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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. "And next up on VG Frequency, we've got Tweek with a new one..."TEEM.FUKKIT", ladies and gentlemen..."
  2. Ha, that N.O. is definitely confirmed! I didn't have time to listen to the source on this one. Shows how much Tomb Raider I've played. But yeah, what TO said. Everything about this is a weak cover plus beats. All of the other sounds you used are similar to the original, only inferior. Read up on our Submission Standards.
  3. It's the same song, yes. Mixes can only be classified under one game. If the source tune is indeed part of the claimed soundtrack, we generally go by whatever game the artist says it's inspired from. DHS submitted is as a Human Race mix, so that's the game classification it received.
  4. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=2360
  5. My bad, I threw up CHIPP's comments and the link to his new version and didn't say anything about whether my vote had changed. I know James wanted to preserve the dynamic contrast of the piece, but I thought things were too quiet in terms of the leads, and that the levels could have been boosted/compressed even more in light of the overall volume. The drums mostly had the power here. Nonetheless, James created a nice intimate soundscape and the volume refinements here definitely carried it over the line now and made the sequencing sound stronger. Nice work, y'all. YES
  6. Hello, * Your ReMixer name : Kanar * Your real name : Léo Mathieu, Yann van der Cruyssen * Your email address : corneliuskanar@hotmail.fr * Your website : www.nurykabe.com * Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile : 75615811 ? * Name of game(s) ReMixed : Faxanadu * Name of individual song(s) ReMixed : 'faxanadu overworld' ? * Additional information about game : original composer : Jun Chikuma Thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://www.zophar.net/nsf/faxanadu.zip - Track 9 Minimal, brittle almost, but a very nice take. The bass writing was a hidden gem. Picked up a bit at :24 with some added percussion, then a change in the textures at :38 with various bells and whistles. Track still felt pretty empty though, and the sound quality was inconsistant depending on the part, with the organic stuff sounding distant and the electronic stuff sounding really clean. You need a real ending too; what's in place now is a weak resolution. Overall, I'd love to give it the pass, as it does a great job of personalizing the arrangement though retaining the tempo and structure of the original. Something this brief needs even more personalization in lieu of length and development. If you're not going to build horizontally, build vertically. If this doesn't pass, RESUBMIT THIS! Really cool so far. NO (rework/resubmit)
  7. Nutritious Justin Medford NutritiousMultimedia@gmail.com 16520 Cave Story Final Battle OST: Remix: The inspiration from this mix is from the Last Battle music from Cave Story. I could see lots of potential in the original as soon as I heard it during the fight with Ballos. I've wanted to remix it for quite some time, but I'd always envisioned it with electric guitar playing the lead (which I can't play). Recently, I began working on a music project with a good friend of mine, Lindsey Phillips, who's a professional musician and an excellent guitar player. He offered to record the guitar tracks once I had the song arranged. I arranged the song and guitar tracks and he literally learned the parts and recorded them within about an hour and a half. I spent the next few weeks mixing and mastering the track and getting feedback in WIP. I'd like to thank DrumUltima for all the help with the drums and other parts of the song; he helped a huge amount with feedback and great ideas. EDIT (7/28): Justin sent me a version with some production changes. Link is the same. Here are his notes: I've uploaded a new version of showdown at the same link. Hopefully I've gotten the clutter under control. Here's what I adjusted: Middle section: This area wasn't as bad as the end I don't think, but some of the sounds were getting covered up. -I dropped the backing strings a little -Drums drop in volume just a tad -Dropped guitar volume slightly -Slightly raised stabbing strings, though they're just supposed to sit in the background and give texture to the legato strings until they come out during the transition between the two dueling guitar parts Later section: -Dropped legato strings somewhat, tried to leave them high enough so track didn't sound empty though -Raised up stabbing strings so they're more prominent and moved them so they're now on the melody instead of echoing the melody (since the guitars are no longer on the melody) -Dropped both guitars a little and panned them a bit more to spread out the sounds. -Took out the french horn part here because it's taking too much of the sound stage and its part is mirrored in the legato strings anyway I must've made 4 or 5 different renders trying to get it sounding right, so hopefully it's on target now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cave Story (Game Rip) - 31 "Final Battle" Interesting string intro. It goes on a little long, but don't change it. It was a nice build and kept me wondering what ideas were going to come next. Lindsey's guitar at :41 got grating, plus the panning on it seemed too wide. The timing on the performance was also a little off compared to the drum patterns and needs to be smoothed out. :53-1:16 was pretty cluttered. The drums were no good. Sorry, but the patterns were vanilla and the tone on 'em was weak. They need to drive this one along and fill out the space, and right now that ain't happening. Your drum writing needs to be more interesting and progressive. The string stabs at 2:17 were a bit odd in terms of the notes; could be just me. 2:40-3:04, the sounds mudded together indistinctly. Good ideas here, Justin, and you're further along than a lot of other submitters, but the bolts and screws needs to be tightened. NO (rework/resubmit)
  8. title: Go Blow Snow For a Year source music: "Prologue" from Snow Bros. (NES) by: housethegrate email: housethegrate@gmail.com website: www.housethegrate.com This song was inspired by Chromelodeon, particularly some of their Ninja Gaiden 2 stuff. I did it shortly after seeing their last show in Philadelphia. "Blow Snow" is my humble tribute to a brilliant band. ------------------------------------------------------------------ http://www.zophar.net/nsf/snowbros.zip - Track 11 Thanks to Alex for clarifying the source tune usage. The only reason I paneled this was rather than go for direct post was because I wasn't making out the extent of the source connections initially. I didn't want this track put up and then panned because fans didn't get the connections to the original. I wasn't recognizing it offhand when I first listened, so I went with my gut to panel this and make sure things were clear. The track is excellently put together. Most of the relevant stuff has to do with :00-:25 of the source, which can be isolated to the Square 1 and 2 channels of the NSF, as well as the Triangle. I checked them out in every combination, so let's go for the breakdown. House had a really nice intro that feels very straightforward, but turns out basically original aside from the 3 note riffs (e.g. :14, :21, :29, :32, :36, :40, :43, :47, etc.) It had the same "feel" as the original and fits over it like a glove, but doesn't incorporate any of the actual source melody except for that brief note pattern. The glassy sounds starting at :44 were a similar feel to the melody of the original, but weren't structured in a similar enough way to the melody, which was more noticeable when you actually heard it play alongside the melody at 1:27. 1:27 was where the source tune, :00-:25 of the NSF, truly (and finally!) showed up, used as the foundation of the track via the keyboard. 1:53-2:03 arranged :25-:34 of the source tune. 2:03 went for an original chiptune section with the source tune quietly playing in the background via the bassline, which could have been more audible. 2:30-2:39 more liberally arranged :25-:34 of the source tune. house then went into really nice variations of the source on the piano and guitar from 2:53-3:22, before amping things up with a last variation of the source theme from 3:22-3:59 heading to the finish. By my calculations, which I can keep to myself for now, this makes it past my 50% threshold for viable arrangement. Again, it's not just about adding original material that fits together seamlessly with the original, it's also about referring back to the original itself with the arrangement ideas. The 1:26-long intro being so liberal was basically what put this in "danger", as it was smooth sailing after that. Great job as usual, Alex. Very polished, dynamic arrangement, and definitely a great tribute to Chromelodeon. Can't wait for your next one. YES
  9. weed noted at VGMix that the cutoff is intentional.
  10. Contact info is here: http://www.ocremix.org/remixer/chrisabbott/
  11. Gecko and Nutritious summed up why we explicitly don't classify by genre. It limits listenership and it's also hard to do in the first place. You can make a separate thread if you're looking for some suggestions by a specific genre, which will at least be more of a discussion (and will also eventually go away LISTEN TO ANY OC REMIX. DON'T END UP AVOIDING SOMETHING YOU'LL LIKE BECAUSE YOU WERE TOO SCARED OR STUBBORN TO LISTEN TO IT. Form an opinion based on what the track sounds like, not on what you THINK it would sound like. Use the Ormgas.com official OCR radio webstream to sample different mixes with 0 effort from yourself.
  12. Nice "Nice work!" by Polo. Haunting in its Photoshoppery. Dave blackmailed me into responding to his birthday party eVite, by holding an arrangement CD of mine hostage. For this, there will always be antimosity between us. May you grow even OLDER day by day, David Lloyd!
  13. The trio Pastiche did the vocals for Sonic CD (US).
  14. Is anyone knowledgeable on why the Rise of the Star and Blood on the Asphalt torrents aren't transferring data depsite the seeders and leechers involved? These need to be fixed/reset/whatever, as the download completed # for both hasn't moved for months, and it's obvious people are trying to obtain the files.
  15. That's how you popularize the shirt. In my case, I've had one guy recognize the shirt a few months ago when I worked at Borders. (I can reed!) The bro's name was Omar and he was in town for his brother's graduation. He knew a lot more than the average fan, especially for a lurker. DarkeSword was his favorite ReMixer, and he even knew Shariq's name and pronounced it correctly. Say what?!? He was also in disbelief when I told him djp lived in Northen Virginia, since that meant he was close by. But yeah, he was definitely very cool and I gave him the inside track on what mixes were coming up. Two days later, I got my paralegal job, and I definitely can't complain. ($) I walk past a GameStop every day going to and from the Metro, but I've never gone in. Something about not being a gamer. But one day I'll drop by with the shirt and spread the gospel. I've never seen anyone else besides me fly the colors outside the obvious contexts of conventions/meetups/etc.
  16. In focus smashing the guitar, or it didn't happen.
  17. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YEAH! You olllllld. It all goes downhill from there!
  18. It's ReCapitated! But wait! someone no likey!!! [GASP]
  19. As soon as I found out about this, I'm like "NOW I know what he was talking about." Excellent work. I pimp you on blog.
  20. Free judgy feedback for any contest entrant if you PM me before the entry deadline. To be conservative with my time, don't hit me with any WIPs. Give me what you intend to be the finished product.
  21. bustatunez has some good news he can finally reveal. You can congratulate him here. Otakon thoughts will be later this week! Thanks for reading and commenting.
  22. djp expressed concerns on the level of arrangement as well early last week. He recommended waiting for Villianelle to be able to provide a more detailed description of the connections. Since Leah is ok with delaying a final judgement until she can get back to us with specifics rather than her own memory (because she hasn't touched the song for months), djp will hold off until she can clarify with a direct listen and timestamps. In the meantime, I'll definitely look back on this as well when I have more time, based on Leah's previous notes. If any other NOs that hinged any of their opinion on arrangement could chime in, that would be great.
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