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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. Aight, since Larry hasn't updated the list of people going, I'll just do it here: Liontamer prophetik Brushfire ladyWildfire + 2-5 friends Flik (?) BardicKnowledge + Addie Monobrow + Prot Level 99 + Vilecat + 3 friends LuketheXmagfestattendee Amphibious Tensei Darangen (maybe) Josh Whelchel big giant circles Brandon Strader KyleJCrb Cerrax Sindra Abadoss Capa Langley Arek the Absolute Arrow Moguta Kizyr + Jenner Gario joe_cam Damonz + Kun Jade + bLiNd (maybe?) Global-Trance Meteo Xavier Bahamut DrumUltimA Modus + Brother (maybe) Theory of Nonexistence + friends Geoffrey Taucer AudioFidelity (?) The Pezman Beatdrop jmr Danimal Cannon OA + DragonAvenger sephfire Mustin MaxFrost (aka MaxFront) + wife q-pa + guest FFMusicDJ Palpable diotrans nonsensicalexis superjoe30 Obtuse fusion2004 GENTLEMEN + LAYDAYS IF YOU STILL ARE LOOKING FOR ROOMIES OR A ROOM, SAY SO.
  2. Not sure how possible that's going to be, considering since then she'd have to get permission from each artist to release their WIPs. You might have better luck going to the artists themselves asking them for any WIPs AFTER the album is out anyway. Some musicians feel uncomfortable releasing unfinished or scratch work. Also this release will have FLACs. Those are just as good as WAVs.
  3. There's no way we're releasing today, so don't EVEN THINK ABOUT IT. However...wait, MIKE SAINT-JULES?! SERIOUSLY!?!?!?!
  4. Y'all calm down, y'here? We have a staff meeting this Wednedsay. This will all be brought up then. Keep it civil until then. And no, albums wont stop being released, and no, mixposts wont stop happening outside of albums. There's plenty to go around for everyone, and people will listen to what they want to in the end. Really there is a lot of overreacting going on now. And Rozo, Mokram's answering specific statements which is contributing to the thread. There is no harm there.
  5. YOU STOP THAT SPECULATION RIGHT NOW. Otherwise Jade's gonna steal Christmas.
  6. That's like me telling you to spend less time with your three kids and moar time judging.
  7. Just a quick update. Since we're currently running a little short on workshop mods, please allow a little extra time for us to get to your Mod Reviews. We're currently working to remedy the situation ASAP, so consider this only a temporary status. Keep up all the good work, folks!
  8. Updated totals: User Reviews: 209 * 50 = 10450 OA Reviews: 18 * 50 = 900 21000 - 10450 + 900 = 11450 COME ON! He's almost down to half health! That's where he reveals his true form: a giant shaved head on top of a seriously looking cat head that shoots lasers from its eyes. "I’m H A P P Y . . ."
  9. Gotten drunk and passed out in any good bathtubs lately?

  10. Quite obviously I was getting fat and tatooed with Danny DeVito eating a gigantic Ham. You know, normal stuff for a Saturday night.

  11. And you're totally one of them. I recently heard about Whitaker when I wanted to find out who did the soundtrack to Super Stick Golf. I'm definitely going to give this a listen whenever I get home. Pretty awesome because of how much extra material he included in this release.
  12. http://wblackall.bandcamp.com/album/super-stick-golf-original-soundtrack Really fun game for iOS that is like NBA Jam (powerups) meets Worms (perspective/style) and is about golf. The soundtrack for the new levels in this version is really really good. I'd love to hear any of them done, but The Woods and Double Rainbow stand out. Major challenge to anyone: do something with Moon Base (its in 7/4).
  13. Don't forget about Unsung Heroes. That's basically a description of the entire project is underrepresented RPG game musics. So there's two separate issues then: regular mixposts vs. album mixposts, and not having enough mixposts from obscure games. The latter is always an issue but people will inevitably remix what they want. There will always be more folks remixing Mega Man 2 and FFVII than there will be DarXide, Rad Racer II, or Stunt Race FX. AND we have PRC for that stuff as well, which I fully support because it challenges people to work with things they might not have heard otherwise. DJP's idea is a good one as well.
  14. http://www.8bitx.com/OCAD/?p=821 OCAfterDark - Episode 80 - Michael Jackson's International Steak House OCAfterDark - Episode 81 - Silent Hill Gokart Asylum We also have a new timeslot at 7 PM EST Sunday nights. AN HOUR EARLIER FUCK YEAH.
  15. You can absolutely change the title of any thread. When you see the forum the thread is in, double click any empty area in the title block area. It should become editable after about a second. Alternatively, you can click edit -> advanced on the 1st post and change the title there.
  16. I'm quoting from staffchat earlier: So apparently...it's happening. realx
  17. My absolute favorite track from the entire BadAss album. This one is just...so good. It's basically cinematic orchestra for a Mega Man movie that doesn't exist but should.
  18. Fine, I changed it to hopefully make you happier Edit: No, it didn't. Now its 11. No, that's the amount of people who stuffed money down my shirt during panels.
  19. OCR was formed on December 11th, 1999. In a few day, the ol' girl turns 12 years old. I thought that I was blown away by how awesome the 10th year anniversary festivities were. I'm now looking back on this past year and can't help but think HOLY SHIT did a lot of stuff happen. So I'm thanking everyone who's taken part, be it as staff, musician, artist, videographer, forum member, listener, or whatever. This community exists and grows because of you all and it wouldn't be the same if even one of you weren't involved. Here's some statistics I could pull together for you all to mull over. From 12/5/10 to 12/6/11: Mixes posted: 200 New artists posted: 60 Albums posted: 11 Conventions attended: 6 New forum members: 2493 ReMixes with at least 1 more review: 1004 Original Albums released: 2 New Staff Members: 3 New Judges: 3 Amount of money shoved down my shirt during panels: ~$114 Hammer sandwiches eaten by Larry: 0 Notable accomplishments: Switched IRC networks (for less banning and great justice) December is Reviews month started OCR's 20th & 30th Album posted within a year of each other First PSP remix posted First Sega Pico remix posted OCR Live! formed, performances at 4 conventions (3 if you don't count the Brits. TAKE THAT!) Considerable progress has been made towards the next forum revision (we swear blogs will eventually exist) $7514 raised during Support OCR Month alone! OCR youtube account suspended and brought back in less than a week Interviewed Nobuo Uematsu at Distant Worlds Chipamp updated for the first time since the invention of sliced bread Inbox Queue burned through to within a month of submission. Judges and Workshop Mods struggling to keep up. OCR's FIRST international panel at the UK London Gaming Con. I'll be adding to this list as people give more noteworthy things. A special thanks to all staff members for making this one of the most productive years ever. Though a lot of the work is invisible, you can not be thanked enough for your tireless efforts. *sniff* I love you guys (and gals)
  20. Whenever pu_freak gets me the organs for the track we were supposed to do for the first volume
  21. You can be sure by going back to the download site and seeing which one you clicked. The one with the executable is called the "binary" version. This has many alternative names throughout the dev community: compiled, executable, release, etc. The other version is the source code, which is basically the raw programming used to create the executable and dependent files. Due to how computers are designed, many languages do not allow direct code execution on a CPU. They are High Level Languages, and computers only understand machine code (this is probably not 100% correct but for sake of our purpose, consider it so). So source code is for people to tinker and make changes on their own and then compile it, which ain't what yer doing!
  22. Two words: Summer Air http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-Lu9z0x7mI
  23. Make sure you didn't get one of the SRC downloads by mistake. Edit: I love you forever
  24. You stole my Stevobomb and I want it back! That or British Cuisine!

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