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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. SPELL MY NAME RIGHT! There's a space inbetween Level and 99...this is a crime against humanity to get my name wrong. This episode made my sides hurt.
  2. Hmm....so this is what all those Limers are talking about, a limey project about limes...run by a guy named lemon. Ironic.
  3. Can we get an update on the pre-MAG and post-MAG activities, such as the LAN party and the BBQ? Also, Cerrax, BRING MORE GLOWSTICKS THIS YEAR! Or tell me where to get them and I'll go buy some, maybe.
  4. Oh yes, the secret is so delicious that, compared to the secret, fudge stripe cookies taste like dirt. :<NOMS ON TEH SECRET
  5. Yeah, I've gotta figure out how to play the song then wiggle some kind of recording time into a day, will have as soon as I can take it on.
  6. The secret was already revealed: it was Bananas x25 Edit: Also, GTaucer, got about 1/4 of the way through ukeke...holy crap dude, my sides hurt from laughter.
  7. *eagerly awaits the "titsorgtfo" line...* .....SOMEONE SAY IT, DAMNIT!
  8. Wow, that's so emo, passive-aggressive, and so many other things. Umm and happy birthday, I guess.
  9. I don't know if this was brought up yet or not, but besides all the changes that have been made, I noticed something that might be something to consider down-the-road. (This was also something that could have applied before the redesign, but since you're taking feedback, here is as good a place as any to pitch it) For people involved in projects or administration, the tags for their involvement are particularly long. If someone directs/co-directs/co-assistant directs/etc. more than two or three projects, that line is going to go past the row end and wrap around (?). Maybe something like a badge system can be implemented: a badge with an image associated with the project or role, rollover text indicating the association, and it is also a link to the project thread/site. It could possibly save a good chunk of real-estate, and would be less text to crowd the eyes. Just a suggestion! Edit: Also, really liking the redesign. Probably should have mentioned that, heh.
  10. You're tempting fate with this statement, good sir... I'd like to ask, for all your professional sound-people involved in OCR in any way, to also list the sound banks/programs/hamsters that you've created or are involved with. It'd make a great holiday gift in more ways than one to purchase a synth made by someone in our community for another aspiring musician, whether they're involved in OCR or not. Edit: I know I'm taking the "OCR-related" motif a little liberally with my suggestion, but I think it's appropriate. Tell me if you feel otherwise!
  11. Thanks for the feedback, folks. This has definitely been sitting in my to-do box since before the flood of recent projects, and it kind-of got lost in the bulk of things until I got most of my WIPs out of the way. I've never attempted a stereo-mic'd acoustic recording before, mainly for the reason that I don't have two identical mics and I'm not in the best room for recording but I see what's being said, and it would probably only be that much more noticable on a mix with a lesser number of acoustic guitars. The next version will more-than-likely be the final, unless I receive some really big complaints about something I've added. Should get the re-records done soon, probably by middle November at the latest (I really need to start working on a "finish this song before starting another song approach" again). You guys are all awesome. Wave-o'-babies awesome. Hocking the final version of this atcha soon!
  12. ACK! XKCD!....the star background animation, the code, the broken jpgs, the cheesy gifs, the default font abuse, and under construction....brings a tear to my eye. *sniffle* WHERE WILL I HAMSTERDANCE NOW?!?
  13. Happy Birthday to the man who put everyone in the breakdance circle at the MAG7 DJset to shame. Your skills with Capoeira, as well as remixing, are tops. Have an awesome-tastic day.
  14. Do the liontamer!!!!

  15. I have no idea if your name means something or not in any given language, but I do know two things: 1) I like your musics 2) it's your birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ROZO! May your beard grow like the mighty oak.
  16. Oh my goodness, how did we almost-nail the BPMs of the original version so well? That video is seriously awesome of drunktales....and I can't wait for debeerguy007's final cut of the video. I am indeed excited...and a bit scared.
  17. Yeah, it's nearly done, I just need to find some more spots for guitar layering for a little added pizazz, and writing an ending, and it should be good to go. I'm more concerned with the mixing and mastering than the performance, which I know has one or two little guitar f-up's, but that's easier for me to fix than shoddy production.
  18. Newest version of WIP, completely redone guitars and temps, much better production-wise I'd say. Ready for your feedback, and probably almost ready for submission, I just need an ending and to clean up some of the sections: Clicky!
  19. Change of plans: Xenogears: Humans + Gears listening party is in #ocrwip. SO HEAD THERE! 7 PM EST
  20. I'm posting it in here just in case people missed the main thread. There's a listening party tonight at around 7 PM EST, all info can be found here. Hope to see you all there!
  21. *pokes with a stick*

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