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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. Second half of track 5 from http://vgmdb.net/album/394
  2. :16 was the backing pattern to the SMB3 underwater music, not Toad's House. :37-:55 was indeed the first 7 notes of that source melody of that same theme stretched out. SMB3's my favorite game, and I know the music like the back of my hand, so I'm actually going to co-sign on Cain's detailed breakdown. He knows what he's talking about. That said, even though I heard the connections, I can also understand BGC concluding the arrangement isn't recognizable enough. I've passed some VERY liberal track where I've made the A-to-B connections, but given very scant melodies & patterns being worked with, I thought the transformation was too drastic. The usage of the backing pattern of the SMB3 Underwater BGM, which was the arrangement's foundation, was incredibly devoid of energy. If it wasn't for the rhythm being similar, I wouldn't even recognized it as source usage, and even now I'm on the fence, because it manages to strip the character of the original to where it now just sounds like a generic beat pattern. Side note, the light usage of the Toad's House music from 3:40-3:50 was totally pointless. The production was also too cluttered & imbalanced. I also thought the arrangement, as far as the overall writing just was not that interesting to merit 4 minutes. On that level, I don't feel like we heard the same track at all. I'd lop off the first 1:16 or give it more direction. If the arrangement were less drawn out and reworked to pay more overt homage to the sources, and the sounds balance was tweaked, this could hang. Sorry, Marcellis, I hate to be a downer on your material; there's potential with the idea, I like the Mario 64 arrangement stuff and when the SMB3 Underwater theme was more overtly recognizable later on, I liked the ideas. But everything lacking here makes this a non-starter. NO (resubmit)
  3. It's just a placeholder. If you don't put a date, then it would consider the release as in the past (since it's now Oct. '09) rather than upcoming. It's a quirk.
  4. Not a priority, but a breakdown of arrangers vs. performers vs. lyricists (if applicable) on a per track basis would be helpful for VGMdb: http://vgmdb.net/album/15579
  5. http://twitter.com/ocremix/status/4498576242
  6. This is for a Twitter fan: She thought it was from OCR, and it was made sometime at or before 2005. Feel free to double-check our stuff, but it could have been from VGMix. Thanks for anyone that can help. EDIT: She says it's definitely not an OC ReMix, so VGMix or Newgrounds are the best bets to look at. Let's keep looking!
  7. zircon's right on how to pronounce McVaffe. He should be, because he got it from me, and I got it from Mike. Also halc is pronounced like Hal C. It's short for his old handle, halcyon. I've gotten that wrong before.
  8. T. Hawk! Definitely looking forward to this one.
  9. From Twitter: http://twitter.com/Kaznasty/statuses/4340429362 http://www.zshare.net/audio/66051019d40f30f4/ You guys know? Whoever answers correctly gets pimped, of course.
  10. This is a super low priority. We have lives and other stuff to work on, so I catch up on this when I have time. So, no, it's just me working on it. Later on, I'll catch up as I always do.
  11. January or February 2002 from a friend's recommendation.
  12. Definite Attendees: Tentative: ---------------------------
  13. Yo Joe, I'm really happy for you, even though you didn't finish... but Bound Together was one of the best projects of ALL TIME! One of the best projects of ALL TIME! [shrugs] [hands the mic back over] [/Kanye'd] (I'mma check it out, loved OA's track, so the rest will be strong.)
  14. I don't think it's a big deal. Using OC ReMixes as hold music is non-profit usage. Hell, if you want, I'll record a brief ID statement for you.
  15. Congrats, Karl! Now leave my lady alone! (Kik BGCzirckon.)
  16. You have to manually grab 'em, or get a torrent client like Vuze that can handle partial downloads. Also, try everything else. I made the same mistake you're making when I found the site.
  17. M is for Mega Man 1 & 2 and its composer Manami Matsumae
  18. Moot point. I'll bet a buck Dave does #2000. He did #1000, and OCR's his baby, so it makes sense. But for OC ReMix #2001 (A Space Odyssey), maybe this isn't a bad idea. EDIT: If someone somehow pulls off a successful Magnavox Odyssey mix, they win by default. I'll also settle for an Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee mix.
  19. Nope, not yet. We'll shoot for either OCR01950 or OCR02000 for that; I still need official album art to embed and Dave needs to check over the tags to make sure we're not missing anything he thinks should be there. But it'll happen down the line.
  20. Removed the lyrics from the sub letter. Mine are more accurate anyway and embedded in the file. If we're bumping up to the 8MB limit, we may want to hold off on a 6MB version. IMO, let's just judge what's in front of us and then worry about the encoding. And I realize it's a more pertinent issue than usual, but let's keep it moving. I always post subs over 6MB because we need to judge the music.
  21. No, the Vectorman ReMix made him realize the site was more diverse. We have ReMixes from over 550 games because they're not all from the super popular franchises. We've always been diverse, you just didn't pay attention. In other news, OC ReMix is completely biased toward or against trance, depending on who you ask.
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