very chill and relaxing mix, and you've definitely done a lot with the source material which is great. In terms of mix it's pretty transparent which is nice. I would say that the guitar is VERY forward in the mix compared with everything else. We get a ton of reverb on the drums/percussion and even the keys are back a bit. The guitar sounds like its out of place so putting some more reverb/automation on this would go a long away in solidifying the mix. This is especially noticeable when the organ takes the lead at 1:12. It also (on my setup) seems a bit lacking in bass so I would do some EQing there to have the bass sit lower in the mix and provide some more energy on the low end. A plug in like Waves RBass would go a long way in this mix. Compositionally this is nice, yet a bit directionless at times. I get what you're going for as this is a pretty chill mix, but there are a few vamp sections without melody such as 2:04 and 3:06 which sound a bit empty. It's hard to distinguish whether the guitar or organ is the interest point here as they are both kind of providing rhythmic ideas. I don't think these sections are bad, but they definitely just seemed a bit empty to me and I would maybe throw some other things in there to keep the momentum building. This isn't the type of song that seems to build in volume to intensify, but you can definitely keep the instrument layers building to keep intensity all the way to the end. This isn't far off, but those are some things which might go against it on the panel so I would have a look at those before you submit!
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